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I did it once a while ago, and it was what I call 'idiots delight'. Not like those who enjoy it are idiots, I enjoyed it myself <3 but it is a form of fun that easily amuses, is all it means. XD

It was fun.

I sucked in so much that you could barely make out what I was saying.

Its not that bad...It really depends if you go overboard...If you do just a little then its fun!

Don't do it straight from the tank...that can burst your lungs...

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I did at the Senior Walk this year. They filled the halls with helium balloons and shredded paper. While the seniors were walking through the halls, me and my friends were all sucking in helium through the baloons in the hall and yelling stuff at the seniors. Once all the seniors had walked through...EVERYBODY went crazy and was tearing up the hallway decorations and throwing the shredded aper everywhere and popping balloons. It was SOOO fun!!! We were throwing so much paper that the hallways were COVERED in smoke. That was the funnest time ever in this school year. It was like a mosh pit except we were throwing paper at each other rather than beating the crap out of each other.

Have you ever sucked in Helium? I just did and it was fun! I didn't do it to the point where I can pass out though...I just thought I'd ask...
I've seen people suck helium. It was hilarious. Me and my hockey team were running around the hotel as usual, and when we were waiting for an elevator these people with a whole bunch of balloons came to wait for an elevator, too. When an elevator came they got in and this one guy was like "Hi guys. You can come on the elevator, too." In this hilariously squeaky voice, but we didn't go on xD Then he was like "Bye, guys!" And we burst out laughing when they left.

Don't do this, it's like taking drugs or glue sniffing. It's addictive and you can get seriously damaged.

Don't do this, it's like taking drugs or glue sniffing. It's addictive and you can get seriously damaged.
No its not. If it was addicting they wouln't sell balloons to just anyone. Its not addictive its just a fun thing you can do every once in a while.

Don't do this, it's like taking drugs or glue sniffing. It's addictive and you can get seriously damaged.
Its not addictive! If it was they wouldn't sell helium baloons! :furawatchi:

I heard it could kill you, its kida like siffing markers and geting high off of them. It could kill you thr first time you inhail or sniff something your not sopost too.

Don't ask me, i learnd it wile takeing the class called D.A.R.E university

Don't do this, it's like taking drugs or glue sniffing. It's addictive and you can get seriously damaged.
Actually its not addictive its just bad for you.


No lol I can make my voice squeaky without helium so no point XD. LOL but I sniffed glue when I was little it smelled like fruit loops but it didn't taste like it e_e;; XD.

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I heard it could kill you, its kida like siffing markers and geting high off of them. It could kill you thr first time you inhail or sniff something your not sopost too.
Don't ask me, i learnd it wile takeing the class called D.A.R.E university
No it can't. You've got to suck in a lot of helium for it to kill you. Just a little doesn't hurt.

BAHAHA, yes/

At Mel's brother Dennis' birthday party

We sang happy birthday to him on helium

nnd I sang a mess`dup helium song

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