GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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I made Will leave and now I have his baby girl, who I named Ruby. I want her to write in this journal because she is my first girl in a while. PLUS she's a Mizutamatchi!!!!!!!! My first EVER Mizutamatchi!!!!!!!!! I've always wanted one!!!!!! I finally got one!!!!!!!!

Dear Diary,

Hi. My name is Ruby. I'm a toddler. I'm a Mizutamatchi. I'm just rolling around right now. (litteraly lol) Mommy loves me. She thinks I'm cute. She also thinks I'm slick because of how I do my happy dance. I'm 11 pounds. I already have one bar of training because when I was a baby I started crying once. I love being a Mizutamatchi because Mommy always plays with me. It's fun. I played on my ball 2 times already. The first time I slipped and fell off the first time I went right. I wanted to cry but I did the angry thing to show Mommy that I was strong. The second time I made it all the way through. At the end, I jumped off happily. I need to go now. Mommy wants the computer back.

Cute, huh? I know right?

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!

I hope you don't mind me using your method. That means my tamagotchi Hazey or whoever write a diary like what Ruby did. Your tamalog is also very cute and interesting!!!

Berrydaze :p

I hope you don't mind me using your method. That means my tamagotchi Hazey or whoever write a diary like what Ruby did. Your tamalog is also very cute and interesting!!!

Berrydaze :lol:
Thanks for the compliment. And no I don't mind you using this method of logging. Many people do it.

Ruby wants to write again. Here she is.

Dear Diary,

Today I evolved into a teenager. I'm now a Piroririroritchi. I don't really like that character. I think I look like a boy. But Mommy says I'm cute. Anyway, I'm 1 now. I weigh 23 pounds. My base weight is 15 pounds. I'm not too overweight, but I could be lighter. I need to give the computer back to Mommy now. More later! UH OH! Mommy likes to write that. OOPSIE!

AWWW! How cute! Leo evolved today. He's now a Mametchi! Once I figured out how to fully train my tamas I always seem to get Mimitchi and Mametchi on my v1. I used to get Gozarutchi, Masktchi, Hanatchi, and Androtchi. Oh well.


^Wowies! Awesome log. Congrats on getting a Mametchi. (I feel like I'm the only persom that comments alot. o_O) Now to work on getting a Wooltchi... -checks on the tama-

^Wowies! Awesome log. Congrats on getting a Mametchi. (I feel like I'm the only persom that comments alot. o_O) Now to work on getting a Wooltchi... -checks on the tama-
Thanks! Yes, next stop, WOOLTCHI!!!!!!!!!!! I hope.

Both my tamas are asleep.

MORE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Tomorrow I will start writing about my GigaPet, Emmy. She's a bunny. She's going to be 60 days old tomorrow and she has 3144 bucks. I LURRRRRV her SO much!!!!!!!!

your log is great but i think your bragging a little
Umm..Thanks? Okay? I'm not too sure what you mean by bragging though.

Anyways, my tamas are fine. My GigaPet is in school. She's so cute. I'll write about her more when she gets out of school.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emmy is out of Pet School now, so I can write about her.

Name: Emmy

Age: 60 days

Bucks: 3190

Halos: 477

Pitchforks: 206

Stars: 512

Lightbulbs: 452

I went to the Wishing Well today and got a LOT of stuff. I'm gonna sell everything but the Nice Drops. I want Nice Drops because Emmy has a LOT of Pitchforks. I'm gonna feed her some right now. Now she has 196 Pitchforks. I have one more set of Nice Drops. I need to get back to the Wishing Well to get more.

Ruby and Leo are fine. Ruby is 1 turning 2 and Leo is 5. Leo is 52 pounds and Ruby is 39 pounds. They're kinda fat but whatever I guess.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!

I've been playing with my GigaPet a lot lately.

She now has 4129 bucks. I fed her some more Nice Drops and she now has 166 Pitchforks. I need to go back to the Wishing Well to get some more Nice Drops and some more things I could sell to get lots of bucks.

