Have you ever been at deaths door?


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I get into a lot of fights when I play hockey, but it's the other player who is at death's door, not me. I have a lot of people afraid of me :p

I shoot, I score. That's how I roll. :p

once when i waz a baby i had a really bad illness and i almost got put in the hospital! ;) i dont remember it, but i bet it wuz scary

Once I got over exited because we were going to myers and I was spending my christmas money. I ran across the parking lot when a red car was coming. Luckily he stopped about 20 cm away. also once I was playing in a cave/under a ledge and I nearly ran into a funnelweb.

I almost died because i have autsim and austic peopel like me can have seizures and i had a seizure for like 4 mins. o_O really a seizure lasts for about 30 seconds or so. i had to go to the hospital!


1.almost got hit by a train

2.almost getting hit by a car

3.poisend(but I lived)

4.choked on a chip when I was 4

5.shot at but the shooter missed.

:huh: :lol: :lol:

I once fell of my bike and slit my chest and you could see my lungs and heart and ribcage!!!

:kuribotchi: :lol: :( I once fell of my bike and slit my chest and you could see my lungs and heart and ribcage!!!
Well, overeacted a tiny bit...You could see my ribcage

I do sooo many dangerous and stupid things.. I'm surprised I haven't.

Surprised, but very very thankful.

1. I choked on a Tiny Teddy (like mini teddy cookies) when I was younger. Yeah, I almost died.

2. Almost got crushed by my old bike when I was 7 or 8. I was at next door and I was crying (I'm a weakling)

3. Almost got run over so many times.

I've had phemuina... it was scary.

But nowadays I'm pretty sure they have lots of mediciane to get through it safely- so it's not as bad.

Still, it was scary knowing I could actually die.

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When me and my best friend were little, we were playing with this little pink ball near a forest. Suddenly, we accidentally threw it to the forest. It was my best friends favourite pink ball, so she wanted that we'd go to search for it. And so we did, even though the sky was this weird orange/pink color. It was a really rainy day, and since the sky looked like that I said this for my friend in the forest "I think it's gonna start thundering here". But she was calm and said "It's alright, I'm sure it wont start thundering". And the very moment she said it, this big lightning bolt hit the tree that was right there beside us. And it fell, but we were fast enough to run before it fell on our heads. We started panicking and suddenly I saw my best friends mother there shouting for us. "Come here and quickly", she yelled. I started running and when I reached her, I looked behind me. My best friend was so shocked she just ran deeper in the forest. I was looking at her scared, when her mother told me to go inside. Inside I was waiting for less than a minute when they came in. Everything was okay.

But that was reeeeally close. ._.

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