Hannah montana


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Bags, perfume, cheap hats, body products, towels, her own line of advertising clothing, what next? Her own furniture line? o.o
What's wrong with liking her perfume? It's not like I have a billion Hannah Montana products... I only have a bag, 3 concert memories, a make-up case, perfume, and a poster that I never put up.

I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER buy a Hannah Montana T.V. without planning to sell it on eBay so I can buy some rare Tamas, model horses, and some cheap cute clothes.

Trading Cards..Do you battle with them or something?

Like a Warrior Miley and Mage Oliver o.o
No all they have is a few pictures and stickers, and 8 year olds go screaming for them.


My friend has such a hate for Hannah Montanna... Whenever she sees her face she covers it... We went to the mall and she looked through the entire DVD section and hid all the Hannah Monatanna ones.

I guess she's OK. I like her show and everything- it's a good idea, but sometimes it can get kinda cheesy...

I don't like many of her songs- just See You Again and I got Nerve. The rest are so annoying!

I think personally she's kind of a brat, but I don't know her myself, so I really can't say much.

I really don't like Hannah Montana x.xWhenever I see her picture it makes me cringe and whenever I hear her songs I want to rip off my ears. seriously.

My obsessed cousin turned her lifesize doll into a replica of Miley. Its so scary...

I just wanna tie that doll--no the real one to a tree and light it on fire so the world won't suffer anymore >.<
Ergh. I have a friend who tried to do that. Apparently, now, she's fifteen, lives in L. A california, has long brown hair and pale skin, and plays guitar.

Ha, ha. The Internet can really suck sometimes. :D

I guess she's OK. I like her show and everything- it's a good idea, but sometimes it can get kinda cheesy...I don't like many of her songs- just See You Again and I got Nerve. The rest are so annoying!

I think personally she's kind of a brat, but I don't know her myself, so I really can't say much.
Cool. ;) I like MOST of her songs, not all. Some of her songs can get extremely annoying. >.< For example I HATE Start All Over. I really like See You Again. =)

Do you mean her character on TV is kind of a brat or she IS a brat, period? She was a BIG brat in the second season, but in the first season she was alright.

I really like Hannah Montana. I like her songs and her show (it's funny :D ) but I can't say I'm obssessed. I like the actors on it, though I have to say I'm not a big fan of Billy Ray Cyrus. >.<
