Global Warming.


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
What is your opinion on global warming? I think its just a huge con. Through out history there have been heaps of really warm patches and cold patches I think its just another phase.

I'd love to here your opinions.

Global warming- said to be so extreme. i think ti is a exxageration

No! It is not an exageration or a con. It is totally real. You guys probably don't live in a hot place. I live in Australia and it has got hotter lately. The big bushfires have started a month early and we have only just entered Spring.

It is a serious issue! Scientists would never exagerate something, ever. They tell us the truth. Why would they lie to us about such an important issue?

If you want to see some REAL inforomation that is no con, click here to see what global warming is doing to Australia.

I don't know what to believe, at first I thought it was a phase, then I was all obsessed with it and never wanted to ride in a car, but now I don't know.

Turning off lights can help, and walking to places that are close to you is better as well, but it's hard to say if it's going to take over the world, so personally I want to be on the safe side.

After listening to some random school teacher lecture us about it on some R.E trip last year, personally I never want to hear about it again. xD

I can honestly say that I find it hard to care about this.


I really Don't Care About Global Warming

As Far as i See it, Nothing Lasts Forever. Everything Dies Eventually. And Theres Probably no way to "stop" Global Warming.

And Heck, Look at that Live Earth thing. Thousands of People from like , all over probably used their Vehicles, To Drive to where-ever it was taken place (Vehicles, Supposedly Pollute the Air)

Animals Will go Extinct Anyway

Tree's will Burn down/Die Anyway

Fires Will Start.

And As for Climate Change and all that. Well, I'd get used to it. If its usually cold where i live, I'd Adapt somehow. I'd Buy a Winter Coat and Stuff. If it Suddenly went hot, I'd buy Sunscreen, Sunglasses, Shorts and a tanktop.

Everything in Life has a Purpose, That Purpose is to Live their Life Fully. When Their Time is up. I guess its time to go.

Not Everyone wants to Use their Vehicles less often. If they Pollute the Air So much. Then Stop Driving them if you're so obessed

Not everyone Turns The lights off in their house as soon as they leave a Room. It'd Be a waste of time to Leave one room, Go to another to check on something, or to the bathroom. Take like 5 minutes in there, And come back to the previous room. Why not just leave the light on?

If Global Warming Did happen to End. The World Would basically be nothing. More of Society Would die Without Global warming, Then what they would With Global Warming.

Wewh. Thats my opinion on Global Warming. I dunno how many people i know in real life who have dissagreed. But theres alot

I don't believe a word of it.

As for the argument, 'Why would scientists lie about this?'

Why would the American government keep information about 9/11 from us?

Why would they censor our programs so that we can't see the truth of what's happening during our war?

Why do people push religion as fact?

Why does ANYONE lie?

Because they want people to believe their opinion on a matter and live in fear of it and it's consequences. Nothing about global warming is proven fact, and until it is, I refuse to believe anything about it.

I think some of you already know some of opinions I have about this subject...

Global warming= Armagedon.

Armagedon= Stated in the bible, that Jesus predicted it was the end of the world. Due to global warming, the ice things at the north pole will melt, sink down..and the whole earth will be covered with water. End of.

Yes, i recycle, i try to help the world. Do this now, so that you canprevent things in the future.

I believe that Global Warming is affected by Today's technology, and it's something that we have the power to stop, no matter how long it takes. My opinion is to not blame it on George Bush, as we are responsible by ourselves for things such as littering, recycling, and saving electricity. We all should take duty and try to stop Global Warming.

I think most of its George Bushes fault Okay, you know what? Even if you don't like him, he had nothing to do with it. Respect the president of your country and the leaders of other countries. Even if you don't like him, respect him. It's people that don't respect their leaders or their own country that are disgracing our country, not our president.

I do believe in global warming. Yes, it is getting hotter and the tempertures are getting higher. Even if you think that there are just hot patches throughout history (which there are), then you still realize that the weather has been kind of screwy lately, right? Whether or not it's our fault (I think it is partially our fault, but also partially just the natural environment), it is still happening.
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I believe that Global Warming is affected by Today's technology, and it's something that we have the power to stop, no matter how long it takes. My opinion is to not blame it on George Bush, as we are responsible by ourselves for things such as littering, recycling, and saving electricity. We all should take duty and try to stop Global Warming.
I agree with every last word you said.

I think Global Warming is very real, but I also think that scientists will develop a way to stop it. A lot of things, such as the whole bird flu thing, are things that I have deemed as bogus. But I think this is really real. Still, I think it can be controlled and perhaps reversed some day. Call me crazy, but that's what I think.

Honestly, I could care less about global warming. If it does kill the earth (somehow), I know I won't be alive when it does. There's nothing we can do about global warming, so I tend to never think about it. My life has gone perfectly fine with global warming happening so it's nothing that would effect my life right now.


