i have a major eating problem.


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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
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this is my schedule of eating (keep in mind im not starving myself im just eating when im hungry) this is wat iate yesterday

breakfast:two small glasses of lemonade and an orange

lunch:some milk and half an orange

dinner:a small serving of spahgetti

Wat is wrong with me?do you have any advice?has this happened to you? PLEASE HELP ME as much as you can!!

Do you feel full after you eat? If you do, I think you're perfectly fine. Everyone is different. I don't exactly eat that much either. :)

If not....that might be the answer.

GotchiGirl96: The problem is that she want's advice on what to do since she eats little.

Getting back on cute_chicks_rock_n_roll's question, it's okay as long as you feel full. If you don't, that means that your body isn't getting enough of what it needs to survive. you should be eating 1,600-2,000 calories depending on how much you excersize each day. I have this problem, too. I sometimes will skip lunch, have a light breakfast, and only eat a little at dinner. This year I actually lost 10 pounds...wierd. I didn't even mean to. But I do feel full. I actually have to buy smaller clothes since I lost some weight. :ichigotchi:

Everybody is different. Don't worry. As long as you feel full, I'm pretty sure your going to be just fine. :)

Well something like that happened to me before. I didn't starve myself really, I just slowly ate less and less every day. And before I knew it, I ate just like you and I was full.

But everybody was worried about me. And they told me to eat more. I didn't want too though. I thought I would gain weight.

I didn't notice it much, but I was losing a lot of weight. I dropped 15 pounds in liike 3 or 4 months.

Well, then I went to the doctor one day. And they freaked out. My pulse was so low and I was freezing. They checked my heart rate and it was so low, I got into the hospital.


So, just checking, does that seem like you. Weigh yourself. If it's less, there's a problem.

If not, that's ok. You just have a low metabolism.

Compared to my eating issue, yours sounds great. lol I have to eat protein/starchy stuff every 2-3 hours lately or else I feel like I am passing out. Ugh. It's frustrating because I am almost 22 years old and constantly having to stop what I'm doing and eat or else I feel horrid. If I could go one 3 meals per day, I would be elated. -.-

Honestly, it just sounds like you are going through a common growth stage. Sometimes when you are growing a lot you need to eat like crazy, when you are not growing and metabolising as much your appetite decreases. I would only start to worry if you start losing lots of weight rapidly or begin feeling generally unwell. Your stomachache could very well be a result of all that juice you're drinking on an otherwise empty stomach. Too much acid. I know I'd be sick if I ate that way! lol

[SIZE=14pt]I Do That Sometimes 2. I'm Just Not Hungry. I Think That Normal Right....?? As Long As U Eat Something. That's What I Think. -Softball_Is_Life27 [/SIZE] :wacko:
There are two possibilities here. You either just have a low metabolism and that's perfectly fine, or you're losing weight rapidly and not eating enough to be healthy. I recommend going to see a Doctor (they'll probably have better advice than everyone on Tamatalk!) and my advice would be just to make yourself eat more. Ask your parents to prepare healthy, average-sized meals for you and work your way up from there!

~bratztroxg :D

the reason im worrying is i used to eat a whole bunch
It probably depends on how old you are. If you are between 16-?? you probably stopped growing, and while you were growing [between ages 7-15/16] you didnt realize that you were eating a lot. If you are older than 16 or so you probably dont have a problem as long as you feel full after you eat. If you aren't full, well then you should try eating more balanced meals, and might i suggest vegetables and salads between lunch and dinner?

Hope this helped :D

It depends. It can really only become a problem if it's psychologically rooted.

When you eat, do you feel fat? Do you feel overweight all the time and an urgent need to frequently exercise? Do your friends comment on how skinny you've become? Do you find yourself still feeling hungry, but resisting the urge to eat? Do you have a literal fear of gaining weight?

If you feel that these are true or atleast partially true about you, you could have anorexia.

If not, your body could just be responding to some physical change in your life. Have you been getting much exercise?

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oh yeah i eat like that too! ive been eating like that for the past year and im perfectly fine! im pretty sure your fine :eek:

I've heard that if you over eat, your stomach gets stretched and then you have to eat more to be full.
This is true. It can also be reversed over time and when someone loses weight their stomach also shrinks. It's in the extreme cases where someone's overweight to the point that their stomach can't be shrunken naturally by weight loss so sometimes surgery is needed.

Anyway as others have pointed out, everyone has different appetites for food and if you don't feel like eatting, you shouldn't force yourself to.

This is true. It can also be reversed over time and when someone loses weight their stomach also shrinks. It's in the extreme cases where someone's overweight to the point that their stomach can't be shrunken naturally by weight loss so sometimes surgery is needed.
Anyway as others have pointed out, everyone has different appetites for food and if you don't feel like eatting, you shouldn't force yourself to.
Yeah, sometimes you just really don't feel like eating. Forcing yourself to isn't always the brightest idea.

this is my schedule of eating (keep in mind im not starving myself im just eating when im hungry) this is wat iate yesterday

breakfast:two small glasses of lemonade and an orange

lunch:some milk and half an orange

dinner:a small serving of spahgetti

Wat is wrong with me?do you have any advice?has this happened to you? PLEASE HELP ME as much as you can!!
It's ok everyones tummy is different. I don't eat alot sometimes either ( kinda rare xD but only if I feel bloaty or sick XD like last night I felt bloaty e_e had fries and ranch for lunch I'll stop there) anyway it's ok nothing is wrong with you if your full your full and that's cool ^^.

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hmm well i love food! lol i am not overweight or anything people actually say im skinny (not to me) but anyways people are different and peoples stomachs are smaller so they eat smaller just remember eat 3 meals a day =D

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