Have you ever been at deaths door?


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Once I was in the pool with my friend and her annoying brother came into the pool with us. And her brother was trying to drown me! He pushed my head underwater for a really long time and I couldn't breathe! I was scared. But FINALLY, he let go of my head. Her brother is such a jerk! ^_^

When I was about7 mabey,I could't swim and still can't.Im like a rock in water.XD!But my friend tricked me into going to he deep end.I almost drowned.

Well, I have another. It's not near-death, more of an injury..

I was in Burger King with my friends, and we went in the play area(don't ask) So, we were playing, when my friend jumps from the top to the bottom, where I was climbing up, so, he landed on me. Luckily, I dodged him, but it hurt all down my arm for weeks, I only broke my pinkie finger though. But it hurt!

I sprang my pinki and Ithought I broke it!I rolled all over the floor!And when I was in the pool the lifegraurd ddn't get there till we left.

Yeah... but not really at "death's door"

1) During gymnastics I was dismounting the beam (some sort of cartwheel and off the beam) and I landed on my neck. Ouch 0_0

2) This was a bit funny. I was in the countryside with my cousins and we were riding bikes. I asked my cousin to ride her bike for a bit and I rode it. When I was going down the road super fast I forgot that that bike didn't have brakes! I crashed through a wall and flew over into a field behind it xD

I choked on watermelon, because I was eating it while bent over and swung my head up, and then I choked and could talk for a short amount of time and then got water, and I coughed after that.

I don't think so. Although, one time I believed I was close to death.

I had just swum down our pool underwater and as I came up for air, there was my brother lying on a lilo in my way. I needed air right then and there or I would drown, so I kept trying to swim round the lilo with all the energy I had left in me, but the lilo seemed to be floating at the same pace as I was swimming, and just as I was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, my brother saw me and lifted me up. Phew! =3

In Very many occasions Allmost hit by a car...3 times Passed out very many times.. fell down muhh stairs and got a head injury sooo many more i cant even talk about

yes, well when I was 2 or 3 maybe 4 well I was boggey bording in the pool 4 ft. deep and I could not swim. so I sliped off. I was droning but I was pushing myself to the surfse my mom nerly jumped out of her skins. When the lifegurd saw me well, she really did not do anything for atleast 30 seconds. then she calmly walked over to me and helped pull me. i was in there for about 1 minnet.

The highest fever I have ever ran was like 107.

thats really high
I had that high once

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what did you say in that really it's to text talkish. It makes no sense

I was born with an intestinal track problem, had nemonia twice, the flu 3 times and brohncitus once. Death defying. I never die! :p oh yeah, I had a temperature of 104.4

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Someone chocked me in my sleep late one night.Is wasn't a dream because I pushet "it" off and woke my friend up.I also had a dream and I screamed in my sleep.Well,I tried but couldn't push it out.I almost chocked because of that stupid dream.My higest tempature was 107.And my noraml is 96. somthing.

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I have a depression problem at 11. I could kill myself if I wanted to, cause I'm at a stage where I can't reverse my pshycological damage. I can't do anything to save myself. I could be dead tomorrow, you know.

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