Greetings from London. :)


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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Well, after much hesitation, and seeing as all these topics of TamaTalk have helped me, I finally decided to join the forum. Hello there. ^_^

I'm Larissa and I live in London, England. I'm 18 years old, and that's all you're getting from me! Aha. :p

I currently own two P2 tamas, and one P1 that unfortunately has a stripped screw so isn't in use. :( I got them all back in 2004, when I was 10 years old, and used them for several months before growing bored and stuffing them in the back of my draws. However, recently, I came across them again and decided to buy some batteries, and hence I rekindled my love for Tamagotchi once again. :)

Oh, and my P2 tamas... one is a pink one with flowers and is the one that is currently in use - at the moment this one's a teenage, female young mametchi :mametchi: called Lexi. The other, a red one with white arrows, isn't in use yet, as I'm waiting for the new battery to arrive. Looking forward to it. :D

I'm still on the search on eBay for a few more tama pals. But, I was just wondering, which versions of Tamagotchi's can connect with which? I know P1 and P2 that connect, but I'm not sure after that! The help would be mucho appreciated. :) Thanks in advance!

Anyway, that's me, and I hope to see a lot of you around the board now and then. See ya! x

Thanks, Orandatchi, I realised my mistake soon after I posted, lol :)

And thanks for the welcome, guys. You make me feel very wanted. :D

Oh, and an update quickly. My battery arrived for my red gotchi, got that one set up. Her name is Rhea, 3 yrs old now, and she's Ringotchi, very cute. :) Although, she should evolve later today, so she won't be for much longer! And my pink one, Lexi, is 6 yrs old now, a cute little Furawatchi. :furawatchi: Now, I'm eagerly awaiting them to be old enough for the matchmaker to see if I can get a boy and a girl so that next gen, they can breed! ;) teehee!

EDIT: And my V1, well... the screw has been stripped, so I can't open it to insert a new battery. :( RIP little blue 'gotchi!

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