how to make yourself popular.


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My best tip is to get on tama talk as often as you can and try to be the first to post in as many forums as you can. The more you show up, the more popular you become!!!

I think they mean in real life, like in school.

Make many friends and be kind to everyone. If there is some kid that is always made fun of, help them out. Don't make it your goal to be in the popular group, be in as many groups as you can. Make a lot of friends and be nice to everyone. People will begin to like you more and when ever you are mentioned in a conversation, people will say, "they are soooo nice! He/She is my bffl!" TA DA! Popular.


I think s/he is talking about trying to make herself popular, as in real life.

I honestly wouldn't worry about being popular. I know you said no junk, but whatever is yourself is you. You might try to change that, but inside you will still be the same old you.

I don't want junk about be yourself.I have many, many personalities. :( :( popularlarity? XD oh good gosh! You know you really dont need to be popular? i am the uniwue one in my school and i love it. Its so much fun! Being popular is kinda boring to know? Well just know its your choice and sorry if i made you mad or offended you or anything.



If you mean popular as in retarded snotty brats, then all you really have to do is be mean to people like you have absolutely no life at all.

If you mean popular as in a really nice person who has a lot of friends then all you have to do is make lots and lots of friends and be nice to everyone.

i am VERY popular at my school. so heres wat u do

1. dress in brand name clothes only

2. try to hang out wit the populars @ your school offence 2 any1 but, talk about the non populars wit popular friends, like how mutch u h8 wat there wearing, or how someones hair is messed up, ect. ect.

If you are happy with yourself, and your friends are happy with you, than you are popular. ;]

I know that it makes me feel better at school if I think I look good. So give yourself a possitvie image - inside and out. Make sure you have time to get ready in the morning, so that way you feel and look your best. People like people who are confident. =]


i am VERY popular at my school. so heres wat u do1. dress in brand name clothes only

2. try to hang out wit the populars @ your school offence 2 any1 but, talk about the non populars wit popular friends, like how mutch u h8 wat there wearing, or how someones hair is messed up, ect. ect.
That isn't very nice to say, no matter if you say no offense.

Why would you want to say things like that? To feel better about yourself because someone else is different? To boost your self esteem? Just to make them feel bad? That's terrible.

i am VERY popular at my school. so heres wat u do1. dress in brand name clothes only

2. try to hang out wit the populars @ your school offence 2 any1 but, talk about the non populars wit popular friends, like how mutch u h8 wat there wearing, or how someones hair is messed up, ect. ect.
Yeah, I know. But the problem is, the really popular kids are royal jerks. Somehow they are so popular, everyone wishes they could be them, and yet everyone hates them, too. :/

No offense. I would rather be liked by my friends, than have people wishing they can be me.

First of all you have to be happy about yourself and avoid doing or saying things that you don't really believe in (like changing your hair, dress, etc.) in order to make yourself look cool or because everyone else is because if you do that you won't stand out or be special and then you'll just be another random kid. And it's important to make eye contact when you speak, feel like you're important so you're confident, and be kind to everyone. It's not like you have to be running your mouth 24/7 though but when you do speak be positive so people will want to be around you. Let's see...oh yeah, when you use people's name in conversation with them that gives them the message that you think they are important enough for you to remember their name. Got all that?


That's a little, odd..Seriously, there's no need to be popular. Why do you want to be popular? So then everyone can look up too? You can have the most friends?

I'm sorry, but just be yourself..It's true! Don't act different so then people can like you, just a waste of time, and it's just plain silly! :p Just smile, have fun! Just talk to people that are lonely and don't have friends!

That's what I do! I talk to people that don't have any friends, I smile to everyone, ask them how they are doing, and I give them a compliment! Like "Nice outfit!" "You know, you are very nice! Thanks for being my friend!"

Hope it helped! ^_^


Yeah, I know. But the problem is, the really popular kids are royal jerks. Somehow they are so popular, everyone wishes they could be them, and yet everyone hates them, too. :/
No offense. I would rather be liked by my friends, than have people wishing they can be me.
That's not always true! ^_^ Not every single popular girl/boy is rich or really big jerks. There's some that are very nice, and aren't jerks. They say "Hi" and they just like to be friendly, and make friends!

Just saying :p


If you mean popular as in retarded snotty brats, then all you really have to do is be mean to people like you have absolutely no life at all.
Thats what the popular kids in my school do.

Tips to become popular

  • Have lots of friends
  • Always be kind no matter what
  • Be yourself
Thats what i think makes you popular.

Not dressing up cool and being a snotty little brat like. They got no life.

Last edited by a moderator: offence 2 any1 but, talk about the non populars wit popular friends, like how mutch u h8 wat there wearing, or how someones hair is messed up, ect. ect.
Double post.

WHAT? Thats so mean! I can't imagine anyone doing that! >:/

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Be yourself.

I have actually noticed that the only thing at my school that makes kids popular is lots of friends. I mean LOTS. Otherwise, I give not concern to it.

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