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Yes! that is definitely a good thought to hold on to!

I haven't had a chance to ask her yet-- she's very busy, traveling around the UK in general. XD I'm jealous.

"She take my money, when I'm in need!" every time I hear the term gold digger, I always think of that song, and I chuckle a little bit.

Ahhh, I would love to! But, since I'm broke from les Miz, I probably won't have much of a chance to see KT. I spent all my money on the merchandise-- and I donated to the AIDS relief organization.

It is precious! The kids are so great!

Sadie stopped him before he could pour a glass of wine for her, then pointed at her stomach. "I think I'll pass on the alcohol, love. I don't think the baby would agree with it at all. Water will be fine." She smiled slightly, then thought about how to answer his question. "Well... hmm... I guess I would have to say lasagna! It definitely sounds good right about now." She giggled, then reached out to brush her fingers along the top of Brandon's hand. She loved him so much, and the fact that he set all of that up for her birthday moved her greatly. Nobody had ever planned a birthday as special as that one, most certainly. And she had never shared her birthday with anyone she loved as much as him.

It's gonna get me through the next few months, most definitely.

You know what else is? I'm getting a Creative Arts Award for my art work and it's going on exhibition at the arts awards evening because of it =DD

Haha, yeah, so do I. But, I'm pretty sure we hear different versions in our head xD

It was only £20 to see her here- amazing price!

That's nice! I'm either going to donate to relief for Japan or buy some copies of Adam Lambert's remix to contribute to The Trevor Project and their "It Gets Better" campaign :)

Les Mis was excellent, I take it?

N'aww, it sounds adorable <3

Brandon smiled coyly at her, before rolling his eyes in a hugely exaggerated fashion. He sighed heavily and exclaimed, "Oh, ye of little faith! I'm on a roll here in creating the perfect birthday, and you doubt me! I thought of everything. It's non-alcoholic, of course; I had a feeling, you know. I'm sure baby will be fine with grape juice." He poured some out, but also got some water for them both, just in case she felt like that instead. He set the bottle down before entwining his fingers with hers and squeezing her hand gently. "Lasagne. I'll remember that, then," he said, equally as casually as before, when he'd asked the question- after all, he already had dinner on the go, right? He had it timed perfectly so that the could talk for a little while and get settled before they ate, too; he'd certainly tried to think of everything, which was why he had been more than a little- though not visibly, of course- dismayed when they weren't going to go ahead with it just a few days before.

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I've been in a really weird writing clump lately. Ughhh, it's so bad. I just don't get on my computer as much as I used to.

BTW, I'm auditioning for Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!! =D

Sadie laughed and said, "Well, I'm very sorry for doubting you." She took her glass of grape juice and sipped at it tentatively, the smile still on her lips. But then she raised her eyebrow, a curious look on her face. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're up to something," she giggled, playfully rubbing her ankle against his. "But I won't ask questions. I just have to know that I'm in very good hands."

Believe me, Becca, being on the computer less is no bad thing at all. Besides, I get it, you're drivin' around with Enya in the CD player- I don't blame you! :)

I'm so busy right now anyway. Exam season is well and truly on the way. I have songs to write, sketchbooks to finish and revision to start, so I'll be kept busy until, say, June time. Yaayyy.

Awesome! Who're you going for? =D

"You should be," Brandon said, looking away from her for a moment in such a way that expressed his clear hurt at her questioning whether he'd fully thought through the evening- jokingly, of course, for he smiled again soon enough, particularly when she rubbed her ankle against his underneath the table and she put on a playful tone. "Hmm, perhaps you don't know any better. I'm up to a whole lot of things right now. All of them for your entertainment, I hope," he replied, sipping at his drink. "And there's no point asking questions, anyway, love. I wouldn't tell you. You'll just have to wait and see."

First of all, I love your avvie!

Second of all, I love you!