Honestly, I could care less about global warming. If it does kill the earth (somehow), I know I won't be alive when it does. There's nothing we can do about global warming, so I tend to never think about it. My life has gone perfectly fine with global warming happening so it's nothing that would effect my life right now.
BUT what about your kids and your grandchildren? They will be alive when global warming really starts.

Think about what has happened lately. Have there been longer and more droughts? Yes. Have there been worse and more floods? Yes.

Imagine how bad it will be in 100 years from now.

Right now in Australia, some parts of the country are at level 6 water restrictions because of the drought which was caused by global warming. They will be going into level 7 soon, which is bad. Right now they can't wash their cars, can't water gardens, you get it now?


MY advice: never post a topic about global warming. But you did, which is why I'm going to reply.

Global warming is not an exaggeration. It is a real thing, and someday soon we're going to have to face it unless we want to die. It is NOT George Bush's fault, as much as I would like to be able to put the blame onto him.

cluck_cluck_chicken, milliaswan, Rayy, Acid~Rain, Sweet Kandi, Courtnee~Malakian and any other person who does NOT believe in global warming, read this:

There are all sorts of rumors about how it's just a natural occurrence. This is true. Yes, there is proof that the world has been freezing and heating up for billions of years. However, there is also proof that the Earth's temperature has been increasing much faster than usual. Proof, people!!! It's not some hoax made up by the government to scare us all. Scientific research has proven that global warming is happening, no matter what people choose to believe. I, personally, believe that the world is just doing it's normal cycle, but because of human input, the temperature has been increasing much faster and getting much hotter than is natural. I know I can't force anyone to believe what I believe. I know that now, after several failed attempts at a topic just like this one. It's the people that have to make the decisions. But to all those people out there who are denying that this is happening...please re-think your beliefs. Think about the future generations. Think about all the animals that are going to die because of your refusal to believe the truth. All those cute little penguins, polar bears, and other arctic and antarctic animals. Not to mention all the trees and plants that survive on the cold (yes, trees are living things too). All those things are going to die, because you are in denial of what is really going on around you. And don't think that just one person not contributing isn't going to make a difference. Because it does. Every little bit counts, not to mention that if you don't help, other people will copy you so this laziness will just spread. And that's exactly what it is. Laziness. It doesn't even have to be physical laziness, all you have to do is just not be bothered to think about it, and you're being lazy. I know there are arguments to that point, but if you o take the time to THINK about's true. So please, please help contribute to the fight against global warming.

For all those people who are stubborn and are still choosing not to believe it, or even just want to look like you don't believe it, you can still do your bit. All it takes is a little bit of extra effort. Just by walking or riding your bike to the shops, you can be fit and healthy and still be looking after the environment. Buying locally produced goods doesn't do anything to your money that transported goods wouldn't do. Turning off a lightbulb here and there only ever takes 5 seconds out of your time. And, as for cars, well, if you don't mind driving a dinky little hybrid, you can do that, or wait until they have some better, more efficient models. But even if you don't want to buy a hybrid, there are plenty of good looking fuel saving cars out there. But please, if you don't want to buy a "hug-a-tree, save-the whales" car, just try to avoid one of those gas-guzzling 4-wheel-drives. They are terrible for the environment, even if they look really small or efficient. They use waaay to much petrol, especially if you have one in the city traffic.

For all those people who do want to make a difference, here are some tips on how you can be climate-safe:

- Don't drive when you can walk or ride a bike

- Buy locally produced goods

- Turn off the lights in any room that isn't being used'

- Don't turn on the lights when you can use natural light - get a skylight installed!

- Don't turn on the heater when you can put a jumper on, or wrap yourself in blankets

- Don't turn the Air-conditioner on if you can take off a jumper or put on something cooler

- turn off your TV at the powerpoint when not in use (if you can)

- Don't stand with the refrigerator door open - pick what you want before you open up

- Try to buy a fridge with a good energy rating

- Take shorter showers - saves water and doesn't use as much energy

- Try to use solar or gas water heaters wherever you can

- Use front-loader washers

- Hang-dry clothes as much as possible

- Try to fit as much as you can into the dishwasher - don't waste a run on a couple of plates!

- Don't drive 4-wheel-drives

- Try to drive fuel efficient or hybrid cars

I know it seems like a lot to think about, but it's not that hard to achieve most of these things. And anyone, if you're unsure about any of these things, want to know why this stuff helps the environment, or want some information about the climate crisis, don't be afraid to ask me!!!

So good luck everybody, I hope I changed the opinions of the people who don't and didn't believe in global warming, and to those who do, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for having common sense =P

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