GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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OMG! Emmy just got sick! I'm worried! She's been getting sick some lately. She never gets sick though! Last time the case was unlucky foot cured with a four leaf clover. This time it's brain freeze cured with a chili pill.

YAY! I just fed Emmy some more Nice Drops and she has 0 pitchforks now! Wait until I brag to my friend who's giga has 118 pitchforks!!!!!!! HAHA!

My tamas are fine by the way.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Derek evolved into a Hidatchi this morning. He looks like a lady so I put him in his Hohotchi costume.

Emmy is in school. She still has zero pitchforks.

Rosie is fine.

Both my tamas had the talking Christmas tree by them twice today.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!

I GOT A V4 FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!! It's the pink with stripes one. It's a boy and his name is Leo. He is a Pucchitchi toddler. I'm going to go to TamaTown to get him some souvenirs and go to the Pre-School. He also got a fortune mail but I don't know what it does. He has 16 intellegence points, 11 sparkley icon points, and 24 flower points. I think the sparkley thing is kindness points and the flower thing is style points. If you press the C button and nothing is highlighted he does a cute little animation. He does his happy face and turns around then goes to the bottom of the screen. I love my v4!!!!!

All the rest of my virtual pets are fine.



I just played JUMPING ROPE with Leo and he has 4000 points now. The shop items are a ticket and a grand piano which are very expensive and I don't have the money to buy them. Everything is overpriced now because of the enhanced point system.


My v4 just received mail. It was the king. He gave me a shovel. I'm going to use it right now. NO FAIR! It dug up a snake which made Leo unhappy.

My other tamas are fine. Rosie is 6 and Derek is 4. Leo is 0. I just went to the v4 tamatown with Leo and I got a thousand points. So now Leo has 5700 points.


Emmy has been out of school for a while. I need to go play with her.

Rosie is fine. She was just taking a bath. Then I fed her a snack because she was unhappy.

Derek is fine. He was also just taking a bath and then got fed a snack because he was unhappy as well.

Sorry I haven't updated in a little bit. I was playing with my Miuchiz Bratz Chloe. It's pretty fun. But for some reason my computer says the website's service is unavailable. Just my luck. Go figure.

My v4 is fine. I just entered all the shop codes. I got my rare cell phone too and then got the CD afterwards because it was free. I wonder why. I also bought jeans. So that brings my point count down to 7000. It's still a lot for the first day I guess.

Guess what's so great about the v4? Well, I just was reading the info spiffy posted under Kyliesmum's shop codes and she said that the clone can be used at any stage of the tamagotchi's life cycle! So I used it and Leo and his clone Harutchi did a cute little dance together.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!

I was gonna go to TamaTown and then I saw that Leo had went to bed! So I'm gonna see if I could wake him up to play with him. It's so easy to earn points on TamaTown!!!!!

YAY! It worked! Now I'm gonna go to TamaTown to get some points!


I just went to TamaTown and instead of souvenirs you get points when you play the minigames. So I got the maximum amount, 9900 points and then logged out. So now Leo has 16900 points. He also got some snacks when he was playing on TamaTown from the Ring Toss minigame. I put in the password and he was eating the snacks. They made his weight go up, so I stopped putting the passwords in. Then played Mimic, lost of the third round, got a hundred points and then spent that hundred points on some make-up that was in the shop. I think I'm gonna play some more games and then put him to bed. It's been a long day for my poor Leo.

AWW!!!! Rosie is brushing her teeth!!! It's so cute!!!!

Derek is also brushing his teeth!!! It's so cute!!!!!! AWW!!!

Emmy is okay I guess. I haven't checked on her in a while. Let me do that now. Surprisingly, she's fine.

My Miuchiz is good too. I don't know why I'm writing about it though. She's cute, I have to say. It's a very cute little game.

I just stopped Rosie from brushing her teeth to check on her. Surprisingly, she's fine.

I'm gonna stop Derek now. Ok, I did it. Surprisingly, he's fine too.

They are so good. Probably because they know I'm gonna be spending lots of time with Leo and my Miuchiz Chloe because they are so new. I have such well behaved Tamas.


Emmy is asleep.

Leo is asleep. (I love how the v4s turn out the lights on their own.)

Rosie is asleep.

Derek is asleep.

Wow, it would have been easier to say everybody's asleep for the night.

Oh, and my Miuchiz is asleep too.


Leo, my v4 evolved! He evolved into a Young Robotchi/Androtchi!!!! He's so cute!!! Then the mail came. An important letter. It was the Pre-School teacher coming to tell Leo that he was graduating. A millisecond after that, another important letter came. It was the elementary school teacher giving Leo the item he needs to start elementary school. So I'm gonna go to TamaTown Elementary School to check it out.

Rosie is fine. The MatchMaker came this morning! She matched her up with an Androtchi and they had a baby boy! Now I'm gonna have all boys! Oh well. I can create a baseball team of tamagotchis now, LOL.

Emmy is fine. She's in school. I'm not going to take her out, so you'll hear more about her when she gets out of school.

Derek is also fine. He was 99 pounds so I played a game with him. Now he's 97 pounds. Oh, wait, he pooped. 2 hungry hearts are down and one happy heart is down. Now I fixed that and he's back to 99 pounds. OH WELL


OK, I'm back from TamaTown. I played the Tama Word Search game and got 200 points from the elementary school. I also played the Spelling Bee game and won but when I pushed GET PRIZE nothing happened so I didn't get my souvenir. I got 9900 points after I was done. I entered the LogOut password and got those points into my Tamagotchi. Now Leo has 28,500 points. But I'm going to go back to TamaTown right now to buy the stereo or something else or both.


I bought the stereo. It plays Tama-Rock music if you use it without a CD. I have CD number three from the secret codes and used that in the stereo. It plays two tracks. One is Beethoven. The one that goes dun dun dun duuuuun, dun dun dun duuuun. And another one that goes de de de de de de de dum da da da da dum. You know that one. Both old old music. But it's pretty cool. Next I'm gonna buy the first CD. But that might take a while. I still need to get my points back.


OH YEAH! I just one the game SHAPE on my v4!!!! It's pretty hard. You have to shoot the falling shapes with that shapes blaster. It'll be the same shape. You got to scroll through a whole bunch of shapes and shoot it. You need to get 30 shapes to win with no misses. I did it and got 500 points and 5 intellegence points. YAY!!!!!



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