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I hope it gets a really high mark. And yeah, teachers seem to do that when you disagree with them, right? I know the feeling, hahaha.

Well, I'm hoping someone will film parts of it, and then I can send them around.

I'm having a movie night with my boyfriend tonight!! SO EXCITED!

Sadie said, "I knew you were going to propose someday! I just didn't think that it would be today of all days!" She finally calmed herself down, but the feeling of butterflies in her stomach didn't go away. They were officially going to get married. They were engaged, finally. Sadie didn't know what to do. She wanted to fling out her arms and scream, but at the same time she wanted to muse over it quietly. The louder reaction won out, and she went to the balcony and opened her arms wide. "I love Brandon Rose!" Sadie yelled into the night, the smile evident in her voice. "He's amazing!" She was sure that nobody nearby could hear, seeing as the estate was pretty big, but at least she was getting it out.


Thank you :) I personally think it's better than my first piece, by far and that was already on an A* grade, so hopefully it'll do well.


For a moment there I was like. "Whut? You have a boyfriend?" And then I remembered about Alex xD That sounds like so much fun! -still lonesome-

Oh, and by the way, in "They Call Us Show Girls" when Meimei said, "I think that Mr. Fletcher is trying to overcompensate for his shortcomings as a lover. Either that or maybe he's secretly gay. Maybe." Was she referring to Caden or his brother? xD

Brandon laughed at her reaction. He wasn't one for yelling out his feelings, really, being more of the quiet type, and so he just leaned in close to her from behind and murmured, "I love you, too, Sadie. I can't wait to be married to you." He kissed her temple and then straightened up again to clear up the plates from the table. He smiled at her and asked, "So am I still making strawberry cheesecake for dessert?"

Wahhh! Not even fair! I love you equally!!!

YES!!!! That's the spirit! Plus, doing things out of the box is always good.

Don't worry about finding someone. You'll find them when you stop looking. That's basically how it happened for me XD

His brother. She calls Caden by his first name. :3 She has a strong feeling Caden is so not gay.

"Strawberry cheesecake sounds absolutely delicious! And I'll gladly help you make it! It'll be fun!" She headed down to the kitchen, singing happily as she went, making sure to not wake the baby. "Brandon, This has been the perfect night. And I can't wait until later. I'm definitely ready to make the change, and be a vampire, and be able to spend my forever with you." She kissed his cheek, her thoughts flashing to what it would be like to be a vampire. She wondered what kinds of skills she would have. Would she be able to control her blood lust? She hoped so; otherwise, she wouldn't be able to be near Cosette for a long time.

Alright, alright :) I agree with you :3

Definitely. It was so much fun to write something like that, and it was so good to just improvise over. Plus, I love Latin music, it makes me feel and summer and like I want to dance.

Yeah, I'm not too bothered. I don't think I'd have time to have a boyfriend right now, anyway!

But I'm happy for you. I only saw his picture, and he seems cute :)

Ah, true. It's just, I read it as though she reckoned that Caden was being nice to overcompensate for his shortcomings as a lover and I was like, "Imagine if he overheard this..." xD She has good strong feelings about Caden. She also has good feelings about his brother. The whole dressing room idea kind of came out of the blue and surprised me, because Joseph was most definitely supposed to be gay. But, hey, that adds and extra hateful twist to him!

Brandon also went down to the kitchen and got out all of the ingredients for a strawberry cheesecake- it was amazing how they seemed to have enough food to make everything you could ever imagine making, which was, of course, Brandon's doing, due to his love of cooking. He gave Sadie a few things to do, while he handled the other half of the cheesecake making duties [i have no idea how to make cheesecake, so this is vague beyond belief :L], and with them both pitching in making it to the point where it was ready to be baked altogether took no time at all. He slid the cake tin into the oven and said, "We've got about a half hour until that's done, I'm afraid. Unfortunately I wasn't quite so prepared with what to make for dessert."

Yaaay!!!! Now we don't have to fight anymore!!

Of course! Latin music makes me think of Antonio Banderas, and it just makes me flipping happy!!!

He's awesome. He's in a band (he plays guitar), and we have soo much in common.

I absolutely LOVE Meimei as a character. She's a bundle of fun. I would love for her to meet some guy from her childhood later on, it would be an interesting plot twist (note: I'm not saying you need to do it haha) I just know Mei would be like, "What's he doing here? Oh crap, this is the part where I take off my clothes... I can't do that in front of him, what will he think!?"

