Have you ever been made fun of


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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I have, many times. I am called "Goth" and "Emo" alot. It doesn't bother that they call me that, it bothers me that they think my clothes are weird.

I don't see the problem with wearing skinny jeans and a bright neon shirt :/

This girl wears colored skinny jeans in my school, and people call them "highlighter pants" Often people say "What's up with those tight pants?" to me and any other person with skinny jeans. I ignore people when they call me "Goth" and "emo" and they just call me unsocial and MORE "Goth" and "emo"

Anywayy, does anyone make fun of you because you wear something "different"?

All the time. My 'emo pants' got complimented this morning.

Relatively everything I wear is critiqued by everyone because they know that I don't tend to shop in places that have such strong fumes that there's a small chance of passing out inside.

There are actually pretty good hand full of girls in my grade that shop in other places as well who aren't bothered about it, of course, because they seem to be on good terms with everybody. I'm not as good with people, apparently. x3

Yes, many times. Jokingly.

My friends and I love each other. But many seem to get great adrenalin rushes or something from calling me something retarded. Batman, Airhead, Polehugger, KlutzyBaby, Rainbow and Esther the Molester are among the many nicknames I have acquired over time. XD I retaliate by calling them Moobs, Greys or Drunks. If you're wondering where the whole "Rainbow," "Greys," thing is coming from - it's like, the colours of your personality. For being a spaz, I am multicoloured. And to be a Grey is to be dull. Definitely not one of my nicknames. If you go around in out-there clothing, singing loudly and falling over stuff, you're never called boring. XD

But, all of these 'insults' could be taken as compliments. That's generally the way I try and take them.

Actually, no. I get tons of compliments, though. People labelled me popular, so anything I do is automatically "cool." It actually gets annoying. You know what? I do occasionally get insults. From the new kids to my school. But then, they quickly conform with the rest, and become one of the creepy drones. It's weird, like, there are five people or so that lead all the different cliches, style-wise. Whatever those five people do, everyone follows. It's creepy.

^ Feebee, your school works in a way that is both familiar and different to mine. I've never really thought about whether I'm the most popular at my school or not. I guess, in a way, yes. People laugh at and with me - I've never been insulted in a cruel way. And there are always the followers, like little robot wannabes. I've also shot way, way up in the social scale, for being..different. Special, let's say. XD Not conforming to 'new kid just moved here from England' standards. Quiet, meek, in a corner.. All that crep. I took on the school as my stage from the beginning. And people react well to excitement. Besides, I'm always doing something insanely clumsy to entertain people. Or something really bold that sparks gossip - which, I find, people also love.

All the time.

But I have had people explain to me why.

People make fun of it, because I get all the attention in what I am wearing. Everything I wear draws attention to me, and anyone around me. The people that make fun of me, just want the spotlight to be back on them. (Which is why they frequently steal my ideas. D:<

At least I know I am loved<3


My wardrobe is full of "goth colors" or so they say.

But I have reasons for them being black and red and yadda yadda.

I'm one of those females that look REALLY good in dark colors and red.

Some girls get jealous and say my outfits are out of style, and that I shouldn't wear them.

The next day, they wear the same thing as me.

So, it's very common with me.

I usually ignore people when the say things about my clothes, because the fashion trends today are ridiculous.

Sometimes. Especially when you wear those weird band shirts.. (Like you know... deformed hamsters)

I wear a lot of those lol. x]

Mostly people make fun of me because I don't usually dress in bright colors or... if I'm too quiet.

-sigh- I hate people. There's this stupid kid who always harasses me and yellas stuff like "emo" and "goth" at me. It's okay. I know how you feel. ._.;

Everyone calls me an "emo" or "goth", even though I don't know why? I wear skinnies, converse, vans, flats, graphic tee's, dark eyeliner, etc. But they continue to make fun of me. But, whatever, they can think what they like. Honestly? I don't care. :)

Not usually, most people that go to my school respect me.

I don't dress like other guys at my school, I guess.

I wear skinny jeans, artsy/band tshirts, and metallic recently, gold converse. I sometimes wear fun colored flannel shirts like this.

Nup, not really.

Well, jokingly I suppose. Like on crazy day, my hair was crazy [too hard to describe xP], and I wore other random things which didn't match. And also, we had assembly that day and I had to speak. But whatever, I dont even know what Im going on about xP.

My friend Sarah has been made fun of alot though. As soon as he got out of her ''dinosaur'' phase, and started being ''emo'' and ''goth'', people started calling her a ''wannabe'' and other horrible things. But hey, she's a fun emo xP. So I sorta got in trouble for swearing at people who called her bad stuff...I ish over protective over my friends like that >.<

But me, not really. My clothes are quite normal, yet quite un usual. I dont really care what people think though xP.

I have, many times. I am called "Goth" and "Emo" alot. It doesn't bother that they call me that, it bothers me that they think my clothes are weird.
I don't see the problem with wearing skinny jeans and a bright neon shirt :/

This girl wears colored skinny jeans in my school, and people call them "highlighter pants" Often people say "What's up with those tight pants?" to me and any other person with skinny jeans. I ignore people when they call me "Goth" and "emo" and they just call me unsocial and MORE "Goth" and "emo"

Anywayy, does anyone make fun of you because you wear something "different"?

EVERYONE in my school wears skinny jeans. Like, all the preps and everything. I haven't seen 'normal' jeans for a while now, actually.

And bright skinnnies - they're pretty popular here, too. My best friend has 31 different pairs of colored skinny jeans - red, orange, yellow, lime green, dark green, sky blue, dark blue, purple, hot pink, leopard print, regular, tourquois... and what, 19 other colors. I must say, I'm pretty envious. :eek:

So obviously, that type of dress is not out of the norm at my school. And I have 616 kids in my CLASS, and my school is made up of 9th and 10th grade. So we have close to 2,000 students roaming the hallways. And actually, I have a pair of purple skinny jeans with black pinstripes. I don't wear them that often, but when I do, I get tons of compliments! :mametchi:

Getting made fun of because of what I'm wearing? I think it's happened to me a few times. People have made comments. More often than not though, I just feel really self conscious and THINK people are making fun of me, but they actually aren't.

^ I wish I was in your school.

This 8th grader, John, wears skinny jeans. It seems to me that he has become a fashion :/ Sometimes people say "Your pants are as tight as John's!" and stuff like that. I feel bad for him ._.

^ I wish I was in your school.
This 8th grader, John, wears skinny jeans. It seems to me that he has become a fashion :/ Sometimes people say "Your pants are as tight as John's!" and stuff like that. I feel bad for him ._.
That's mean! =O

yup :mametchi:

someone said my brown flowery shirt made me look like an old lady :mimitchi:


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