GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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OH YEAH!!! MY FIFTH PAGE!!!!! OK, well I just put Grace to sleep. YoYo is still awake and I am still GotchiGirl96. YES! I know, I have such an exciting life! LOL! More later!

Well, the matchmaker came at 10:30 this morning for YoYo. He had another BOY! UGGGHHH! :) I'm running out of boy names! Alright, GotchiGirl96, calm down. Well, at least I got a boy for an odd generation so I can try to get a Mametchi. Here is how I want the baby to grow.

Teletchi---->Mizutamatchi---->Young Mametchi---->Mametchi.

That to me is the perfect growth process for an odd generation boy tamagotchi. For a girl tamagotchi on an odd generation would be this.


For a boy tamagotchi on an even generation, the growth would be this.


I know it couldn't be like that because Hashitamatchi can't evolve into a Wooltchi.

For a girl tamagotchi on an odd generation the growth would be this.

Shiroteletchi---->Mohitamatchi---->Young Mimitchi---->Mimitchi or Tsunotchi

I don't know if that could be possible because I don't know if Tsunotchi is on an odd generation or an even generation.

More later!

OH NO! YoYo's baby got sick and pooped. Then Grace pooped!!!! But, I cleaned up the poops and I cured the baby and now everyone is all better!!!!! I am such a good person!


Well, today I used the trick to make the parent leave the baby, so YoYo is gone now. I named his baby Brad. Brad is now a Kuchitamatchi. He's very cute. I am going to pause Grace so that Brad can be the same age as her. Brad just beeped for now reason so I put him in timeout. He was crying. Oh well, don't do it if you can't suffer the consequences right? Try telling that to Brad. More later!

I just played a whole bunch of games with Brad and he lost eleven pounds. So now he is thiry-six pounds. He is still overweight though. There is nothing much to say, so I will tell you a story about another thing that happened to my v1.

Well, it was June and I was in school. It was rainy and we had a field trip that day and I took my v1 tamagotchi. We were walking along and my tamagotchi was in my pocket. When we got to where we were supposed to be, I wanted to check on my tamagotchi so I reached in my pocket to get it. Nothing there. I tell my best friend what happened. She also starts panicking. Her mom was on the trip with us so we told her what happened. Thankfully, her mom already knew that I had lost it, and she actually picked it up. She had it! I was so relieved. If I lost my tamagotchi again, that would be the end of me. I would get in so much trouble because I had lost that tamagotchi in a school related way before. So here is a tip to tama owners who take their tamagotchi to school. DON'T TAKE YOUR TAMAGOTCHI ON FIELD TRIPS!

I played so many games with Brad just before so now he is at his base weight of 10 pounds. That's good because I want him to turn into a Young Mametchi. He's asleep now. I am going to keep Grace paused until Brad evolves and turns 1. More tomorrow!!!!

Well, I just caught Brad crying. So I praised him. Now he is all better and has 5 training bars. He should be evolving in about an hour. So I'll post then. Grace is still paused. I'm going to unpause her when Brad evolves then repause her when she turns 2. More later!

Great log! If you decide to make grace and brad have babies here are some names: SAM AND JAKEY,BABE AND LADY,JENNA AND JENNY,AND FIFI AND FUFU. Like 'em?

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Great log! If you decide to make grace and brad have babies here are some names: SAM AND JAKEY,BABE AND LADY,JENNA AND JENNY,AND FIFI AND FUFU. Like 'em?
Yes, I like those names. Very Cute!

Sorry I didn't get to update my log yesterday. I had to go out last night so I had to pause Brad. But I did that after he evolved. Well, now I am going to tell you what he evolved into.

Are you ready?



Alright then......







Alright then!






I'm so happy! Obotchis are so cute! They look like mini Elvises!

Well, today Brad lost a happy heart. So I fed him a donut. I didn't know it was his least favorite food so I had to spend a lot of time playing games to get his weight down after feeding him 4 ice creams.

I unpaused Grace, and she is one still, I think.

OOPS! Somebody did poopoos! It was Brad. Hold on. Brad wants to write in this log.

HI! My name is Bwad. I am an Obotchi. I am one. But I am going to tuwn two tonight. I am so excited. Mommy will be so pwoud of me. Now I will talk a little bit about myself. I do not like donuts. Mommy fed me one this afternoon. I hated it so much I almost cwied. I lost all my happy heawts. But I didn't get mad at Mommy. She didn't know about my hate of donuts. Anyways, I love playing with my toys. I especially love my building blocks. I always make a big castle and Mommy says how pwoud she is of me. Well, I need to go. Mommy wants to type now. BYE!

Oh boy! Sorry if you can't understand what he said. He talks with that wierd talky r sounds like a w voice. He types the way he talks. GO FIGURE!

Sorry I didn't get a chance to post last night.

Well, everybody is still the same. Grace is falling behind Brad in the aging department because I keep having to download her because her batteries are low. OH WELL! She's still 1 and now Brad is 2. I've decided not to breed them because of Grace's battery issue. They'll just have to wait for the matchmaker.


Well, Brad the Obotchi is just hanging around. He wants to write in this log. So here he is, Brad the Obotchi. By the way he talks and types better now!

Hi! My name is Brad. I am an Obotchi. Today I am 2 and I am going to turn 3 tonight. Tomorrow night I will turn into an adult. Mommy wants me to turn into a Mametchi. But I don't want to be a Mametchi!!!! It looks too cute and babyish! I want to turn into a Masktchi! Those are so cool! They look boyish and tough. Mommy says Masktchis are too girly though! It's not fair!!! I'll probably turn into that Mametchi character because I have full training and I am always kept at a low weight. Well, I gotta go. Mommy wants the computer back. BYE!

Well, I see my little baby pours his heart out when he writes in this log. He is such a cutie though. He's very fun to be around. I love him.

Keep checking back at my log for a cool update about my tamagotchis!!

GotchiGirl96 :chohimetchi:

Well, Grace just turned 2. Good thing her aging clock is too far behind Brad's. That's all for now. I'll post again later.

P.S. I think this is my 6th page!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Well, before I caught Grace singing and dancing and I caught Grace running and falling on her face. She must be drunk. Where did I go wrong? Oh well, tamas will be tamas.

Brad just evolved into a Furawatchi/Leaftchi/Violetchi. He is cute, but he looks too much like a girl. UGGH! Where did I go wrong? I took perfect care of him. Oh well. Better luck next time.

Brad just evolved into a Furawatchi/Leaftchi/Violetchi. He is cute, but he looks too much like a girl. UGGH! Where did I go wrong? I took perfect care of him. Oh well. Better luck next time.
aww.Hey I have a Mimiyoritchi that is a BOY.

Mimiyoritchi looks like a girl


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