Sadie said to him, "Well... what do you think we should do until the cake is done? I honestly have no ideas; this whole night has been a huge surprise." She sat down on the counter, idly swinging her legs and staring at Brandon with a smirk on her face. She loved it when he got all dressed up, with that little bit of stubble on his face. It made him more irresistible to her than he already was. "By the way, did i tell you how handsome you look tonight?"

Never mind!

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We certainly don't. I was only doing it to wind you up anyway (;

Ah, that's true. I momentarily forgot about your love for all things Spanish due to your love for Mr. Banderas.

Aw, I'm super duper happy for you! He sounds really nice :)

Haha, that would be interesting. See, I was thinking of stepping up to the plate and making some more male characters because it is in need of a serious injection of testosterone xD Only, for one thing, writing for three people or more starts to get tedious, and, on top of that, there're still so many more girls than that, even if I did make three or even four there wouldn't be enough to go around.

Brandon stood opposite her, placing his hands either side of her on the counter and leaning in fairly closely. "Well, I admit that considering I hadn't planned on baking anything I hadn't had anything planned for what to do during the time in which dessert would be baking, either," he admitted with a soft chuckle, "Alas, I have failed to make the evening entirely perfect." He smiled back at her with his signature crooked smile when she told him she thought he looked good. "You did, but I don't mind hearing it again at all," he replied, "Thank you. And you, even more so than usual, look stunning."

Well, it worked! I was all wound up!!! *spin*

<3 Yes! Spanish is awesome!

He is. Plus, I'm pretty sure he's Spanish!!!

Well, I shotgun you! And I'll make a male character as well! :3 He's going to be a stage crew boy who maybe has a crush on one of the girls, but doesn't show it.

Sadie leaned forward and gave Brandon a quick kiss, smirking ever so slightly against his lips. "Now Brandon, every single part of this evening has been completely perfect. Even this down time between foods." She pulled Brandon closer to her, grinning from ear to ear. "Now, we're alone, with a spare hour, and you're looking great, and I'm looking great... now, why don't you put two and two together, baby?" She made a soft purring noise, then kissed his neck.

Haha, yeah, sorry about that ;P

That's cool! Especially for you, considering your love for all things Spanish :)

You shotgun me? I have no idea what that means xD

Brandon leaned in closer and said, "Oh believe me, I already had the answer. I was waiting for you to ask the question so I could tell you." He took her into his arms easily, pulling her off the counter and held her against him. They didn't have a whole lot of time, so he figured there wasn't any point in wasting time, so he already found the zip at the back of her dress, while he occupied himself by kissing her passionately at the same time.

Well, I forgive you. Because I got wound up, it means I really do love you! =D

Yes! ^_^

I call one of your male characters if you make any more! :3 I claim him as mine. Yup yup yup.

Sadie giggled and kissed him in return, tugging at his shirt and tossing it to the floor. So it would get a little bit wrinkly; who cared, really? It would get wrinkly again later anyway, so it just saved time. She pulled back to remove his pants, kneeling down on the kitchen floor in front of him. She then removed his underwear, before getting to her feet once more. "I'm going to keep wearing my stilettos, by the way," Sadie told him, smirking.

Well, obviously! :3

So much for, "I'm not saying you need to do it." xD I can see there's going to be a fight for my men. I've got all four of my best buddies in that roleplay- how do I decide who of you gets my men? Not to mention the others in there! xD

After removing her dress, Brandon moved onto Sadie's underwear. He had been kneeling on the floor after having done so, about to remove her shoes for her, in fact, when she told him she wanted to keep them on. He straightened up and pulled her into his arms again. "Well, I'm not going to complain about that," he murmured with a smirk against her lips as he leaned in for another passionate kiss with her. "Your choice; floor, table, or anywhere else you had in mind," he said with a soft chuckle.

But of course!

And because I've known you the longest :3 And because I love you so stinking much? Oh, and someone has to take my stage hand guy! Because he's probably going to be one of the most complex characters I've ever made.

Sadie only had to think about it for a couple seconds before she said, "Table, most definitely!" As much fun as the floor would be, she also knew it would be uncomfortable. She laughed and gave him another kiss. "I swear, sometimes we are so bad! if anyone finds out we're doing this, they'll be so freaked out!" She moved and sat on the table, then beckoned him over. She picked up his tie and put it around his neck, pulling him toward her gently. "Much better!"

Well, let's weigh it all up here. Yes, I've known you the longest, followed by Diva, followed by Evan, followed by Beth. However, this has lead to the fact that, taking them all into account, I have had at lease six characters with you, followed by three with Diva, two with Evan and only one with Beth. You're all equally good writers. So, in total that makes you all...

Even. Oh, that wasn't planned xD Oh, gosh, I don't know. Still, I haven't even thought of a character yet..

