I Just Realized How Little Of A Life I Have.


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:p [SIZE=13pt]Just now, I was imagining a little person jumping from furniture piece to furniture piece in my room, I was dazed out for like 15 minutes until I realized I needed to study for one of the 7 tests I have this week...[/SIZE]
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i just stare at myself in the mirror pretending to lip sync a song or being a supermodel. lol its pretty embarrassing. Plus I sometimes forget im doing it like if i brush my hair in the mirrior i start doing it then i realized i just wasted 30 minutes.lol

- I write band/singer/ect. names on paper often.

- I write lyrics to a song on paper and decorate it to match the lyrics.

- I babble on and on. And people don't even listen.

- I stare into space, making a music video in my head.

That's all I could think of right now.

Oh, and after school, I have to go on the computer, or...I'd be super bored. Hahah.

Once I was in a really bad mood and as I sat down in a chair I started laughing my head off for no reason. I creeped myself out a bit.

Tama :) Phantom

All I do very often is computer and tamagotchi.

I've done so many pointless things to kill boredom before lol like bounce on my exercise ball and listen to music lol. ( that's always a blast I'm doing that right now actually lol hey it kills time XD)

IDK, i do lots of pointless stuff like walk around in circles when someone is on the phone and i'm waiting for them, or sit in any chair and stay there for like 30 minuets!




Whever I see a leaf, any leaf, I pick it up and roll it into a ball and then rip it into pieces. And same with grass. Ive gotten told off for doing that so many times, but I still do it. I spend my life on the internet. I roll my bottom lip down so it covers my chin, its gross, but I still do it and just sit there for ages. And once I was sitting there looking at the table when suddenly I cracked up laughing. For some reason i thought the table was staring at me. I blab on and on and on about random things. I look in the mirror WAY too much! I sit there staring at myself. I dont ''model'' or try to look good, I just sit there looking. Sometimes I get scared because I think bl00dy mary will come and I hide under the blankets. I say meow to my mum whenever I see her. I draw this weird 4 circle thinggy EVERYWHERE!!! I pretend the pieces of food im eating are actually people and some pieces I dont eat because i think they're people. Where ever I go, I HAVE to take my eraser with me. When Im bored I sing the Thomas The Tank Engine song to myself. And last, but not least, I write huge replies to random topics just like this one!

You know the words that have little bubbles? Like R and o and P and B and D? I shade those in. Everywhere D: It sometimes gets points taken off my tests
I do that a lot of the time, it ticks off my one elective teacher.

I love to doodle clouds. XD
I love to doodle dinosaurs eating clouds on my papers. It tends to tick off almost all of my teachers.

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You know those avatars that like, move, but they repeat over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over?

I find myself staring at those.. my longest is 10 minutes.... It's like, zoning.

I draw these eggs my style:

And waist time finding videos on YouTube like that one. xD

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