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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2007
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Had a supernatural experiance before?

I have, ill tel you later though, its almost time for bed.

Please share if you have.


Tell me, will i get told off tomorow? @.@


Explain. Lovely Swan.

Yes. I have dreams of the future. (Only sometimes)

Its just when you get the feeling you know something good/bad is going to happen... and this picture just pops up in your head for 2 seconds and you feel you have to do something about it. K?

I'm slightly psychic.

I do have tons of dreams about the future that turn about to be right, I often have deja vu, and I have seen spirits. Also, if someone is thinking about something very hard, I can usually know what they're thinking. I used to think I was crazy, but now I feel better about it, now that I've read Sylvia Browne books. They're mindboggling. xD I sound like a commercial.

Supernatural? If you are talking 'ghosties', well, sorry to disappoint you. But I have expierenced supernatural peace and understanding when I need it most from God. It's really hard to explain, kind of one of those things you either know it or you don't.

Oh God, another topic about these crazy imaginary ghosts. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but ghosts don't exist. Nobody is psychic, maybe a bit of de ja vu here and there, but definitely there are no pyschics. If there were ghosts and pyschics, the world is coming to an end. XD

Oh God, another topic about these crazy imaginary ghosts. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but ghosts don't exist. Nobody is psychic, maybe a bit of de ja vu here and there, but definitely there are no pyschics. If there were ghosts and pyschics, the world is coming to an end. XD
Couldn't have said it better myself.


I don't think that this is a topic on ghosts thought, just telling the future.


I have experienced peace and understanding from God, though, like tama w/ pants said earlier.



Meh.. People can believe what they want.

Between my friends and I, a lot of freaky stuff has happened. I can't explain it, because I don't know what caused it, so I'm not jumping to conclusions here..

I have De Ja Vu every now and then, mostly with my best friend, and on the computer.. xD It's a short, quick feeling that I mostly forget about whenever something more important comes up.

Ghosts.. I won't say they're not real, because I'm not really sure. But I've proved a few spooky myths wrong..

I've played my Ouija board alone in the dark. Nothing happened.

I've done Mary Worth/Bloody Mary with my friends. Many times. Obviously, I am fine.

They were actually exciting, because they were on dares and bets. xDD

Oh God, another topic about these crazy imaginary ghosts. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but ghosts don't exist. Nobody is psychic, maybe a bit of de ja vu here and there, but definitely there are no pyschics. If there were ghosts and pyschics, the world is coming to an end. XD
Actually, there are psychics. They are people with a more developed right temporal lobe in their brain, therefore they can do "psychicy" stuff. xD

Oh God, another topic about these crazy imaginary ghosts. Sorry to disappoint you guys, but ghosts don't exist. Nobody is psychic, maybe a bit of de ja vu here and there, but definitely there are no pyschics. If there were ghosts and pyschics, the world is coming to an end. XD
Thats your opinion, others do beleive, I'm one of them.

You sounded like someones parent telling them santa doesn't exisit in a really rude way, if you get what I mean..

I don't beleive in the physcic stuff, thats just like something someone decided to make up and and everyone beleived them, but ghosts in general, I do beleive.


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Actually, there are psychics. They are people with a more developed right temporal lobe in their brain, therefore they can do "psychicy" stuff. xD
I do not believe that for a second. Sorry, but you just cannot tell me there are 'phychics' when half the time they are wrong and the other lucky chance and pointing out obvious things that a first grader could tell you [if you can't trust them 100% I don't consider them even close to genuine].

People go 'omg' when a phychic get a couple things right when the other 95% is wrong. It seems alot totaly forget about that other percent which makes a huge difference.

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Thats your opinion, others do beleive, I'm one of them. You sounded like someones parent telling them santa doesn't exisit in a really rude way, if you get what I mean..

I don't beleive in the physcic stuff, thats just like something someone decided to make up and and everyone beleived them, but ghosts in general, I do beleive.

No, I'm just firmly stating an opinion. There is a difference between being firm and being rude. And seriously, why believe in this stuff? I agree with tamaw/pants on the category of phychics.

I do not believe that for a second. Sorry, but you just cannot tell me there are 'phychics' when half the time they are wrong and the other lucky chance and pointing out obvious things that a first grader could tell you [if you can't trust them 100% I don't consider them even close to genuine].
People go 'omg' when a phychic get a couple things right when the other 95% is wrong. It seems alot totaly forget about that other percent which makes a huge difference.
Of course we can all believe what we want to believe, but by "phychic" let me clarify what I mean: I do NOT mean people who can tell the future and other ridiculous, obviously false things. I don't mean people who go on about ghosts and blah blah blah. A phychic, in my book, is, as I said, a person with a more developed right temporal lobe. We all have this in our brain. True "phychics" are people who are very spiritual and religious. How do I put this.... sort of what you just said, tamaw/pants, about supernatural peace and understanding. It's hard to explain, but I want to make it very clear that a "phychic" is not a fortune-teller who makes up a bunch of baloney about the future and occasionally gets a guess right. At least a real one isn't.

Of course we can all believe what we want to believe, but by "phychic" let me clarify what I mean: I do NOT mean people who can tell the future and other ridiculous, obviously false things. I don't mean people who go on about ghosts and blah blah blah. A phychic, in my book, is, as I said, a person with a more developed right temporal lobe. We all have this in our brain. True "phychics" are people who are very spiritual and religious. How do I put this.... sort of what you just said, tamaw/pants, about supernatural peace and understanding. It's hard to explain, but I want to make it very clear that a "phychic" is not a fortune-teller who makes up a bunch of baloney about the future and occasionally gets a guess right. At least a real one isn't.
Yes, to each his own.

OH, ok. I get what you are saying now. Although I do not agree with that 100% I do understand what you are actualy talking about. ^^;

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