How Many Are You Collecting?


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[SIZE=8pt]scratch that last post of mine. I have 8 v3's, 3 v4's and 5 v4.5's so that's like.... 16[/SIZE]

Ah, I'm not a hard core tama collector.

I have:

my original v2 [white with pink flower thingie]

my brother's two v2s [the lost one we found and the replacment]

my v3 [silver]

my v4 [clear blue]

I have a picket fence as a head board and all of them are haning of it. xP

I think a picture will be easier:My collection

V1: 3

V2: 6

V3: 4

V4: 2 (one is in a V3 shell becaue I felt like it)

V4.5: 2

Entama: 2

Uratama: 2

TamagoChu: 1

It depends.. If I like a certain version alot I will buy two of them.

Right now I am focusing on the older versions. ^^

I hate to say this, but I have "favoritism". I like to have one tamagotchi to love and worship ( just an expression )

I like just having one tamagotchi. So I can give it my full attention. Although I've had one of each version since they first came out.

You should definitely collect the 90s versions! :) That's pretty much all I collect because I think they're more fun to play with (ah, the simplicity :mimitchi: ) and they bring back fond memories of the good ol' days. I usually just get one of each that I like (or that sound interesting) with the colors that I like (mainly blue :wub: ) or I get them based on how rare they are. Here's my collection so far, I'm quite proud of it :) :

Transparent blue with silver buttons (P2)

Transparent yellow with black buttons (P2)

Golden P2

Yellow and blue with characters (P2)

Transparent blue with yellow buttons (P1)

Hong Kong Commemorative (P1)

American Pink Angel

Japanese Silver Angel

Light green Mothra

Blue Mothra

Blue and Clear Osu/Mesu

Opaque White with blue buttons (V4)

I'm also hoping to get and Oceangotchi, Morino, and Genjinchi soon! :chohimetchi:

I really want an original tamagotchi for Xmas, but hopefully I can get a P2-- the P1's don't appeal to me as much.

I tend to buy a lot of V4.5's also..... even though most of them broke ;) !

Uratamas are nice ;)

I guess I'm kind of a collector. I would like to get one of every "regular version".

So far I have

1 x P2 orignal 1997/'98

1 x Version 1 Connection

1 x Version 3 Connection

1 x Version 4 Connection

1 x Version 4.5 Connection

I am dying for a V2 sooo much, I can't tell you.

i buy on of every kind like mini,V1,V2,V3,V4 i still need a V4.5

I try to collect as many as possible, although my parents would prefer they didn't exist. I have six tamas (so far)

1 V1

1 V2

3 V3

1 V4

and probably getting V4.5 soon!!!

;) I have a V3 and a V4 but i only keep the V3 because it's got some thing than V4 even though i'd rather have one
Well, I'm not an avid collector but I do seem to get the newer version though. The Tamagotchis I currently have are:

A Mini, 1 V3, 2 V4's, and 1 V4.5. However, I do regret getting the V4.5 because it's very similar to the V4. Anyway, I'm crazy about getting the V2. (like gotchi-girl96) Why? Well, because I think that Tama isn't spoiled with the new tecnology. It's round, traditional, and simple.

Well... I have 7V4 and 3V2 7V1 so i like V1 or V4 better i can't tell

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