Have you heard of DOOMSDAY?


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i could say the world will end in the next minute! not gonna happen. it could be true that it will because doomsday on december 21st and god will come back but god is going to come back but no one but him knows when that will happen!

Oh brother...

The world isn't ending in 2012. The Mayan Calander is ending. Doomsayers made 2012 into a big deal; which caused a big ruckus about Doomsday. The only people who think the world would end are merely paranoid.

Oh my god. This has always made me fall out of my chair laughing. xD Ahh, the doomsday cult--I-I mean myth. There is an entire forum devoted to this in all seriousness, Its hilarious.

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OMG so that means that i'll (probably) still be alive in 2012 i'll be like 17 yrs old omg

Oh yes it is, in about a billion years. Ye be warned, for our sun will explode and become a blackhole, eat up our planets, and suck out the light. Yep, now THAT is true.

The sun will expand, becomin' a Red Giant, which will toast the inner most planets. Then it will become a white drawf and finnaly a black dwarf. Think of it as a balloon.

Our Sun don't have the mass to become a black hole.

Oh yeah.


There is your answear.

Yeah ok.
If it does do that it will take the rock planets. When our sun expands, it's not gonna be a pretty sight. Poor people on Earth :) .
Which is about billons years away.

There isn't anythin' to worry about. Human kind may have thrived elsewere in the future or may have bcame extnct by then.

If the water evaoprates first, man kind will die out. Same with life.

If it was just the calendar thing I'd think it was really stupid - but TGD's posts make sense. About the whole outer space thing. Everyone who's saying "It's not going to happen" just says that the whole calendar thing is dumb. Yeah, I agree with that. But the outer space thing is really freaky. Did anyone actually read that....? :huh:

I don't worry about it. I'm mormon, so god is on my side

Not just catholic beilieve in Jesus! Gosh people. What about Mormon?! And I dont think God would ever let that happen to Earth

[SIZE=11pt]I have lived through a few of those doomsday days.[/SIZE] 

If you do a little research, you will find that there have been MANY MANY of these doomsday days for hundreds of years.


Ignore them. Humans are silly. Just know that.

And some people have way too much time on their hands making up these dates and theories.
Couldn't have said it better than Mothra just did. ^^

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