Now, to my tamagotchis. Leo is fine. Still the same. Still 5. Ruby is 2 now. I can't wait for her to evolve. I can't remember the feeling of a girl tamagotchi evolving into an adult. ESPECIALLY on an odd generation. There are great girly characters for her to turn into.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went to the smart area because of the Pixies. I went digging in the smart area and got 2 lightbulbs and an easter egg with a devil food cake inside. I also dug up a message that said You got 50 lightbulbs. It was cool. Emmy has over 500 lightbulbs now. YAY!!!!! I need more Nice Drops. I used them all.

My tamas are asleep.


Emmy is out of Pet School and I can write about her. I haven't done anything with her yet but I'm planning on going to the Wishing Well later on to get some more Nice Drops.

My tamas are fine. I played a lot with Ruby and she was 16 pounds. But I always have to feed her while I was at school so she's now 32 pounds.

Leo is fine too. The matchmaker should be coming tomorrow or the day after that. I hope he gets a girl. If he does, I'll name her Rosy. If he gets a boy, I'll name him Timmy.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey I'm new. I was just wondering if you can tell me some tips? Do you know of any tamagotchi virtual worlds? :)

No I don't. Oh, and I know you're new and all, but could you please not post here if you're not commenting on this log? Thanks.

I went to the Wishing Well with Emily and got a whole bunch of stuff including one set of Nice Drops! She's taking a nap right now so I can't feed them to her right now. I know I named her Emmy but her full name is really Emily Marie GigaBunny.

My tamas are fine. Leo and Ruby are just hanging out, getting fat because I'm not in the mood to play with them. I'll probably play with Ruby before school though.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my virtual pets are asleep: Emmy, Ruby, and Leo

Ruby went to bed as a 3 year old Piroririroritchi, 42 pounds. Leo went to bed a 5 year old Mametchi, 63 pounds. Emmy went to bed a a happy bunny. She now has a lot of Nice Drops. If I feed them all to her, she'd have 94 pitchforks! She's got over 6000 bucks because I've been selling everything but the Nice Drops I got from the Wishing Well.

MORE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I was busy and couldn't get on the computer yesterday.

GUESS WHAT PEOPLES?! I got lots of Nice Drops for Emmy and now she has only 90 pitchforks!!!!! AND I FOUND THE FORTUNE TELLER'S HOME!!! HE GAVE ME GREAT INFORMATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby evolved yesterday!!!!!! Into a BILLOTCHI!!!!! A PENGUIN CHARACTER!!!!! Just like Leo (v3 leo) was a billotchi. I think on my 7 generation.

Leo (v1 leo) is still 6. He's cute but I don't play with him much. I just feed him when he needs something.


OMG! The MatchMaker just came for Leo. She brought a Hanatchi and I said yes and they had a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO! I'm gonna name the baby Rosie. I'm excited!

The matchmaker should be coming either tomorrow or the day after for Ruby. I hope she gets paired up with a Mametchi and they have a baby girl too. If she has a girl I'm gonna name her Leah.

Emmy is good too. I went to the fortune teller and he gave me cool fortunes. I still can't figure out the panda one though. I also went to the good which is located out the other door of the fortune tellers home and got lots of halos. I also dug up presents that made the mood of Emmy change. That was cool. I never knew about presents. I thought you could only get eggs. Apparently not.

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!

Emmy is about to get out of school. About one more minute left. Let's see if I was right. NO! My Giga said two minutes left. AH WELL!

My tamas are fine. OH NO!!!!! There are two poops on Leo. One from Leo and one from Rosie. Better go clean it up. ALL BETTER!

OH YAY! Emmy just got out of school! Now I can go play with her!

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I didn't play with Emmy like I said I would. Oh well. I'll do that later. I want to take her to the fortune teller again. What I don't like about the fortune teller and the genie is that you never know the amount of bucks they'll take.

My tamas are fine still.


<3 GotchiGirl96 and the virtual pet family!!!!

STRANGE! Listen to this: Emmy had a thought bubble with a smiley face in it. The message was that new food was available. I went to the general store and accidently went to sell instead of buy. Then when I went to buy there was no new food in the stock of items. STRANGE!

MORE LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
