I aM tHe WaLrUs


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That's a fair deal :)

Asher looked troubled to find the answer to her question. It was a while before he could even say. "Well, I'm thinking.. About you." He sounded a bit breathless. "Just you.. Everything I know about you.. I suppose."

I love Terry Fator. He won a show like "X Factor."

Lucy moved her lips to his neck, smiling slightly. "I'm glad...." She then started kissing his neck, as gently as she could.

back~ :3

She chuckled and opened the door, picking up her cat before he could run outside, "I still wonder how the hell he gets out of the apartment and into the hall." She chuckled

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I can't watch it. The wii isn't liking YouTube right now, oddly.

I can see the related video snapshots, though. Was he on America's Got Talent? We've got Britain's Got Talent here. The X Factor is strictly singing-- American Idol type show.

"Why.. Did you.. Want to know?" he asked, between shivers of different degrees.

OMG!A guy at wal-mart gave away free puppies,8 weeks old!he was gonna give let em all out in the wild!And I got one,I named it Chance.

Mari,fixed her glasses.

Morgan sat on her couch and curled up into a ball. She hummed quietly to herself. She thought for a moment, then stood. She walked over to her sketch book and picked it up. She flipped through the various sketches, untill she got to the page where she had drawn Jesse. She didn't know why, but he facinated her.

Eric laughed, stepping inside. "He's a cute cat. What's his name?" He gently scratched behind the cat's ears. "My apartment doesn't allow us to have pets."

Lucy murmured, "I was just wondering..." She still kept her lips on his neck, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him closer. Now it was easier for her.

Jesse washed out his bottle of soda, and sat it down on the counter. He went to the cupboard and pulled out some potato chips, and started eating them right out of the bag. Manners had never been his thing.

"His name? Alastor." She replied, smiling as the cat began to purr, "That sucks, how you can't have pets I mean." She began climbing up the worn, marble staircase.

Jesse went into the living room, and looked out the window. He noticed that someone was standing near his van. He tried to get a closer look, by opening the window and leaning out.

"He's gone...." She breathed against his neck, before sucking on spots randomly. Gently, she ran her fingers through his hair, a slight smile on her lips. She was glad Eric wasn't here.

"That's an interesting name," he said, smiling. "Much more interesting than the leaf named Tim, anyway." He followed her up the stairs, putting an arm around her shoulders.

Asher was relieved, he thought things could end up embarrassing like the first time they'd been walked in on had he made some kind of noise. He tried to keep quiet, in spite of Eric being gone, and was quite successful until she sucked on a particular spot, which happened to also be at the moment she ran her fingers through his hair.

Jesse called, "It's new. I just got it today." He watched her carefully, making sure she didn't do anything to hurt it. He loved this new van, and if anything happened to it, he'd be angry.

Lucy blushed slightly, but smirked at his reaction. She brought her lips to his, and kissed him gently. "I like knowing that I can make you react," she told him.

He was blushing at how much noise he'd made. He chuckled quietly, "I'm not really sure whether I like it that you can make me react yet.. Still, I do like it when you kiss me there, so maybe it's a fair compromise."

"Nooo, the leafs name isn't Tim, I named it Eric instead." She chuckled, her cheeks pinking yet again, "I didn't name him Alastor, though, I'm not creative enough to come up with names more than five letters long. My brother named him since he was his cat."

Jesse said, "Well, I can't read minds, can I? I can't tell the future. Plus, it's a new van, and this is New York. Someone could try to steal it or something."

Eric said, "Oh, I see. Well, it's a really good name. And so is Eric." He grinned down at her. "So, how far up is your place?"

Lucy said, "I think you do like it. You just don't want to admit it. And, well, I like kissing you there. And I plan on doing it when I want to." She playfully ruffled his hair, and then wrapped her arms around his neck, looking up at him.

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