HPV Vaccine


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When I got my first HPV vaccine shot, the nurse said my arms were to skinny and I should get it in my hip.She said it'd hurt less than getting the shot in my arm, and it still hurt more than a normal shot (normal shots don't bother me)

But I'd rather be a little sore for a day than get cervical cancer.
LOL, you are pretty skinny. I never heard of that happening before.

My mom was talking about that to the docotor, I have no idea what it is for though >____> and they wont tell me either.

or maybe they were talking about some other shots, well either way it probaly wont hurt to bad.

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I'm in Grade 7 and we found out we were getting HPV shots this year, and I absolutely HATE needles. Persobnally, I'd rather get them at school than at the doctor's office.

When I got my first HPV vaccine shot, the nurse said my arms were to skinny and I should get it in my hip.
Oh lawrd... then I hope I don't have to get the shot. The bottom of my arm, where I'd have to get the shot, is so skinny it's scary. Everyone says that.

I really hope I don't have to get the shot.

I think I might be missing this vaccine.

On all vaccine calendars in Spain it mentions there is one last (obliged) vaccination that you get at the age of 14 (current age). Supposedly, that is the vaccination I should have got last year in 8th grade, but there was no mentioning of it, so there is the possibility that they may be giving it a year later, to 9th graders. However, since I was moved up into 10th grade then maybe I will have to get the vaccination rather than at the school, or I will be adminsitered the vaccine all alone. T.T

When I got my first HPV vaccine shot, the nurse said my arms were to skinny and I should get it in my hip.She said it'd hurt less than getting the shot in my arm, and it still hurt more than a normal shot (normal shots don't bother me)

But I'd rather be a little sore for a day than get cervical cancer.
when I was 7 I was so thin, my shots touched my bone.

i got my HPV vacine and it HURTS!! not that much but when the nurse said if it hurts i said "yea" and she said that , thats the only vaccine that hurts when you feel the little medicine going down your arm thats the part that hurts

Thanks guys. I got it and it didn't hurt. My stupid friend red a magazine and she was like "it hurts SO MUCH! It doesn't even work! I'm not getting it!" Hehe, on the day we got it, her mom forced her to, and she's like, "I TOLD YOU it wouldn't hurt!" and I was like... "suuuuuuuuuure... :( "

Again, thanks! You put my mind at rest that day! :eek:

Well I got one cause my mom told the nurse to give it to me I think, and that was so painful! I will never get that shot again, so it was pretty useless getting it.

Needles stink.THEY HURT.

Sorry if thats not the best advice!

Just hold yer breath, close your eyes, and hold a teddybear.

Get laughed at? Yes. Less hurt? YES!


Needles. =D
Yeah =P Thats what I do.

I am 11. I got the first two when I was 10 and then the third right after I turned 11 (what a great Happy Birthday present :furawatchi: ). I am scared sick of needles, let me tell you that. I tried MANY, many ways to convince my mom that I did not need them, that people have died from them, that they didn't make much of a difference. But no, she had her mind set.

So I got the first and second (2 months apart) and then the third, along with a Tetnis shot, and something else. That third one was bruetally painful, but that was because the nurse just had to poke the holes as close to each other as medically possible :lol: :ph34r: :D :ph34r:

Garadasil is like a flu shot, basically.

But you already got it :lol:

I sodon't want to get those. But my mom said I have to. I'm not getting that gardisal medication though. Since it's new and everything and could have some strange side affects.

I got it back when I was still in 8th grade, and I have to get another one in october, I believe. It doesn't hurt one bit. I love needles for some reason. xD But don't worry about it, your arm will be sore but you'll be safe.And yes it does work o_O

[SIZE=8pt]Ahh yes, that painful time of year... just joking :furawatchi: . I'm not too good with needles myself but what I have tried is to loosen your muscles wherever they're sticking you, this way it'll hurt way less. [/SIZE]

Oh yeah, and the HPV vaccine does work. It helps you so you dont get cancer. I know.
[SIZE=14pt]Isn't it like Gardisel? [/SIZE]

My mom wanted to wait when I turned 13... you'll know why... but "it" happened before 13... xD

I would get it, whats worse HPV or a Shot? I would say HPV...Is worse. ;O

Its nice that somebody made a shot that prevents HPV. Some people don't have insurance to go to doctors(Hey...I remeber that from school! I said "People should get free health insurance!"xDD Off topic.) and they can't get shots, and lets say they get the flu, then they can't get medicine(Except over the counter...Is Over the counter like Advil...? Sorry, i'm stupid today.. xD)... ;_; I just.... Let them do it... But oh my, with my lupron, you would hear me scream... xD It was injected in the leg... x_x


Tamaice: Aww... Thats a un-coolio present! I stopped my lupron shots for my b-day. I took it for... 4years? I was SO happy.

Ok, this Friday at our school the Grade 8 girls have the option of getting the HPV vaccine. I guess it consists of 3 shots, and they are extremely painful. So far, I'm the only girl in my grade who is getting it.
Apparently, it doesn't even work, I tried telling my parents that, and they said I still have to get it, and I have to go through pain and agony alone for nothing. :)

Are any of you getting it???
I don't think I am getting it, but some of my friends are.

If you're thinking of the same thing I am, the shot is intended for 11-16 year-olds, right? Well most of my friends in school are around 12. Plus I have never heard from somebody who said it hurts. Just close your eyes before you get the shot and before you know it, it'll be over. ^_^


I'm going into grade 8 in September, and I'm getting it. It's actually an effective vaccine, and it doesn't hurt at all. I was in a grade 7/8 split class, and the grade 8 girls said it didnn't hurt as much as you would think.

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