High school language


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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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I need to pick a foreign language for high school, and I have narrowed it down to German or French. Which should I take? Please state your reason why you like over the other.

Well, a lot of it depends on personal preference. What career are you planning on pursuing? What culture interests you most? What's your nationality? etc.

But, just basing this off of my personal preferences, I would take French. I took French 1 in 8th grade, and I LOVED it. I'm studying Japanese now, but I genuinly miss French. And I still remember how to speak a lot of it. :3

So I voted French.

German is supposed to be the easiest language for a native English speaker to learn due to the similarities.


I study Italian at my school. :)

Deutsch, DEN GANZEN WEG. Ich denke, dass Deutsch Weg auf Weise Weg leichter ist als Französisch. NEHMEN SIE DEUTSCH. Auf Wiedersehen.


German, ALL the way. I think German is way way way easier than French. TAKE GERMAN. Goodbye.

German all the way. I'm a fail at Languages, but German was the only one I actually enjoyed. Maybe it was something to do with the amazing teacher we had that year, or that I was with all my friends. Or that we spent two of the best weeks in my life in Germany on our residential trip, and ate German sausages to my heart's content. But all I know is that French this year is the equivalent of torture. So hard to learn, and so boring. Save yourself and go with German. [edit; typos]

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^ Really? I completely disagree, actually.

I had to take a mandatory 6 weeks of German, and I hated it. I could never pronounce anything right - I found the dialect very difficult. It sounds like you're spitting on people, and I find it very unattractive. Where as French is a 'Romance Language'. :]

When I took my year of French though, I fell in love with both the language and the culture. I would like to independantly study it some more, being I no longer have room for it in my school schedule. I found it easy to pick up, as far as languages go. I'm studying Japanese right now, and French comes much more naturally than Japanese does. Sure, you have to conjugate verbs, and learn masculine and feminine forms... but that's typical of all languages.

There actually isn't much of a difference - both have masculine and feminine forms, I believe, and both are about equivalent in the level of difficulty. It's just that German is a much more... masculine language and general, and French, in my opinion, sounds better.

And with French, you can easily transition to learning another 'Romance Language' in the future - Spanish, Latin, Italien... and I believe there is another 'Romance Language', but it isn't coming to mind right now. 'Romance Languages' are all based off of each other. So learn French, and Spanish will be very easy for you to pick up. Not to mention how USEFUL Spanish is.

It think what it comes down to is CULTURE. Which culture do you most enjoy?

I just needed to stick up for French, because everyone seems to be leaning toward German. [i'm surprised, actually.] And I do have a passion for French culture, and I needed to express it. ;_;

@Katie; Yeah, I'm biased. But although French may be a romantic language, it seems a lot less lovely when there is a cranky 50 year old woman spitting it out at you for an hour each Wednesday. Last year, it was the language of fun. And the only language which was going to get you any new friends over there. Besides, the German for 'watermelon' is 'pamplemusse'. Which is just pure awesomeness. x3

If English was your first language German should be easier for you to learn, Alot of their words sound like English words.

Though, I think French sounds prettier, and I love their culture<3~

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I'd do German.

French is incredibly difficult. I think German is quite alot easier. It has alot of similarities with English too, and since I'm Russian, it'd be even more easier for me. But this is about you, and I'll leave it up to you.

Take German. Much easier. Or if you wanna challenge yourself, then take French.

I'd probably Choose German.

It sounds funner.

Sure French can be easy [That was the Only Class I actually liked when I was in grade 4-7, Now? Forget about it. I've forgotten most of it, I've taught my mom a few words. Even though half the time she ends up saying "Vauche Beurre Chein". Which Means "Cow Butter Dog" Or something like that. xD

@Katie; Yeah, I'm biased. But although French may be a romantic language, it seems a lot less lovely when there is a cranky 50 year old woman spitting it out at you for an hour each Wednesday. Last year, it was the language of fun. And the only language which was going to get you any new friends over there. Besides, the German for 'watermelon' is 'pamplemusse'. Which is just pure awesomeness. x3
Haha I DO remember the words we learned in German class being awefully funny. Like, "See you later," was, "Bicsh Spator."(sp?) My friend and I make references to that, still. :D

And I think 11 was, "elf," and 55 was, "Fufunfuzig,"(sp?).

Although the words were funny, I found them difficult to memorize. Like I said, the biggest problem I had was with dialect.

Like people've said before, it depends on your nationality, career future, preference etc. But I would go with French. I go to a 40% French school and even though I suck at french, I think it's pretty good. Plus a lot of french words are really simimlar to English words. Like "differently" is "differentment" and "boil" is "bouille" and a lot of their words sound very similar to English. I think it'll be easier.

My dad kinda speaks German, and once I was on holidays and I wanted to say something to this girl who only spoke German, so my dad said to tell ehr "you have a very nice dress". It was something like "Weigher Nich Obermeinen Kukchei" lol.

THat's a tuffy...um...well French is definately the easiest...I like German better though. I barely pay attention in French and I get A's.

Je fais attention en classe. (I pay attention in class.)


I'm gonna take German in High School. My mom speaks fluent German and has a lot of friends in Germany. She said if I learn German, I can stay for however long I want with her friend. I want to go mainly because of her sexy wildabeast of a son, Clem. Rawr.

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Haha I DO remember the words we learned in German class being awefully funny. Like, "See you later," was, "Bicsh Spator."(sp?) My friend and I make references to that, still. :gozarutchi:
And I think 11 was, "elf," and 55 was, "Fufunfuzig,"(sp?).

Although the words were funny, I found them difficult to memorize. Like I said, the biggest problem I had was with dialect.
Oh yess. XD

And nine is pronounced 'noin'. I have no idea why, but I got much enjoyment out of that. XD

It was just a fun language to learn. My brain tends to do everything in a different way to other people, so naturally I found German dialect incredibly easy. Danke schun for reading.

I don't take classes like that yet. Next year I take French and Spanish (Although I may not, because I got moved up to the Sr High Band, which is that period)

I have never learnt French before, but I did learn German in primary school.

German is really easy, so I say German.

I'd say German. I pretty easy (tho sometimes funny) and its really similar to a bunch of other languages.

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