I really dislike the American V4 designs


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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2005
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I've made a topic like this a whiiiile ago concerning the american colors, but now after seeing the new V4's, I have to vent about it again.

They look terrible. First of all, bandai needs to realize that we're not living in the 90's anymore. Their commercials look like they're straight from 1995, and designs like this:


probably appeal to people who are now 25 years old. It's almost as bad as their snakeskin design for the V3s.

I'm really starting to wonder if their design team is even trying anymore. They try to make designs that appeal to each gender, but saying "GIRLS LIKE FLOWERS AND BOYS LIKE LIGHTNING BOLTS" really isn't trying to me.

All they do is take a picture and slap it on. It's like they're not making designs FOR the tamagotchi. It's like they make seperate designs and say "Let's put this on the tamagotchi egg and see what happens". I'll never understand why they choose to do it this way. It reminds me of cell phone skins. That's what they designs are. SKINS for your tamagotchi. Hardly DESIGNS.

But look at THESE designs:



Simple, UNISEX, designs. Designs that can appeal to EVERYONE. Bandai doesn't put up a fence between genders in japan or europe, so why do they do it in the US? And why are we missing out on those bead chains?

I don't know. It looks like I'm going to have to get a V4 off ebay, because the ones they're selling around here are just too ugly to me. I'm an artist so it's especially hard on my eyes XD

So what do you think about this? Do you like the colors? I'm mostly wondering what the boys here think, because I think the designs for boys are even more half-worked than the ones for girls.

Well Bandai aims it for Children of seperate Genders, and the stuff from 1995 is still cool in 2007 to most people. Bandai's goal is to make it appealing to Girls and Boys. Ive got a Black japan Tamagotchi, it appeals to Boys and Girls...

I kind of agree. I am an american, and I agree. but those disigns are kind of weird too. Like what boy in his right mind would like a snow flake one? *edit* But still I agreen there is alot of designs that are stupid! But they make boy ones and girl ones for a reason. So that boys will buy a boy one and girls will by a girl one. As simple as that!

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Why not, instead, make designs that appeal to everyone?

"and the stuff from 1995 is still cool in 2007 to most people."

Is it really? I seriously think it's time for Bandai to take a step back and look at how outdated their advertising and designs are.

"Ive got a Black japan Tamagotchi, it appeals to Boys and Girls..."

Exactly. A black japanese tamagotchi. They don't have V4s that don't have rainbows or basketballs on them like that.

And I only really brought up the gender thing because the boy version tamagothcis have always been really ugly to me >_>

The real point is that I think their new designs are ugly in general and that they're hardly trying.

I know what you mean~ Only about 1 design appealed to me out of the whole Tamagotchi American series~ The Clear V3

I knoooow, the American designs always look like they were drawn in five minutes for a stereotypical 9-year-old boy or girl.

I wish we could just bring over the Japanese designs. Those appeal to both genders and all ages.

Lol I apologize that I sound so angry in my post by the way. I had just looked at the V4 designs and just got so angry XD

I mean really I don't know why they can't give us some japanese designs. I think they look so nice.

You think it'd be easier to bring their designs over than to invent all new ones.

this is the only one i relly likehttps://www.amazon.com/Tamagotchi-Connection-V4-Blue-Spiral/dp/B000MDCJYK/ref=pd_bbs_sr_6/102-7406529-8472900?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1174958802&sr=8-6 to me it appeals to boys +girls

Ehhh that one's okay. The only one I'd really buy is either the glow in the dark one (Lol it's so gaudy looking but what are you gonna do) or the blue one with white wave designs on it.

well i'm sure bandi is trying there hardest to find new desings i'm sure they are just trying to find new and different desings for each v1,v2,v3, and v4 and the upcoming versions!

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I like the glow in the dark one. I have it, and it actually looks pretty nice in person, when it's not glowing (in the dark.)

I do like the Japanese designs better than ours though. I wish we could have the same tamagotchis, but it was just in English.

I agree with u, TrickerTreat. The back is BARELY even colored, making my v4 waves look super ugly.I hate how they put bad colors on the buttons that don't match with the shell, like my sis's v3 green with tropical flowers. The buttons should have been red, not pink!

Yeah even matching buttons with the egg colors. I'll find an example of that:


Check out the first one. Purple and yellow/orange? Purple and Yellow are complementary colors.

"The complementary colours are the colours which are directly opposite from one another on the colour wheel. Complementary colours are contrasting and stand out against each other."

They stand out against eachother. It might look good on some kind banner or symbol, but not on a tamagotchi.

I'm not from the USA, but I still see your point. :kuribotchi:

I don't particuarly like them either, but I guess that's just how it is. Maybe e-mail Bandai America and tell them very strongly how you feel, and maybe tell them how they could change! :ichigotchi: You never know what could happen! :kusatchi:

Maybe the reason the designs are boring is because Bandai are busy? They make lots of toys, not just tamagotchis- they also make stuff like Power rangers, etc. Bandais stuff is popular, so they don't have all the time in the world to sit around thinking about tamagotchi designs. They have to think fast, and maybe just pick the first design that pops into their head.

OK, that's my opinion stated. :D But maybe if you want a more definate, or more detailed answer, talk to the first hand source- bandai themselves! :eek: That's all I've got... xD

Ehhh that one's okay. The only one I'd really buy is either the glow in the dark one (Lol it's so gaudy looking but what are you gonna do) or the blue one with white wave designs on it.
That's the one I have, the Blue w/ Waves design. It's pretty cool. Not too girly. That's the only problem I really have; BanDai markets Tamagotchis like they're for 8 year old girls and boys. :ichigotchi: I think I saw somewhere that 45% (or something close to that) of Tamagotchi caretakers are over age 15. :eek:

I do think that BanDai should make more "Tamagotchi-related" designs instead of things like ice cream and make up and graffiti that have nothing to do with Tamagotchis (although the designs do look cool, they don't complement the whole virtual pet thing, they look like...pictures).

As long as BanDai doesn't start making it look like Tamas are a "girl thing" again, I'm okay. :kusatchi: However, Rey Mysterio is right; if you want something like that to change, e-mail BanDai. They are a company that tries to please their customers and I'm sure they would like to hear your oppinion (after all, the designs are a big part of collecting Tamagotchis). They might consider making the designs more gender-neutral and more Tamagotchi-ish. I e-mailed BanDai 'cause I was mad that they said Tamagotchis were for girls, and guess what; the next new post on their news said "Tamagotchi appeals to boys and girls of all ages".

-Tamaguy#1 :kuribotchi:

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You really think I would make a difference? That sounds sarcastic but I'm serious. Because to me one e-mail from some 17 year old boy (the audience they're DEFINITELY not marketing tamagotchis for XD) wouldn't really make a difference.

But if it would then I would definitely e-mail them about it. Maybe I'll prepare something...

They look terrible. First of all, bandai needs to realize that we're not living in the 90's anymore. Their commercials look like they're straight from 1995, and designs like this:

probably appeal to people who are now 25 years old. It's almost as bad as their snakeskin design for the V3s.
I completely disagree. I have always wanted that design ever since my friend got it and I was so jealous. I'm 11 and it appeals to me.

I like the designs Bandai made and I think you're totally disreaguarding what other people have to say. You're not saying "I think so" or "It's my opinion." You just say that's how it is when it is an opinion.

My brother has snakeskin and he loves it. Maybe you hate it, but don't go complaining and taking it out on us.

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