"Well, we'd better not tell them, I admit, because I know eating here would be awkward," Brandon laughed, and continued to when he suddenly found himself wearing his tie again. "I swear, this is more like an after hours office affair, like they have on TV." He moved in front of her and slowly leaned until she was eventually lying on the table, and he was on top.

XD Haha, it's okay, actually, if you don't make a character for me. I'm not that serious about it in that rp anyway! =)

As long as I'll still have people to talk to and stuff, I'm good!

Sadie giggled fiendishly and said, "Oh, we'll clean up afterwards, of course... but every time we eat at the table, the memory will still be there. It's like our little secret." She gave him a kiss, except it was different than the hungry, fiery kisses from before. It was very gentle, very loving, which didn't completely match the mood of what they were doing. But it meant a lot to her to show him that side of her; there was a side to her that was very deep, very tied in with her emotions, and very loving.

Maybe I'll go crazy and make three more so all of you have one! Or be boring and make one. I have no idea, just that right now I can't be bothered xD

I agree. And, of course, you'll always have me. If not there, then here :)

I'll skip before I get carried away and get told off like one other time... xD


After about three minutes of the oven making a noise, Brandon gave up trying to avoid pulling away. After every half a minute or so, he'd finish kissing her, before murmuring, "Just one more," before, finally, he rolled off the table and took the cheesecake out of the oven. "Talk about a romance killer," he chuckled as he turned the timer off and set the cake tin on the counter. He went back over to the kitchen table to give Sadie another kiss- after all, it had to cool down before they could do anything with it, right?- before he decided it was probably best to clear everything up.

XD understandable!

Besides, my character is more focused on making it to Broadway and having friends. Does she need a boy? nah, not really.

Sadie kept kissing him in return, and she didn't object to him staying with her. When he got up to pull the cheesecake out of the oven, she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to make it look somewhat presentable. "That cake smells great," she murmured, stretching and getting off of the table. She slid into her clothes, then got a spray bottle of cleaning fluid and a rag, then sprayed the table down and cleaned it off. "There. Now no evidence will be left behind!"

That's fair enough. I don't really know what Caden's doing right now, anyway. Directing and such xD Besides, whoever gets Caden has the awkward thing of the work relationship, as well as the fact that they still have the other half of their job to deal with.

Brandon put his clothes back on and cleaned up everything that was left after baking the cheesecake, and thanked Sadie for cleaning the table. "Thanks, love. I definitely think breakfast tomorrow would go down much better if noone knew," he chuckled softly. He cut them both a generous slice of cheesecake, quickly found some cream in the fridge and poured some on the plates next to it, and lead her back upstairs and onto the balcony, where by now it was completely dark except for the light from the candles on the table.

But be warned: Mei will be playing matchmaker XD

I will update this post as soon as I get home from rehearsal! Until then, au'revoir!

Sadie grinned and sat down in a seat at the table, then looked at Brandon expectantly. "Honey, can I have a glass of milk please? I think it goes best with cakes and cookies and such!" She eyed the cake hungrily, her mouth beginning to water. "This is the prettiest cake I've ever seen. It's almost a shame that we're going to eat it!" She made sure to set up the silverware and scoot her seat as close to Brandon's as possible.

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Hmm, with whom, I wonder? I think I know already.

So, how'd rehearsal go? :3

"Sure, be right back, love," Brandon replied, hopping down from the balcony, to go into the kitchen, and returned with a glass of milk for her, while he'd poured himself another glass of wine. He set them down on the table and took his seat, which he noticed was much closer to hers now. He smiled and said, "You won't regret it if it tastes as good as it looks, though, I suppose."

either Brielle or Evan's character (I can't remember her name)

It went really well! The kids loved the choreography, and so did the director.

Sadie laughed and nodded. "Right. No regrets. Unless it ends up tasting bad, which i doubt will happen. After all, you're the best cook I know, and anything you make is bound to be delicious!" She slowly took a bite of the cheesecake, and her eyes got wide. "This... this is... delicious! Oh my gosh! It's seriously the best cheesecake I've ever had!" At that point, she stopped talking and carried on eating, too absorbed in the food to really focus on anything else.

Possibly- but that just makes me feel bad for you! ):

Aww, that's great to hear! <3

How are you otherwise?

"The best cook you know? Really?" Brandon seemed amused by her compliment, as though it couldn't possibly be true. He ate some of his cheesecake and was modest and quiet about it, just smiling before he took another bite- so her reaction was all the more amusing to him. "Well... That's... Good, I suppose," he chuckled softly.

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