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No, sorry. I respect everyone's opinions on god. I respect the people who believe in him. I respect all religions. If I can respect your opinions, respect the fact that I don't believe in him by not trying to change my mind by saying:

"Well I do respect your opinion...buttt I think"

I don't care what you can believe in. You believe what you want. Please don't try to change my mind.

Put it this way, in my mind if there was a god...why are there homeless people, wars, wars on religion, or people with disabilities.

Everything happens for a reason? What's the reason my brother has CP?

What's the reason for my bf getting hit by a drunk driver while innocently crossing the street?

Give me your reason.


I feel if I was to worship "someone" they should make;not just my life but all of our lives nothing but perfect.

Again this is my opinion.


1. A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2. A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Don't shoot me down just because I have different beliefs.

Not trying to start a fight.

If I see your reply is something inappropriate I won't answer. Sorry. Arguing is childish. Especially on this subject.

No, sorry. I respect everyone's opinions on god. I respect the people who believe in him. I respect all religions. If I can respect your opinions, respect the fact that I don't believe in him by not trying to change my mind by saying:
"Well I do respect your opinion...buttt I think"

I don't care what you can believe in. You believe what you want. Please don't try to change my mind.

Put it this way, in my mind if there was a god...why are there homeless people, wars, wars on religion, or people with disabilities.

Everything happens for a reason? What's the reason my brother has CP?

What's the reason for my bf getting hit by a drunk driver while innocently crossing the street?

Give me your reason.


I feel if I was to worship "someone" they should make;not just my life but all of our lives nothing but perfect.

Again this is my opinion.


1. A belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

2. A personal view, attitude, or appraisal.

Don't shoot me down just because I have different beliefs.

Not trying to start a fight.

If I see your reply is something inappropriate I won't answer. Sorry. Arguing is childish. Especially on this subject.
My friend, I think you very well may have just read my mind.

It's very nice to meet you.

Woah, you put that really well. I have basically the same beliefs, but I think that the bible is a bit of chinese whispers. I especially dislike the whole 'You won't go to heaven if you're bisexual!' that people keep saying to me. It really upsets me, Love knows no gender and I'm sure god loves me for who I am. If god can love the devil himself, Then I'm sure he can love a bisexual.
-Nods head-

I believe in god,i'm not angry to those who don't believe in God.But,god is real,i'm not religous but i believe in him,because my aunt have a story about God,about not believing in God.My auntie don't believe in god since she was a child,we almost shame at her coz she don't want to respect god.Once she go out and shouted out loud."God if your'e real show yourself to me!!",then a thunder comes out and (i think) an image of god was seen in heaven.I see it,it' real.I think god is angry at my auntie,because my auntie don't respect god.

Believe,God is our savior,some said "God is the sun,nobody can look at it straightly"

I believe in god,i'm not angry to those who don't believe in God.But,god is real,i'm not religous but i believe in him,because my aunt have a story about God,about not believing in God.My auntie don't believe in god since she was a child,we almost shame at her coz she don't want to respect god.Once she go out and shouted out loud."God if your'e real show yourself to me!!",then a thunder comes out and (i think) an image of god was seen in heaven.I see it,it' real.I think god is angry at my auntie,because my auntie don't respect god.

Believe,God is our savior,some said "God is the sun,nobody can look at it straightly"
I can recall seeing your "aunt's story" in a few movies, and reading about it in a few different books.

Someone asks 'god' to show themselves, or smite them, and they get what they asked for. In real life, 'he' doesn't.

Yes Sweet Kandi,i think god will not,but if you don't believe at my aunts story it's ok.

At least we are the same,we believe in god no matter what they say


if god was real, my wish for him is to strike me with LIGHTNING right NOW!!! lol, if that really happened, why didn't he stop, like, world war II or something???? why did he only help ppl that existed from before time???? he helped moses, but not the Jews and Christians and whoever now? :ichigotchi:

what now?????!

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Wow! I haven't been here in a while. And I bet that some of you are happy! But I learned something yesterday:

If you are a Christian and have been baptised (You might not have to be Christian) and God sees that your Christianity is not authentic when he comes back, he will leave you here for a couple of years so that you can get it straight. That way when he comes back the final time, you can go to heaven with him.

