GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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AWESOME LOG!!!!! :D :) ;) <_< <_< <_< :mellow: :huh: :eek: :D

Your log out of 10 (10's the best): 10!!!!!! B) :D

I have: 2 v2s, a v3, and a v4. I have a GigaPet but I haven't started it yet. :D :furawatchi:

AWESOME LOG!!!!! :angry: -_- :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :huh: ;) ;) ;) ;)
Your log out of 10 (10's the best): 10!!!!!! :D :D

I have: 2 v2s, a v3, and a v4. I have a GigaPet but I haven't started it yet. :D :D
Thanks! I really appreciate the comment. It's been awhile since someone commented in my log. I was starting to feel lonely.

MY POOR LEO! Today Leo received a snake and a poop in the mail which made him lose all his happy hearts! DARN MAIL! There goes my chance of getting a Mametchi. OH WELL!

The MatchMaker came for Derek today! He mated with a Robotchi (another one) and they had a baby boy! UGGH! Not another one!!! I have a whole baseball team of boys now!

My GigaPet, Emmy just got out of school. I haven't been playing with her much. I'm gonna wait until I show my friend that she has 0 pitchforks. She'll be so jealous! Her GigaPet has over 100 pitchforks!

I still can't figure out why my Miuchiz Bratz Chloe doesn't stay in the clothes I put on her. Just the regular blue jeans and I can't seem to get them off or get anything else on. OH WELL!


Now that I've gotten help on how to bring my tamagotchi to school using the WORK section, I've brought Leo to school. You need to press the B button when the AWAY sign comes up. Then you can see and interact with your tamagotchi at school. The game for the elementary school is find the intellegence point. The teacher mixes up three present boxes, one being an intellegence point, and the other two being poop. It took a while but after bringing Leo to school for like the fifth time, I found the intellegence point. It made Leo's intellegence go up three points!!!! YAY!!!! Now he has 85 intellegence points, 56 arts/style points, and 82 social/kindness points.

All the rest of my tamas, and my GigaPet are fine. My two tamas are just hanging out with their baby boys. I am going to start taking care of the babies at the same time tomorrow afternoon. I want them to be friends, so I'll connect them often. I won't connect them with Leo though, because I want him to have high battery power for a while. My v3 is already running low on batteries and my v1 hasn't had the battery sign yet, but it's been a while since I last put batteries in it.

Emmy is just hanging out by her bed. I kind of feel bad for her. I don't have any toys and I haven't been in the mood to go out with her and buy some. I guess I'll get to it eventually. With having a new tamagotchi, and a Miuchiz, it brings my total virtual pet/bratz up to 5 virtual pet/friend toys. So I got a lot on my hands, I don't know how Mimitchi&Hanatchlover survives having 7 tamas running and 4 GigaPets. Maybe even more tamagotchis. I can barely manage the three that I have because I just want to play with my v4 because it is so new. I'm sure I'll get over this eventually though.


Today my v4, Leo evolved. It was kinda strange because he was only 2, but I was so excited when I saw that he evolved into a MAMETCHI!!!!!! I never thought it would do that!!!! He's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!! I finally got the character I wanted for a change.

My v3, Derek is just hanging out with his baby which I have decided to name Cody.

My v1, Rosie already left her baby this morning. I started taking care of him and I named him Joey. Right now he is still a Babytchi, paused.

Emmy is doing good. I need to get to the store to buy her food, but other than that she is doing good.


Derek left Cody in my care this morning. I named him Cody, filled up his hearts, then paused him just like Joey. I'm not in the mood to play with them. I'm too woried about what just happened to Leo.

He got a job today. He works at the pre-school. He needs to keep track of how many pre-schoolers get on the bus. It's challenging, but fun.

