How did you get to know Tamatalk?


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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2007
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How did you get to know Tamatalk?

when I've got my first tamagotchi I went to Google and I searched for lots of tama websites.Then I found tamatalk and I continued to go in that website untill I began to like it.Then I registered!!

I looked up 'Tamagotchi' on google.

I owe so much to TamaTalk, I wouldn't have my own forum, I wouldnt have met some of my best friends, and I would know nothing about html or graphics If it wasnt for this website.

Before I found TamaTalk I was always bored with nothing to do... but when I registered everything changed... I would spend every day here just reading topics and posting in the forums, I loved it so much, I still do but i'm not as active as I used to be, and I don't play with Tamagotchis anymore.

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Well I was on Google and I searched "Free tamagotchi", and well that's how I found tamatalk. I think I joined here a long time ago but that's when I was on my friend's computer looking for a free tamagotchi, which was a while ago.. So I ran into this site again, and actually posted, and etc. I joined October 26, 2006, but my first post was in November, 19, 2006, that was around the time when I had a v3, and always posted questions. xD

I had no clue tamagotchi's had growth charts, names, and etc. at that time. :p

Great Story Bubba28. :(

I come on here a lot when I having nothing to do, which is like all the time. xD And I always manage to have fun, whether on not we're talking about tamagotchi's. I'm obsessed with this site. Then I losted interest in TamaChat, so I posted more, and more, you will see my very rarely in TamaChat.

I typed in Tamagotchi and Talks at the same time wondering if I would find a tamagotchi that would talk. (Silly huh?) I think you know how I landed here now.

I was just looking up 'Tamagotchi's' and nearly all the forums were TamaTalk. I looked in and found it really interesting. I've been looking on here for like 3 days, i joined just today though. ;]

Admin invited me. *thanks!*

I had never visited an Invision board before that.

2 years ago, I was on the official Tamagotchi website.

I was looking for some cool links, so I went to that page on the website.

And voila, there was Tamatalk!

It looked interesting and freindly, so I joined right away.

I never knew how much I would simply love Tamatalk 2 years later!

When I got my V2 I never knew about Tamatalk, but then I got my V3. I was looking for codes and stuff, and came here. I signed up right away and started posting.

I don't play with Tamas anymore, but I am still an active member on the (Non) Tamatalk forums. :D

Let's see if I can think back to the day I met Tama Talk...

Well, I guess I was always serching for tamagotchi codes and things like that. Untill one day i came across Tama Talk. At first I was hesatent to join it untill I kept running into it in my searches. I finally decided to join and I am very glad I did :D

I also searched Google for 'Tamagotchi'. :D Wow. This one Tamagotchi board has really changed my life.. ^^ And I'm happy that it did.

Woah I'll have been here for 3 years on August 6th. o(o_O)o I was this 18 year old adult fresh out of highschool when I found out they were re-releasing Tamagotchi. I think I ordered my pair of V1 way before I'd actually get them.(^_ ^) Found this site through another site to find info on my V1 when they came. I kind of just stuck around since then. I usually leave the forums when I get dis-interested in tamagotchi for a while. I always end up back here for it has alot of growth charts I can look up and plus I only post on topics that interest me.

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