There is so such thing as an atheist. Everyone beleives in something. Even if its money, a spouse, a child, a job or anything. Everyone also worships something. Even if it's money, a spouse, a child, a job or anything.

God doesn't come when you want him to. But he always comes on time.

No one is trying to force thier opinion upon you. If we were it would look like this: "YOU HAVE TO BELEIVE AND WORSHIP GOD!!! IF YOU DON'T YOU'LL GO TO HELL! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???"

I haven't been here in a while. But I don't think that someone has done that.

I don't apreciate you using wars as an example on God's non existince. He could have used WW2 to show us what would happen again if we didn't listen to him. AND, because of WW2 Jews are one of the greatest races on Earth. People acknowledge thier story, as no one can run from it now. People for give. And you know what? During the Holocaust the Jews also wanted to know why God had deserted them but, if you read some of the survival sotories, they know that it was just to make them stronger. And more dependant on the Lord our God.

Just because we say that we respect your opinion and then say but, does not mean that we are trying to change your mind. If we were trying to change your mind than we would have done what I said above. You want us to respect your opinion? Than respect ours by not downing our God. As you said: Respect mine and I will respect yours.

There are sick people so that God can work miracles. There wars so that God can work miracles. There are poor people so that God can work miracles. Have you ever heard of 'From Homeless to Harvard'? Well that is prime example. Everything happens for a reason.

Sweetie, he did help the Jews. He brought them out of the Holocaust right? he might have taken them in, but he was God enough to take them out.

If there was no such thing as God, why are you here? Don't say evolution, because there is such thing as the Missing Link that seperates evolution from being true. On the other hand, they have found proof of a man like Jesus did live and roam this earth. And if you still don't beleive me, you are calling at least 12,000 people liars. Those are the number of people who witnessed the miracle of Jesus and recorded them. There is at least more.

In the end all be all, we beleive that there is a God. You don't have to. I'm not trying to make you. I am just trying to get you to see it my way. If you don't want to, than don't. But I'm NOT trying to force my religion upon you. Because if you still have a choice than nothing can be forced. Forcing is me pressuring you, and you accepting the change. So don't go there. Just pick up a bible and read it.

By the way, in the book of Revelations, it says that all nations will come together and one will rise up and conquer all. And Revelations fortells the end of the world, and God's arrival.

China just proposed that we all come together under one currency...

I wonder who will rise up.


I have another question. If you don''t beleive in God, by Christian standards you will rot in Hell. But if you don't beleive in God by so called "athiest" standards, what are you going to loose?

Try beleiving. If God is real you'll get in trouble for not beleiving. But if he's not. Than what trouble will you get in???

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Yes Sweet Kandi,i think god will not,but if you don't believe at my aunts story it's ok.
At least we are the same,we believe in god no matter what they say
I'm confused what you mean by this. I never have and never will believe in any form of a god.

NO.if god was real, my wish for him is to strike me with LIGHTNING right NOW!!! lol, if that really happened, why didn't he stop, like, world war II or something???? why did he only help ppl that existed from before time???? he helped moses, but not the Jews and Christians and whoever now? :p

what now?????!
What now? What now is that you need to first understand Biblical history and beliefs before making such bold claims. :huh:

God gave us free will to choose what we want to do whether it's good or bad. If he wanted robots, he wouldn't have allowed us to have free will and he would have made us love him. But that's not how he wanted it to be because that's not real a real relationship. Forcing someone to love you isn't real love.

God allows things to happen because we are imperfect people and actually he can make good things come from bad circumstances. Just because he allows things doesn't make Him bad - it just means we as people have screwed ourself over.

How could we know true joy and love without the opposites?

You know, something that really puts me out about non-beleivers is this:

Well science just proved...

Yeah! And did we say that we didn't beleive ALL science?


We said that we didn't beleive the parts about science that claimed our God was not real.

So if science did prove his existence, they YAY!!!

That's just one more step to us TRYING to show the world that he is real.

Big Boom? Please. I don't care what you call it. I don't beleive it, and until someone can show me documented evidence, like SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE, I will never beleive it.

And by the way, I put caps on 'someone who was there' to try and provve a point. People, A LOT of people have recorded Jesus/GOD's events. But has anyone ever recorded the Big Boom or what ever it's called? And they are trying to find evidence of the start of the world, Christian style.

