House! <3


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Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
Southern Ontario
Anyone here watch House?

If anyone else saw the season four finale last night (May 19th) and almost cryed, please tell me so I know I'm not the only one.

I want CB to come back from the dead D:

No sorry I don't watch House. I saw the beginning of this one episode and it REALLY freaked me out. o_O But alot of people are saying it's good. So maybe I'll give it a try. :)

But I don't have cable anymore, and when I'm getting it back, I don't know what channel and what time it's on. Can someone tell me? :angry:

i &lt;3 house. that's one of my favourite shows evahh!!! i almost cryed at the season finale too..and i'll probably start crying right now 'cause i hate waiting for new seasons :ichigotchi:

Good. So me and my other House addicted friends aren't the only ones. I'm not the emotional type, so it's not often that I almost cry from a TV show. I guess that's how good the House writer's are. xD

Miley: It's on Fox ;]

aaah! I don't have american tv, so the newest episodes I get are from a finnish channel, and the next season being aired (starting next month) is season 3, can you believe it? I feel like i'm missing out on so much....

I found a website that goes up to season 4, so I'll prolly start way from the beginning. It's been a loooong long time since I saw those. I don't even remember what happened in the pilot episode!

I thought seen it once or twice before,but I thought it was scary for some reason.I guess i'm just a wuss. :rolleyes:

I found a website that goes up to season 4, so I'll prolly start way from the beginning. It's been a loooong long time since I saw those. I don't even remember what happened in the pilot episode!
I can't remember the pilot episode, either.

You're not alone. xD


I do 8D

The teacher could'nt talk. I don't really remember it good, but the scene [and show] strted in a school, and the students were laughing, and she made a not that said


and the themesong started.