Ahhh!!! You have so much to do for school! =O

I'm hoping to get the part of Columbia. =)

Sadie tossed back her head and laughed, before taking another sip of her grape juice. "Oh, you big baby! Getting all butt hurt!" She playfully reached over and pinched his cheek. "You're such a funny guy," she told him honestly, giving him a lopsided grin. "You always manage to keep me on my toes." She idly rubbed her stomach, as if trying to remind herself that she was, in fact, pregnant again. It was surreal to her, but in a completely good way.

Why, thank you! I bought his Glam Nation Live album, and I saw the photo in the booklet. I just thought it was beautiful because it encapsulates everything that he is perfectly. I adore it <333

I love you more, too! =D

I know! But, hey, I finished my music compositions, and I'm really happy with how they turned out!

Ah, good luck! I'm sure you'll do awesomely well :)

"Well, you know, I try." Brandon leaned back easily in his seat, observing everything around him, about how beautiful it all was, and how lucky he was to live there. In spite of it all, however, his eyes always gravitated back to the woman opposite him, and he knew that, above all, he was the luckiest man in the world to have her; he knew that they could be living anywhere, and he would love his life with her and their child- and soon to be children- just as much. He smiled adoringly at her and said to her, "I can't believe we're really having another baby. I told myself to dare not give it too much thought, because it ambitious to hope for it before you turned twenty."


Yaaay! And you cannot love me more!!!!

That's good! Will they ever be up on the webs or anything?

i hope so!

"I'm so... surprised, really. I never thought we'd have another baby, you know? And now we know that we are, and... it just seems right. Like our family doesn't need anything more than this. I have everything in life that I could possibly want." She reached out and took his hand in hers, beaming at him. "I wouldn't change a day of my life, if it meant I wouldn't have this. I wouldn't take away any of the bad times at all." She giggled, then took a sip of the grape juice. "So... I'm really dying to have dinner, you know. My stomach is getting annoyed with me."

Oh, but I do ;P

They certainly will. As soon as they're all recorded to a standard I am happy with, they shall be all over Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and Tumblr, so you won't be able to miss it :)

When are you auditioning?

Brandon smiled gently across at her, squeezing her hand. "I know what you mean. I just couldn't believe it. I mean, I'd had a hunch for a while that you were but the whole idea of it is so.. surreal." He then chuckled, leaned across the table to give her a peck on the lips before telling her, "Well, in that case, I'll be right back." He left the balcony to go down to the kitchen to get the dinner.

Shortly afterward, there was a call from outside in the garden, beneath the balcony.

"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Sadie is the sun."

It was Brandon- quoting Shakespeare, of course- and he grinned up at his beloved from the garden, before scaling the house with the aid of the wall climbing plants growing upon it, emerging onto the balcony with two plates of lasagne and a special Italian salad to go with it, placing one in front of her, and one for himself. "Dinner is served," he announced, smiling triumphantly as he took his seat. He'd asked Prudence and Mikey for their opinion on what he should make for her birthday dinner, and it turned out they'd clearly come up trumps considering how Sadie has answered his question earlier.

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YAY! Thank goodness! I love hearing your music!

April 22nd. There's a workshop for the auditions this Saturday.

Sadie peered down from the balcony, and the laughed as she saw Brandon scaling the vines with ease and poise. "Oh my goodness!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together. "My Romeo!" She sat back down, a wide grin on her face. "Oh Brandon, this is perfect! It's exactly what I've been craving! Thank you." She leaned forward and gave him a kiss, before eating her dinner slowly. Brandon was probably the best cook she knew, and this meal was no exception. She let out a happy sight, her whole body seeming to relax. "So... good..."

Nooooo! Neverrrrr!

