has spears gone bonkers?


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Well-known member
Dec 26, 2006
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Lately I read that Britney Spears got her hair shaved off. Just then I read that she wrote '666' on her head and ran around like crazy!!! I decided to keep reading, and saw that she has been asking her ex-husband (Kevin Federline) to love her again. I saw that she actually tried to kill herself with a bedsheet!! I think that it is just crazy!!

To read what I read, click here

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there was another post similair to this... but yes, i think its sad she has gone "bonkers"

She's been officially bonkers since the day she thought "Hey, I should make a career out of being a singer!"

But in all seriousness, her current state of mental health is frightening. She needs help. It's sad and unfortunate to see anyone that broken down.

As much as I dislike her music, This could end in tradedy.

She has 2 babies and i'm sure they want to grow up with a Mother.

I feel really sorry for her.

This is sad. Britney probably thought that her world fell apart when Kevin left her. She probably felt depressed, unwanted, alone.. I heard that her family kicked her out. I feel sorry for her. She needs help. She should stay alive, if not for herself, for her children. Even though she has had plenty of number one hits and money she probably feels like she needs some love.

I'm sure the news-papers following her round and being mean about her hasn't helped.

i saw on the news today that she tried to hang herself but was found by one of her body guards lucky she didn't die!

Lets see.......

She shaved her head

She is in rehab

She tried to smash someones window open (heard on the news)

mmmmmmmm????? YES SHE IS CRAZY

She is obviously under alot of stress at the moment and I think she needs a bit of time to sort things out. I hope her life improves - it must be really bad for her right now, and the fact that the whole world gets updates on her every-move dosen't seem to help. :)

-sk8er girl-

Now that's what I call sad, even though I dont like her music, I still feel kinda sorry for her. Ever since Kevin left her, or she left him (who knows) she's been acting out of mind. Suicide,asking Kevin to take her back, running around in traffic, carving a 666 in her head! It went upside down. Before,when they were together, Kevin was a deadbeat loser(no offence to him) and Britney was succsesfull. But now, after they've been torn apart, Britney lost it and Kevin (kinda) has his life together. Really, really weird...

P.S. How can you kill yourself with a bed sheet? Suffocation? Chocking yourself? How?

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Lets see.......
She shaved her head

She is in rehab

She tried to smash someones window open (heard on the news)

mmmmmmmm????? YES SHE IS CRAZY
No offence... But.

Some people can shave their head without being crazy.

Not everyone in Rehab is crazy.

You'd be surprised how many people smash windows in their lifetime.

Scuicide is not good.

Trust me I know.

She's probably not crazy just really upset.

Really no offence!!!

She's going through a tough time, I don't think she's gone 'bonkers' though. She's just kind of, 'in over her head'. She has a lot of problems. I feel very bad for her and I think that everyone should just leave her alone until she gets her life straightened out.

She is trying to save everything. What do celebrities do to save their image.. GO TO REHAB!!! I find it very sad.

Yes, she is kind of 'crazy'. But it is sad to see someone like that, no matter how bad their music is. I know how it is like to live without a real mother and it hurts. I don't think that it will do any good to those kids not havng a mother to take care of her. Hopefully she will get help and everything will be back to normal.

She's been officially bonkers since the day she thought "Hey, I should make a career out of being a singer!"
But in all seriousness, her current state of mental health is frightening. She needs help. It's sad and unfortunate to see anyone that broken down.

And to all the people who find this funny, it's not.

It could happen to one of your own loved ones.

And if it does, then you won't think it's so funny anymore.

Hey. I found this thing on Windows Live Today and Kevin Federline (Britney's ex-husband) shaved his hair off for Britney!!

To read what I read, click here

Kevin still loves Britney!!

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