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I dont! I get pressure, And If someone can help me with this, Usually after my period my private area itches on the inside it itches bad and I cant sleep cause of the itching!
Same here. I wonder why...

I dont! I get pressure, And If someone can help me with this, Usually after my period my private area itches on the inside it itches bad and I cant sleep cause of the itching!
Internal itching can be a result of a few different things:

1. Dryness (a lack of lubrication) - if you have ever had dry eyes then you know that they are always itchy. What is meant to be moist often becomes itchy when dry. This is because of friction and rubbing. Vaginal lubrication is at its lowest towards the end and just after your period.

2. Infection - things such as yeast infection can cause irriation which in turn causes itching.

3. Allergic reaction - Some women are mildy allergic to some materials in pads and tampons which can causes a degree of itchiness. Scented pads and tampons are particularly prone to causing allergic reaction because of the perfumes. Generally, the vagina isn't designed to attacked by chemicals so it doesn't respond well to perfume. Allergies to the material can be conquered by seeking out "hypoallergenic" products which are particularly designed for people with sensitive skin.

4. Abrasion - General irriation from abrasion if you have a sensitive vagina can also occur when using tampons.

And as I said before:

Depends on the frequency or severity of the problem.  A little itching is fine... everywhere gets itchy sometimes!  You have to determine what is normal for you and what is not.  If you are not sexually active and don't have problems with off-coloured (for you), smelling discharge then it is unlikely to be a serious problem.  If you do have problems with discharge then it may be an indicator of a yeast infection amongst other diseases (particularly if you are also sexually active).

Remember, you reproductive health is important so if you are concerned even though you think that it shouldn't be serious it is always a good idea to consult your doctor.

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right now i have a really bad pain in my lower stomach. i didn't have my period yet. so what dose this mean?
Most first periods generally do not start with intense pain..more discomfort.

Pain in your belly could be one of many things:

  • An upset in your stomach or intestines (impending diarrhoea)
  • Gas - wind causes your intestines to swell which is extraordinarily painful
  • Apendicities - particularly if the pain is right on your navel or below it on the right side. This kind of pain tends to last for a very long time and gets worse and worse and is usually accompanies by a fever.
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease - a condition where sections of the bowel become eroded and ulcerated.
  • Perforated bowel - where the intestines get a hole in it and causes a massive infection
  • Cysts or tumours in the bowel, uterus or ovaries.

For your age your age it is more likely to gas or a belly upset. If the pain is persistant you may be looking appendicitis.

Having said that I wouldn't completely rule out onset of menstruation but it is not common for it to be intensely painful on your very first time before you start to bleed.

All i get is very little Pressure like some one punched my bladder scar (opperation on my bladder years ago)

[SIZE=8pt]Period talk, how fun![/SIZE]

I've had mine for a while now and it really hurts! =D

I'm not trying to scare all the little kids, but my cramps are really bad.

Last time I got my period it hurt so bad I threw up twice and passed out.


Most of the time u get it depending on how "developed" you r.

My gurl friend got it wen she was in gr 5, but she was super developed.

I've been having it for a while now, a little bit longer than a year.

I got it on May 4, 2005, just days before my birthday.

I don't want to get personal, so that is all I'll say.

Whats a period (Sorry im only 8)WHAT!! I AM A GURL!!!
When a female reaches a certain stage of puberty she will start what is called menstruation or what is more commonly know as a period. It is a monthly discharge of blood from the vagina. The blood comes from the uterus where it is initially there to prepare for the fertilization of an egg to make a baby. When that doesn't happen, the blood is shed and a fresh layer develops. The shedding of the blood is a period.

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