GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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Emmy is back at home, safe and sound.

Leo and his baby are fine, just hanging out.

And Ruby is also fine, doing her little screen dance.


Emmy is in Pet Schcool so I'll write about her later.

Ruby is fine and should get the matchmaker tonight or tomorrow!!!! She turned six today.

Leo's baby just got sick and pooped! But I cured her and cleaned up the poop and they are all better. I am such a good person!


I set the time to see if Leo would leave Rosie with me but it didn't work. :huh: I need to set the time back to normal now. It probably didn't work because it's a little before the time that the matchmaker came yesterday so he hasn't spent exactly a day with his baby yet. He probably has now. I'm gonna try again.

OK, I did it. Let's see if it works this time. I hope it does because I really want to start taking care of Rosie. I don't even know if this trick works with v1s. I hope it does. OOOH! Leo woke up. He's looking at Rosie right now. He's getting ready to leave!!!! YAY!!! It's working! I'd better go say goodbye to Leo now. BRB. You want to know what I said to him? I said "Bye Leo. Bye. Mommy loves you! Can you give me a kiss?" And then I kissed the screen. That was really dumb but I did it anyway.

Leo is still looking at Rosie. COME ON!!!! HURRY UP!!!! Still just staring. Leo is my avatar. In case you haven't noticed. Leo is talking to Rosie now. Now he's flying up. HE'S GONE! :unsure: What have I done? Oh well. At least now I get to take care of his baby Rosie now. I get to tell her stories about her dad and let her know all about him. I'm really gonna miss Leo. I don't know why, but I feel he has touched me in so many ways. I'm serious, I think I'm going crazy. But it's the truth. Plus Leo was a softie and a cutie.

I'm gonna have such a hard time getting over this. I'd better set the time back so I can take care of Rosie. I'll post again when Rosie evolves.


I set the time to the regular time and named the baby Rosie and started taking care of her. I fed her four meals (bottles filled with formula) and 2 snacks (bottles filled with chocolate milk). Then I played JUMP with her to fill up the rest of the hearts. So she weighs 10 pounds but that's soon gonna change. I lost JUMP on the 25 score and got the GREAT!! ranking. I'll post more when she evolves or when something exciting happens.


Rosie pooped once, got hungry twice, and now just got sick. But with one dose of medicine she was cured and happy again. I'm going to take extra good care of her.


I played JUMP again and lost on the 29 scoring this time. I've only won the game once. It's really hard to beat. Then Rosie pooped and lost a hungry heart. I took care of that and she's all good. By the way she's only 10 pounds!

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!

I forgot about Rosie and when I saw her she had lost two hungry hearts and there was a poop beside her. Oh well. She's better now though.

OH HOW CUTE! Ruby is brushing her teeth! I love the way Billotchis do that because they show you their teeth.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

I forgot about Rosie again and then I heard her beep. She had a poop beside her and she lost 2 hungry hearts and 1 happy heart. She was also crying. I fed her and gave her a snack and cleaned her poop and praised her and now she's all better!


Ruby is talking to the Talking Christmas tree. It's really cute.

I played JUMP again with Rosie and purposely lost on the 5 scoring and did GOOD. So now Rosie is 10 pounds again. OH NO! She pooped. She's hungry now that I cleaned it up so I fed her and now she's 11 pounds.


Rosie just evolved into a Kinkamotchi! I think I might switch back to my Kinkamotchi avatar now. Or maybe not. I just changed it to this Kuchipatchi one. It seems that I never get Marutchi anymore.


I think I'm going to take Emmy out of Pet School to play with her because I'm really in the mood to play with my GigaPet.

Ruby pooped. Better clean it up. All better! She also lost a hungry heart so I fed her a scone.

Now that Rosie evolved I'm not going to post nearly as often as I did when Rosie was a baby. She evolved with a hungry heart missing, so maybe that's why she turned into a Kinkamotchi.


I went to check on Rosie and I saw that she had the poop lines by her. I quickly pressed the toilet button and she went on the potty! It was cute! She pooped on the potty. Speaking of pooping on the potty I need to go to the bathroom.


I just took Emmy out of Pet School. Then I made her walk a little, then dig. She dug up 5 bucks. She now has 7730 bucks. There's nothing else to say so I think this is the Stats post you could say.


Age:65 days






Pretty good, I guess.



Weight:53 pounds








Weight:19 pounds

Training:2 bars





I just put Emmy back in school. You'll hear more about her later.

My tamas are fine. Rosie is my avatar. (I hope StarTama doesn't mind me using her avatar.)


P.S. Please post comments. I hate feeling this alone. I think my log stinks out loud, but I need people to tell me that because at least I know they're reading it.


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