What I'm worried about is this: I got a fortune cookie mail with 1 points star, 2 heart stars, and 2 health stars. Right after checking that mail he started doing a different screen dance. Instead of going in a straight line and jumping for joy in the middle like he's supposed to do as he's a healthy character, he goes in a straight line and at the beginning falls on his face like a bad character which he's not. I'm worried. I just got this gotchi and I think it's a glitch. I'm scared. I'm going to make a topic in What happened to my Tamagotchi?.


OK, the problem is fixed now. He received another fortune cookie with 2 points stars, 1 heart star, and 3 health stars and Leo was back to normal.

I forgot that I bought 2 shovels the other day. I used both and they both dug up tart cakes which Leo ate and enjoyed. I think I'm going to go unpause Cody. I'm ready for some V3 time. Hey guess what? I went to Leo's job and won and got the excellent scoring, then got the great scoring like 2 or 3 more times.


Well I never unpaused my baby Tamas. Leo fell asleep just a few minutes ago. But I'm gonna wake him up because I wanna go to TamaTown to get my graduation uniform from elem. school and to get points.

Emmy is asleep now.


OK, I'm back from TamaTown. I got my graduation suit. It's number 7 in the souvenir list. I got 9900 points from playing the games. I entered the logout password and got those points. Then I had 30710 points. I also got a lot of items from TamaTown. So when I was done buying them from the passwords I got I only had 20510 points left. I got a cap, a skirt, a shirt, a soccer ball, and a doll bring my total item count up to 19. I already used all the items and the skirt was pretty cute. I especially liked the soccer ball. Leo kicked it to the left, then bounced it off his head, kicked it across the screen, ran after it, then kicked it to the right and bounced it off his head again, I think. That was basically what happened. I really like the new V4 items.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was at a sleepover. Anyway, I unpaused both Joey and Cody. Joey evolved into a Marutchi and Cody evolved into a Tamatchi. Joey's battery keeps going low so he'll be younger than Cody.

Leo is fine. Nothing excited to talk about. Nope. Nothing. I forgot my GigaPet at home so my parent had to take care of her. I guess she's doing good. She's in school so I can't check on her.


The matchmaker came for Leo. I think she brought a Meidotchi. Anyway they had a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to name her Leah. PM me for name suggestions.


The king came to Leo and Leah. He gave them a chocolate heart. Then I bought a shovel and an RC Helicopter out of the shop. The shovel dug up 10 points and I haven't played with the RC Helicopter yet. I'm gonna do that right now. OK, I'm back. He controlled the Helicopter with the RC controller. he kept it in the air long. It's cute.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!

OK, well today Cody's batteries went low. So I need to wait until I can get batteries for them. I'm not going to download them because they'll just keep going low.

I made Leo leave his baby. I named her Leah and she's the panda toddler. She still hasn't been accepted into Pre-School yet but I'm sure she will soon.

Emmy is out of school. She's doing good. I haven't been playing with her as much as I used to but that is going to change tomorrow after I tell my friend that she has no pitchforks.


OK, Leah just received important information. It's definately the Pre-School teacher coming to accept her into Pre-School. Let me go check it.

K, I'm back. It was the teacher. I'm going to go take her to school now.

I'm back again. That was cute. Leah was singing with the teacher while music played. I love my V4.


Leah evolved into Ringotchi!!!! TOO CUTE!!!!!! LOVE HER!!!!!! She still hasn't been accepted into school yet though. Soon enough she should. My other 2 gotchis are still out of batteries.


Well, I just got two important info mails. One was the Pre-School teacher coming to say that Leah graduated Pre-School. She was so upset she cried. But then she got happy again after another important info mail came with the elem. school teacher giving her the graduation hat she needed to go to school and she was accepted. I went to school with her and took a guess that the intellegence point was on the far right and that was the correct guess. So it made her intellegence go up 3 points. YAYERS!!!!

I'm getting tired of saying MORE LATER!!!!! so I'm just gonna stop saying it. You'll know that I'm gonna write more later so I don't think I need to tell it to you anymore.


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