Guinea Pigs! **Updated thread**


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Aubrey Hepburn

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2004
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Kansas, U.S.A.
I used to have 3 Guinea Pigs named Claire, Tina Sparkle, and Franny. Claire was my pig, Franny is my Mom's, and Tina Sparkle we shared. Claire and Tina both became ill several months ago and passed away before I could even get them to the vet. :D Somehow, Franny managed to avoid the illness completely and is still alive now, at age 5-ish. I miss having my own Guinea Pig, so I've been kinda browsing around the pet stores recently.

I happen to work at PetSmart now, and I noticed a new baby Guinea Pig in the quarantine room today, and I really liked the way it looks. It is jet black and very shiny, with tiny strips of white and tan throughout it's body. It is also extremely sweet-natured, and loves to cuddle up under my chin when I am holding it. ;) I think I am going to pick it up tomorrow while I am out...and Mom is at work. :D I've already mentioned getting another one to her, and she always just says that she "doesn't want another animal to take care of". No worries...I'll be taking care of it. :lol: Hehehe She loves Guinea Pigs and thinks Franny is lonely anyway, so while she may nag for a bit, she will quickly begin to love it too. :D I'm pretty excited about the prospect.

How many of you are Guinea Pig fans? Do you have pictures? Cute stories? :( If I bring this one home tomorrow, I will post pics for certain. 'Till then(afterwards too), I'd love to hear about yours!

OMG i got a piggy 4 xmas! you can look at my POST and see about marigold! (my guinea). u work at petsmart? LUCKY! thats like the totally best place in the world. i love it there! i really like animals. so u got any 'xperiences w/ hamsters? i have a honey-bear hamster.

Haha, my Mom says that all the time too. x]



I use to have a guinea pig about two years ago. His name was Scruffy and he was very, very shy. He was orange and white, like my cat, and had one brown ear and one white ear. Everyone always asked "What's wrong with his ear? o -o It's all white." He loved to be petted, but when he got to relaxed, he peed. So I had to hold him with a blanket underneath him. Haha.

He fed him clover from our backyard, and whenever we opened the door to the backyard, he's squeak loudly.

And one time my Dad was looking for me and called my name by his cage and Scruffy replied. XDD

He died of old age, at five. D:

I miss him, he was pretty awesome.


Here's a picture: Scruffy

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I have a piggy! :rolleyes: Her name is Cookie. She doesn't like being off the ground unless you're holding her veyr close, or she's sitting on top of my stomach (she likes to ride my tummy because it goes up and down when I breath, lol) She's a very sweet pig. I've had 4 piggies before her: a jet black boy that my mom took back while I was at school because she wanted me to have a girl, then a little baby I named Candie got sick and when we took her to the place where my mom bought her they said they would have to take her back because she was too sick, then a very mean piggy named Peachy that would bite me and squeal loudly I had for a hwile, and now COOKIE!!! Cookie is black with white patches and lines. (I didn't name her Oreo because my best friend had a guinea named Oreo who died :rolleyes: ) Anyway, I ♥ my Cookie XD

i had 2 guineas! their names were Mickey and Minnie!! lol! mickey looked exactly like skimpy~tamas but with a chocolate colored tail. i had to give them away. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: i miss them.


Aww, so cute! :rolleyes:

I don't have one, but they sound pretty nice. :rolleyes:

What will you name yours?

have fun with your new guinea pig! :eek:

Nummy thats a cute little guinea pig i wuv them they cute :furawatchi: :angry:

I wanna guinea-pig so I kinda made a dog called guinea pig instead. click here if you wanna see it: Guinea Pig

I love my dog guinea pig coz in my mind it's a real ginea pig even yhough it's a virtual dog!!!*mental assylum then ppl come and drag me off in van to mental home*