Aw, shucks, thank you =D It's really exciting to be getting some completed original material on there :3

Awesome! Again- good luck! <3

"You're welcome. Also thank your brother and Prudence for their input. They know you so well," Brandon replied, still grinning like an idiot at how well everything was turning out. He ate some of his lasagne, watching her intently as she had some of hers, as well. Her reaction was what he'd hoped for, and he smiled as he took a sip of wine. "Hard as I imagine it may be for you to think past dinner, considering how much you like it, but what did you have in mind for dessert?" he asked her, more out of plain curiosity than previously, because he hadn't actually asked anyone's opinion for dessert.

LIIIIES!! I'll duel you!

Yayayay! I can't wait to hear it!

Thanks! I can't wait. No matter what part I get, I'll have a good time.

Sadie thought about it, and then said, "Well, I really like the sound of strawberry cheesecake. Maybe with a scoop of whipped cream on top... Yum!" She continued eating her dinner happily, trying her best not to make a mess with the sauce. Suddenly, she heard a gurgling noise from the doorway, and Sadie turned to see the source of the sound. Cosette was crawling toward them, all dressed and ready for bed. But she had wanted to see her parents first. Sadie picked up the toddler and laughed. "Hey there sweetie!"

Really? Is that a good idea for you? To take on me? ;P

It's always that way. Even being in the chorus of Seussical, I had a lot of fun =D

Brandon nodded silently, his mouth periodically full with a forkful of lasagne. "There's my girl!" he exclaimed happily as Cosette sat up on her mother's lap. She was already looking nearly half asleep- Blaise had obviously worn her out well enough with all the attention she was giving her-, and had just enough energy for a few cuddles with her parents before bed time. He set his fork down and crouched beside Sadie's chair to give his daughter a kiss and a gentle tickle in the stomach.

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Well.... no, probably not. Seeing as you know tae kwan do.....

Plus, it'll be cool to work with a different theater company.

Cosette returned his kiss with a sloppy kiss of her own, then cuddled closer to Sadie, trying to fall asleep in her arms. Sadie giggled, then took Brandon's hand and walked with him to the nursery. She gently placed Cosette in her crib, and watched as Cosette tried her very hardest to keep her eyes open. "I love you," Sadie whispered, leaning down and kissing the baby's forehead. "Sweet dreams..."

Touche. I love you more, and there's nothin' you can do about it ;P

Oh, it's a different theatre company? That'll be fun :)

Brandon followed Sadie into Coestte's room and leaned down to kiss her forehead softly. "Sleep well, honey," he whispered, stroking her little head and dark hair for a few moments before straightening up again and slipping his hand back into Sadie's. "We are so lucky," he murmured softly, mostly to himself, really.

now wait! Just because you could beat me up does NOT mean you love me more!

So what kinds of comp pieces did you make, if you don't mind me asking. Like, what genre are they in, that sort of stuff.

Yup. They're in the city next to ours-- bigger city, bigger crowds.

Sadie nodded silently, then went back to their room to continue eating dinner. Cosette had gone to sleep almost the instant she was placed in her crib. She was tuckered out-- being cute was a very hard job for such a tiny little girl. Sadie smiled and said, "I can't wait to see her as a big sister. I know she'll be a good one. If not a little bit bossy." She giggled, then finished off her meal. "Brandon, this night has been absolutely perfect. You're the best hus-- boyfriend, in the world." It was strange, but she basically considered Brandon her husband already. They already shared their lives like a married couple wood. They just didn't share the same last name. But she knew she wanted a wedding all the same.

Well, no, but that's beside the point... Ahem. xD

The first is a song- there's more than a little bit of Orianthi about it because it's quite pop/rock, but with lots of guitar in it. It's called Paper Planes, and it's about getting away from all these feelings of confinement in your life, even just for a moment or two. I mean, I struggled to find a topic but the problem was I didn't want to do what a ton of people are doing right now and writing about heartbreak and love and stuff like that. I don't think I have any right; I have no idea what that's like, nor does anyone my age, really. The second is a Latin/Blues Santana-esque guitar instrumental, which I'm very proud of :)

Woo! Even better!

