I don't understand some people


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2005
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Spain though now I am studying in England
I don't often complain about people, but today something happened at school that did not make me feel very happy at all.

Well, before explaining what happened, I'll more or less set the situation. On Mondays everyone has lunch recess from 1 - 3 o'clock. Anyway, at about 2 o'clock my two best friends, one a male the other a female (I'll refer to them as F for female and M[/m] for male) and I, sat down at a table that is in a certain patio and decided to play a game where you draw the head of something, the next person draws the body and the last the feet so in the end you get a strange animal. (My two friends are in 9th grade, I'm in 10th grade although I should be in 9th grade in a way).


So, we did a first one, and a 7th grader came round and said "Oh, how cool" and begged to keep it, so we gave it to her, and she seemed to be all pleased with herself showing it off to everyone although most people said that was quite "friki".

Friki in Spain is basically a label which comes from freak, freakish, and basicaly means you are a weirdo, an oddball, you do strange and different things (and apparently, is not good ;) ).


Anyway, so we were happily continuing our lives on that table, when a couple of girls, also from 7th grade, sisters of people we know from 9th grade just came round out of the blue and told F what shampoo she washed her hair with because it smelt bad. F told them whatever shampoo she used and that her hair did not smell bad, that they just probably didn't like the smell and that was that.

They went off laughing and giggling, but anyway, they came back, to continue annoying a while.

"Hey M, you like spiffy don't you?"

"No *smile, nervous laugh, stretch, smile*"

"Who do you like then?"

"No one"

"And you Spiffy?"

"No one" (I lie)

"And you F, you like Spiffy, ha!"

"No one" (Also lying, but she does not like me Ó_Ò)

They look at us with a bewildered look. O__O

"God, you are so boring, how can you not like anyone?!" is their retort. Anyway, they don't seem to find that interrogatory sufficient and ask F where she came from.


"And you M?"

Quite understandably, M is completely fed up of them, but since he has his unique way of answering, he just decides to ignore them and pretend they are not there.

"M, are you like, retarded?"


Anyway, since he does not answer they decide to insult his way of brushing his hair and walking for a while and ask him again where he came from.

"Oh! I am from the capital of Maldivas, Male, from a place with a palace with red fluffy velver carpets and a delicious warm breeze that enters the window every morning and with beautiful beaches with soft rolling waves at the shore" he suddenly exclaims (Me and F laugh acknowledgingly, the two girls scream and run off).


About 30 seconds later, they seem to be back to re-bother us, so M jumps up and "BOO!".

Girls scream, and run off.

5 minutes later, they are back again, ready to offend some more and I can't really remember what happened at this point, but eventually they just went and disappeared, and the annoying 7th grader girls were replaced by annoying 7th grader boys who were just bothering M and me all the time like "Oh you two are such a nice little couple" and stuff like that.

Although admittedly I like him and he is my best friend, he is not my boyfriend and to be honest I am quite fed up of little... brats from 7th grade and big... ogres from 10th grade coming along and saying mean things because they have nothing better to do.

Though I don't think any of us really took any of them seriously nor try to take the nasty comments to heart, it is annoying to have our "peace" disrupted by people we don't even know.

So, I was just asking for advice - what would you do if you were me?

Well, I would probaly come up with some stupid awsner for there stupid questin, but thats just me.

Sorry to hear that Spiffy. This doesn't happen at our school. The 7th graders are in the middle school, so we have our peace.


If I was in your shoes, I would kindly ask them to leave, before loosing it and screaming and yelling at them. If they refuse to leave then yell at them.


I hate it when people annoy you for no reason, or out of boredom. But I would have gone berserk if they kept bothering me every 5 minutes of my life. Next time try to go into a remote area where they won't be able to find you right away.


The nerve of some people.



Who doesn't have a crush on their best-guy friend?? :D

Anyways, some people are just annoying in nature -_- What I would reccommend for you to do is just ignore 'em. The more you talk to them, the more you are just feeding the flame. If they are annoying you, what's the point of giving them the satisfaction that you are actually paying attention? Usually, they'll just leave if you ignore them...but if they persist, just tell them to leave you alone. Now, I'm not saying to do this in a rude or snotty manner, just tell them to kind of back off.