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I used to have 3 Guinea Pigs named Claire, Tina Sparkle, and Franny. Claire was my pig, Franny is my Mom's, and Tina Sparkle we shared. Claire and Tina both became ill several months ago and passed away before I could even get them to the vet. ;) Somehow, Franny managed to avoid the illness completely and is still alive now, at age 5-ish. I miss having my own Guinea Pig, so I've been kinda browsing around the pet stores recently.
I happen to work at PetSmart now, and I noticed a new baby Guinea Pig in the quarantine room today, and I really liked the way it looks. It is jet black and very shiny, with tiny strips of white and tan throughout it's body. It is also extremely sweet-natured, and loves to cuddle up under my chin when I am holding it. :wacko: I think I am going to pick it up tomorrow while I am out...and Mom is at work. :D I've already mentioned getting another one to her, and she always just says that she "doesn't want another animal to take care of". No worries...I'll be taking care of it. :) Hehehe She loves Guinea Pigs and thinks Franny is lonely anyway, so while she may nag for a bit, she will quickly begin to love it too. ;) I'm pretty excited about the prospect.

How many of you are Guinea Pig fans? Do you have pictures? Cute stories? :blink: If I bring this one home tomorrow, I will post pics for certain. 'Till then(afterwards too), I'd love to hear about yours!
He/she sounds very sweet. ^^ I hope you buy it!

...guinea pigs scare me lol....


once i picked one up kinda nervous... i've never held onon before. I held it securely and pulled it to my chest.... i still was extremely nervous... afraid i might drop it. It started squealing very loudly!!! i freaked out... the word rushed out of my mouth in panic "get it off. take it back!" my friend laughed and took it back from me.... She said guinea pigs can sense fear and that's why it went off like an alarm! so scary... but this was when i was really young.


after that i don't interact with guinea pigs that much... even thought i'm alot older... i'm still nervous lol

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I love guinea pigs...I don't have on though I have a bunny named Patches(just a darker black). blue_husky has 3, Sequines(on the far left kinda) the mother, Patches(kinda) the brother, & Sandy(kinda) the sister. Sandy died before school ended last year. She died of urinary cancer. blue_husky bought Sequines, but she didn't know she was pregnant. Sequines had Sandy one night(I think)then Patches in the morning(I think).

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I love guinea pigs...I don't have on though I have a bunny named Patches(just a darker black). blue_husky has 3, Sequines(on the far left kinda) the mother, Patches(kinda) the brother, & Sandy(kinda) the sister. Sandy died before school ended last year. She died of urinary cancer. blue_husky bought Sequines, but she didn't know she was pregnant. Sequines had Sandy one night(I think)then Patches in the morning(I think).
Aww! Patches reminds me of My old guinea mickey! so cute!



This is a picture I took of him right after I brought him home and got him set up in his new's huge! lol The cardboard box in the background was the box I carried him home in, and it has to serve as his hide-box for now. The store was out of "P"igloos. :( Oh well. I spent nearly all of my Christmas check from my Grandma, which was $100., getting him everything he needs, including a pig harness. :D

Right now he is relaxing in his new home, I will take him out again later after he settles in. He is SO sweet and calm, even though he is very young. He even gets along superbly with my Mom's pig, Franny. I might see how much it costs to have him neutered so they can live together, considering Franny is a girl. ;) For now, their cages are side-by-side.

I'm really glad I got this little guy. I think he will be a great pet...and he's so cute!! <_<

This is a picture I took of him right after I brought him home and got him set up in his new's huge! lol The cardboard box in the background was the box I carried him home in, and it has to serve as his hide-box for now. The store was out of "P"igloos. ;) Oh well. I spent nearly all of my Christmas check from my Grandma, which was $100., getting him everything he needs, including a pig harness. :D

Right now he is relaxing in his new home, I will take him out again later after he settles in. He is SO sweet and calm, even though he is very young. He even gets along superbly with my Mom's pig, Franny. I might see how much it costs to have him neutered so they can live together, considering Franny is a girl. :D For now, their cages are side-by-side.

I'm really glad I got this little guy. I think he will be a great pet...and he's so cute!! <_<
Congratulations! i am sure you will have a lot of fun with your new piggy! :(


I think you will have a lot of fun with your guinea pig. I have a guinea pig myself. I will post pics later.

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