How crule is this?...


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Well to me that is very cruel to the Tama, because I love tamas, but you have to keep in mind that different people have different opinions. :lol:

Keep in mind, please, that Tamagotchis are not real, living, breathing things. They're just toys, and therefore, this is not cruelty. Tamas are mere pixels. :lol:

well, yeah, I think it's terrible but if they are fine, waisting money on a Tamagotchi that they are just going to smash, that's their own choice :lol: .

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that was horrible! :huh: :( :( :huh: i didn't want to watch any more, but i needed to, so that i could give this opinion: how would they like it if a giant tamagotchi came along, and smashed them with a giant hammer? :huh: :D :huh:

:angry: it would serve them right :angry:

well, to me it seems that some people would be happy to smash a tamagotchi.

but, it is kind of cruel.


Thats a dinky-dino. :) Not a tamagotchi.

I didn't find that offensive. :D Tamagotchis are pixels, and even though I ♥ tamas; I am not offended. ;) They simply wasted their money....wait. Dinky-dinos only cost a dollar so....they didn't spend much. xP


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When I first read this I knew the video was about someone smashing a tamagotchi. You know they could of bought food with that wasted money. :) But I'm not that offended their loss. ;)

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;) :) Okay. I agree with some of you and some I dont. Okay that was probably a old tamagotchi of their moms or something and they dicited to smash it. Witch doesnt matter money wise because its probably old and run down. But that is rude! It made me feel uncomfterble. but who cares. They are LOSERS! Oh well. BUT WE SHOULD MAKE A STAND THAT SAYS SAY NO TO TAMAGOTCHI ABUSE!

p.s. they said tamagotchi

don't think Tamas are like animals. If the tama was broken... that's just about equal treatment to it if you throw it away

If they can't tell a dinky dino from a tamagotchi ( I hassen to add not even pronouncing it right)

then... shame on them! lol, I would be very mad if it was an actual tamagotchi.

P.S. those guys were ugly.

How is this funny? It says they make funny videos. Gosh that was a waste of money!

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