Or, like ChibiMuffins mentioned, find a place that people wouldn't think to find you.

As for your boy situation, I'd say that for a while...just let your bond grow even stronger. Don't tell him how you feel yet. First just start off by maybe looking at him more often, waving at him, or talking to him a little more flirtatiously. If you just tell him your feelings now, he may not feel the same way...which may very well lead to awkwardness :(

Oh yeah, I heard that it turns guys on when you whisper in their ear!! ;)

Good luck


EDIT: Too many smilies ^__^;;

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well, you could stareat them like they have a gigantic bug on their faces. or you could even put gigantic bugs on their faces.


or the three of you could give 'em death glares till they go away.



or what i would do is jump up real tough-like as though you're gonna hit them, and they'll probbably just scream and run away again.

Sorry to hear that Spiff. I hate it when people disrupt people, like me an you have in common, even when we are at peace. If I were you, just ignore them because they are younger kids than you (you are in 9th grade, correct?). If they were same age as you, just tell them to stop bothering you. If they just laugh, you know that they don't listen. They'll realize somehow they would. If they were older than you, I would call that bothering you is called bullying. Happened to me while I was growing up. You can tell a supervisor (i.e.e teacher, principal, parent). That would be better. Then they would back off of you to try not to get in trouble anymore. Good luck standing up to them, good luck to F and M too!

Sorry to hear that Spiffy, that really sucks.

My first instinct would be to return the favor > :( But the best choice would be to humor them, and just answer with random answers, or be socratic (Ask them random questions back/ speak only in questions).

That seems like the fun thing to do.

Or, don't make eye contact, simply ignore them.

Sorry to hear that Spiff. I hate it when people disrupt people, like me an you have in common, even when we are at peace. If I were you, just ignore them because they are younger kids than you (you are in 9th grade, correct?). If they were same age as you, just tell them to stop bothering you. If they just laugh, you know that they don't listen. They'll realize somehow they would. If they were older than you, I would call that bothering you is called bullying. Happened to me while I was growing up. You can tell a supervisor (i.e.e teacher, principal, parent). That would be better. Then they would back off of you to try not to get in trouble anymore. Good luck standing up to them, good luck to F and M too!
I'll also add when I hit grade 11, some grade 9 boys in a library one time were trying to give me a hard time whom I didn't know and I began to talk to them like they were below me on the foodchain of sorta I just turned around smiled big and said in a singsong voice "You're a grade 9 aren't you :DDDDD!!!!" And they were like "o gnoz i gotz teh cawt" and replied in a sheepish way "yeah..." and walked off not wanting to talk to me anymore XD!! It was quite amusing how they seemed to leave me alone realizing I was in a higher grade.

Mind you it doesn't always work because some people don't know when to shut up, but eh knowing me I would of mentioned there's a rumour going around that annoying so and so (point when you tell them this) that their parents admitted to another couple that their children were accidents from lack of birth control or something. Let them freak out about it ;D But yeah best to just ignore them for now unless you got a nasty streak to try those things out and see how they fair lol.

Yay! Thank you everyone for your help! :furawatchi:

Well, today we didn't get a chance to get such a problem and put the solution in practice because school ended early. However, we never loose our rag, we ignored them, and they called us retarded, and they didn't actually buzz off till M replied quite randomly.

Anyway, if I get the courage I might just tell them that it is not a good idea for a 7th grader to come along offending a 10th grader and some 9th graders in the politest way possible.

To Chatterbox - though I wasn't really thinking of mentioning the boy thing, I appreciate the help although most of those things I already do too much xD (according to another more-or-less best friend that is a boy I am so obvious that any random person can tell, and judging by how random people I don't know pop up and say so I expect he's right, although I guess I don't realize because I live it in "1st person" and M doesn't realize because he is "in the clouds") >_<

Anyway, if it doesn't happen again, I'll just blame the bad weather. Children always become more disruptive when rain is on the way (today it rained).

Like they say, "En abril, aguas mil" (April showers).

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