Halloween... It isn't here yet...


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
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<-------That Way------->
I was just wondering... I know it ISN'T quite here yet, but still. I'm excited :)

I, Kawaii-Kitty, with a kitty avatar, and kitty signature will be dressed as.... (omg, your guessed it) a CAT!!! lolz!

Nothing to big, just black shirt, pants, with ears, tail, and wiskers, (still lolz)

-Do you have an idea or are you not gonna dress up?

Still thinking...but of course, kawaii-kitty and I are friends in real life, and she wants me to drewss up as a dog..... :wacko:

hehe, cat and dog, it will be awesome!!!!! Should I be a black or white dog, a spotted dog, a brown dog,a grey dog. SO MANY CHOICES :)

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This Halloween I'm going as Pee-wee Herman. Though I'm not actually going anywhere...trick or treating is kind of pointless now that I'm almost 16 and I have to give away like half my candy anyway (can't have nuts).

I have a good idea of what I want to be. I want to buy a gothic lolita dress off eBay, and go as a gothic lolita. So cool~

I'm going to be myself.

Only with less eyeliner.

No rly. And a cape and red eyeshadow all around my eyes.

My boyfriend is going as a Captain Jack Sparrow-ish looking pirate...who pirates movies(you know, like getting them off the internet and selling them illegally). :)

I am going as an Bollywood(India's version of Hollywood, it's actually a huge movie industry) star with a beautiful(ostentatious!) costume and big, gold earrings and lots of bangles...which I purchase from an Indian market near my house.

The story is that my boyfriend the Pirate(who is actually from India in real life) saw me in one of his pirated movies, fell for me, and came and stole me away one day. :p I think it will be really fun. We are going ballroom dancing in our costumes, and then on to a Halloween party for people our age later on.

There have ben a change of plans...Im gonna be a Tiger and Jahni is gonna be a...a...something

I'm not dressing up this year. I'm not into the whole Halloween thing... I just pass out candy and comment on how nice the kids' costumes are. :)

Pkus I'm trying to stay away from candy, because I'm eating too much of it... LOL!

I'm not sure I'm going trick-or-treating this year. I don't have a costume. All I have is my witch costume but I've had that for 3 years now at least. My friend might want to take me trick-or-treating this year and we can be twin devils but I'm not really sure just yet.

You can always make up your own costume. You don't always have to go out and buy a outfit. I might dress up as a Goth. Paint my nails and my face black and white with markers, and paint!

Haha, Locky, paint your nails. XD

I know, I want to use my own clothes this year, but yet again I don't really know what kind of outfit I could make with just my clothes alone.

Well, you see. I'm still not sure if I'm going to trick or treat this year. If I find it really boring, I probably would attempt "the sweet escape" ;)

I mean, if your riding your bike wearing black, wouldn't it already make a great costume?

Two words: Paris Hilton.


Since my hair is long and blonde, all I need to do is straighten it really straight. I have large, bulky sunglasses, a little black dress, and steleto (sp?) heals. This is a Halloween party costume, and my friend is bringing her dog. It is a yorkie, less than and inch long. She is adorable! I'll carry the puppy in my purse. ;)


For actual trick-or-treat, black cat, as usual. Black sweats, cat ears, cat tail, eye liner painted whiskers.


My friends ideas:

~spa girl

~maralyn monroe

~hannah montanna

~tinker bell

~50s diner gal



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