"Definitely. She already knows how to order me around," Brandon agreed, chuckling softly as he finished off the remaining amount of his food. There had indeed been several instances in which Cosette had indeed prefer to order her dad around, particularly if he'd been gardening and thus was clearly not getting enough attention from him. He pushed his plate away when he was done and smiled gratefully at her for her compliment. "Well, I'm just glad you liked it, darling." He chuckled a bit at her slip of the tongue. "Well, I didn't know when I was going to do this anyway, so I might as well seize the opportunity as it's presented itself." He reached across the table to take both of her hands and told her, "The truth is, I'm tired of being your boyfriend, because I don't feel like I am anymore. You're in every way my wife- except lawfully, and I want that to change." He took a hand away for a moment to search in his suit pocket, producing, yes, you guessed it, an engagement ring. "Sadie, will you do my the honour of becoming Mrs. Rose- officially?"


Oh my gosh. I can't wait to hear them, especially the second one!! <3 Latin music rules!!

I'm so pumped. They do their shows at an arboretum and I just want to get in soooo bad!

Sadie stared at Brandon in complete shock, her mouth hanging wide open. "Shut up!" She exclaimed, her hands flying up to her face. "Shut up shut up! Are you serious!?" She let out a squeal, then nodded as fast as she possibly could. "Oh my gosh, yes! yes yes, a thousand million times yes!" Tears began to sting her eyes, but she did her very best to hold them back. "I can't believe it, Brandon. It's a gorgeous ring, and... oh my gosh, I can't believe this is happening!" She held out her left hand so he could slide the ring onto her finger, and was immensely pleased when it fit just right. That's when she started bawling her eyes out.

Yeah... Kinda... xD

It sure does. I mean, Mr. Carey suggested a piano solo but I thought that a Latin piece would just be so much more fun and upbeat.

That'd be extra amazing! I'm sure you'll do fine, but you can have some extra luck from me when you go for it ;P

"Of course I'm serious, honey!" Brandon had to chuckle, not expecting a reaction quite like this. In fact, he'd imagined she'd be more subdued, because they were already like a married couple anyway, and she must have seen it coming one day. But he far preferred this reaction, because it made the whole thing feel really special and important. He took her left hand in one of his and with the other slid the ring onto her ring finger and smiled at her, his own eyes glistening a little bit from the emotion of the moment. "Perfect," he murmured when he noted the ring was just right for her. He shifted his chair around the table to be next to her, so that he was able to pull her into his lap and hold her tightly, grinning all the while. "Don't cry, love, you're worrying me!" he chuckled softly, planting a kiss in her hair.

Not kinda. It was a VERY good point. >3

Sometimes, it's best to ignore the teacher and follow your heart. Not all the time. But occasionally.

Thank you! I'm so excited to have your support!!!

"I'm so happy, that's why I'm crying, you big goof! I'm completely shocked!" She shook slightly, trying to wipe her eyes so she wouldn't smudge her makeup. She hadn't been expecting this. Well, not that night, anyway. She knew they would get married at some point, but this surprised her immensely. It was the perfect setting, the perfect ring, the perfect day. He was perfect in every single way, and he kept surprising her all the time. She would never get tired of it. She planted a passionate kiss on his lips, still sniffling a little bit.

Meh. I'm disregarding it. >:3

I agree, actually. I mean, once I told him what I was doing he seemed really pleased with it but his initial reaction to not doing a piano solo was definitely hostile. Still, I think he really liked it in the end :) I'll find out after the holidays what mark its going to get :)

It'd be cooler if I could actually see it, of course. But, ah well, I'm happy just hearing about it =D

"Shocked? Really? You mean you didn't see it coming whatsoever?" Brandon replied, both surprised and gladdened by that fact, in all honesty. "Well, in that case- surprise! Happy birthday, darling," he murmured, returning her kiss with equal passion, smiling against her lips, unable to stop himself.

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