Have you ever been at deaths door?


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Not me myself, but my cousin was taking swimming lessons and he held his breath underwater too long or something and acutally passed out. Believe it or not, he likes to swim, but isn't very good at it. *shudders* I would be really scared if I passed out underwater. But once I was at this beach with really strong waves once, and several times the waves held me underwater so long it scared me. Death neither likes me nor dislikes me. Oh, and once I cut my head on a swingset, and it wasn't horribly serious but when we were waiting at the doctors there was a moment when I really felt like a was gonna pass out. Heads can blead alot! I remember it wasn't long after Halloween, and if I had just cut my head a little sooner, it would have been a free Haloween costume! There was blood on my shirt and I looked like a redhead!

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so was my brother......they had to do a ceazaterian [sp?] i didn't even know till he was like......two weeks.
Caesarian? I had a caecarian when I was born, but I turned out to be perfectly healthy, the doctor just overreacted.

yes one time i almost got hit by a car i was riding my bike and my sister was too.Then she wanted to make a joke so she pushed me into the road and my head almost got ranover but i got up just in time i was still all bloody

I have been at deaths door, just recently too! I had pancreatitis and I had to get major surgery for it (have a 9 inch scar that looks like a zipper on my stomach now from it lol) and there was a 20% chance that I would die during the operation, then after I got out, I was in ICU for 3 days because my blood pressure was so high they thought I was going to burst an artery and bleed out. Im ok now, but for 9 months I was in major pain because they couldnt figure out what was wrong with me, it ended up being gall stones that kept coming through and they took out the gall bladder after one had gotten lodged in my common bile duct and backed up massive amounts of bile into my liver, gall bladder, and pancreas, which caused the pancreatitis which in turn, caused the pseudocyst to form on the duct in my pancreas (which is why I needed surgery)...

Its a long LONG story, and there is lots of malpractice issues in it and a hospital that nearly killed me because of a surgery they did and I couldnt eat for 3 months (literally, I was on this thing called TPN where its an IV cathedar that goes in at your arm and runs through your vein to the valve right above your heart and feeds you all the nutrients you need to survive and you are not allowed to eat while you are on it!) but yeah, that would be my date with death that I stood him up on ;)

Well, this isn't exactly being at death's door, the other posts just made me think about it, I was riding my bike and I think I wasn't looking or I just thought I could make the turn, I forget which, anyway there was this truck (but it wasn't moving), and I was trying to turn around but I crashed into it and it really hurt because it hit my chest (and I'm a girl). I was sore for awhile after it. I know, that was a little off topic, but I just thought of it.

When I was like really young I was playing with the t.v. and it fell off and almost crushed me but my mom stopped it....xDD

I believe I have, 3 times.

Once when I was a newborn, my parents had a craptacular car, a hole in it. I almost fell in it when they were driving, Small car, only one child at the time. I was sitting in my seat-thing and fell through apparently.

Twice in the past few years, my brother locked his legs around my head in the pool, I almost drowned.

I was 5 and something infected my blood stream.... I almost died that day. My mom still gets choked up about it when she tells the tale. I run into the bathroom, not wanting to hear it.

So yeah.... I guess death wanted to see what I was like, got bored, and left me alone.

My brother had meningitis. It's an infection that can be fatal, read more here.

It was Viral, so not as big a worry, but he was in hospital for months, just before the summer holidays, he stayed off school even after them because he was so weak. He was 14, but, got better! YAY!

I was once playing catch in a swimming pool, with my sister, mum, and brother-in law. I dropped the ball and walked into the deep end, I was sinking. My brother in law saved me. this happened about 3 times. xD

I was once playing with my friend, we were on our bikes and I cycled onto the road and my friend had to shout to a driver that I was there. He saved my life. That was last summer and to this day, I still shudder at what could've happened if he wasn't there.

Death likes me. He lets me win sometimes.

My lil sis didn't look where she was going on a busy street and walked out>I She is stubborn as a mule and I grabbed her waist and pulled her in.The car missed by THAT much.Whew.

every day when i am walking home from school there is a bus less than a yard away from hitting me.

but i almost killed my neighbor cuz i was learning how to 1st ride my bike and my neighbor was walking in the street, i screamed "LOOK OUT".

i lost control of my bike hit accidently hit her cuz she didnt get out of the way in time.

i was crying in my room for hours after that cuz i thought i killed her at first

twice. once around half a year old, I had a really, really high fever, and then about 1 year later, when I poured boiling water all over myself. spent many painful nights at the hospital, covered in bandages. Or so I'm told. I don't actually remember, I was only 2.

1 time i was at a junkyard just playing around and i feel and i almost got a spike ran into my stomatch but i goted saved by a spike that caught my shirt. and i almost got hit by a bus

I've almost died[SIZE=14pt] MANY[/SIZE] times! Well, I'll say as many as i remember. when i was 3 i almost drowned in a pool

when i fell underwater and no one noticed. Then When no one was watching at 3 i walked down the street almost hit by car, then I got whacked in the eye with a stick. My eye was bleeding had to go to hospital, then When i was sled riding I accidentily slid down a cliff into a long way down creek and hurt back, then i fell down a small cliff.

[SIZE=21pt]YEA[/SIZE] many times!

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um,i almost chocked on an apple and i almost drowned in a pool.But, people were preasent at that time so i probly wouldn't have well, "passed away"

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for me people were there except they didn't notice. except for the small cliff. strangely it didn't hurt it just was shocking so i got rite up and walked home.

twice :lol:

1. a skate blade ran clean acroos my face.

many stitches... :lol:

2. when i was 3 i put my hands flat on the fireplace and had to go go to the ER and had 2nd degree burns...(not so much death but an injury)

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