So please, don't say what science has proved. It's so silly. We all know what science has proven for YOU! But we also know what it has proven for US.

If this sounded offencesive (sp?) to any of you, it wasn't supposed to. But if it did it was just your way of looking at it. Because I was trying to proove a point. That is so close to BECOMING fact.

You know, something that really puts me out about non-beleivers is this:
Well science just proved...

Yeah! And did we say that we didn't beleive ALL science?


We said that we didn't beleive the parts about science that claimed our God was not real.

So if science did prove his existence, they YAY!!!

That's just one more step to us TRYING to show the world that he is real.

Big Boom? Please. I don't care what you call it. I don't beleive it, and until someone can show me documented evidence, like SOMEONE WHO WAS THERE, I will never beleive it.

And by the way, I put caps on 'someone who was there' to try and provve a point. People, A LOT of people have recorded Jesus/GOD's events. But has anyone ever recorded the Big Boom or what ever it's called? And they are trying to find evidence of the start of the world, Christian style.

So please, don't say what science has proved. It's so silly. We all know what science has proven for YOU! But we also know what it has proven for US.

If this sounded offencesive (sp?) to any of you, it wasn't supposed to. But if it did it was just your way of looking at it. Because I was trying to proove a point. That is so close to BECOMING fact.
No one could record the big boom if dinosaurs were here before humans, silly.

NO.if god was real, my wish for him is to strike me with LIGHTNING right NOW!!! lol, if that really happened, why didn't he stop, like, world war II or something???? why did he only help ppl that existed from before time???? he helped moses, but not the Jews and Christians and whoever now? :D

what now?????!
You DO know that Moses was a Jewish leader, right?

No one could record the big boom if dinosaurs were here before humans, silly.
Yes, and I think that was the point she was trying to make - I think she's saying she doesn't believe things not documented by witnesses.

Maybe there are variations of the name, but it's most commonly known as the 'Big Bang'. :D

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I kinda gathered that after my friend started yelling, and I quote "ASHLEY! It's called the Big Bang! How could you be so ingnorant of what society is trying to shove down our throats?!"

She was joking.

But the thing is. It's not that I do believe in seeing it to beleive it, it's just that it does make it more realistic. And there was NO ONE to document the Big Bang. You had a LOT of people documenting what Jesus did. And there were people there to prove it.]

Of course you could say that I just said that I didn't beleive in GOD, in a way. But I didn't. All I simply said, was that it was easier to beleive something if you could see it. And a countless number of people see GOD, almost everyday.

But all I'm trying to say is this: If it was not documented by someone, it's harder for me to beleive. I can beleive it. It's just harder.

By the way, the Big Bang is just a theory. Jesus has been proven. Just thought I should let you know that!

Yes. Christian and happy about it. x3

And I just want to say, us religious people, we all seem really... Like... Trying to shove some things down peoples throats. We aren't really like that... Well, I'm not. :| I don't go up to people who say they don't believe in God and am like, "BELIEVE IN GOD OR YOU WILL SUFFER IN HELL." Because that's just, erm, RUDE.

But all I'm trying to say is that we aren't complete morons. If you look at it from our point of view, every person who dies and does not believe in God will suffer eternity in hell, whilst if you do accept God is creator of everything and truly love Him, you will spend eternity with Him... :']

And I try not to think too much about the whole living for eternity thing... And how God was just always around and created the universe... Because then my head hurts :| I just love Him and understand that until I see Him, if I see Him, I won't know the answers to all those big questions.

I believe in god. I am a Girl Guide. Girl Guides, as part of our promise and law, have to believe in some sort of being. Because the second line of our promise is 'to do my duty to God'
Also, you could have stated your opinion a little more kindly, you could really offend those extremely strong believers, but oh well, each is to their own.
I go to St. John's (first aid training) and part of the ceremony promise for cadets and badgers contains "to love my god" but, the instructor said "we are not a relegious group". I don't beleive in Jesus, but that doesn't mean everyone else should say he doesn't exist. Beleive what you want to.

I beleive in aliens, ghosts, angels, demons, vampires and the such. But not zombies.

I also beleive in weird races, such as gecko people, cat-dragons and such. Plus three sort-of-goddesses.

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