If You Were A Tama...


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I'd like to be a Mimitchi~ :p

Or a Nyatchi~ :D

However, I think I'm more like Violetchi. Short tempered & nature-loving. That's me :3

Although I like kuchipatchi ;) very much, and chose mametchi

I would be a Tosakatchi. Hes in the smart family(Im smart with an IQ of 105 at this time)

He can sing(i can to)

Hes shy(im shy most of times so i talk low but later I'll yell when i sing like tosakathi)

I could also resemble Kuro mametchi because again im smart

I like black, although i want to i dont hang out with everybody cuz

i go my own way.

And im speedy and know how to fight(Tae Kwon Do)

This can be seen only in the anime! Although my Tae Kwon Do skills

mostly resemble gozarutchi! :(

I voted for Kuchipatchi cause he's my secret(not lost) brother!!!


:D :angry:

Im not familiar with the tamagotchi names.

I would be whichever one is the Ninja.

Because Ninja's are amazing.

And Im secretly a Ninja anyways...

Dun Dun Dun.

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