I'm so Miserable.


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
Okay, my cat is 20 years old. He has diabetes, open wounded cancer, won't eat and can barely walk. My mom told me we have to put him down tomorrow, [at home] but I kind of seen it coming. I never lost a pet before and my cat has been around since I was born, so this is hard.

Now I have the choice of seeing my cat die, or not being there when it happens. What do you think I should do?

And have you ever experienced something like this?

Oh my God. *hugs*

Okay, something similar happened to me. I had a dog. She was sweet, been around ever since I was born. When I was about nine, she got really sick. She kept getting these awful coughs. One night, we took her too the vet. Well, my parents took her. My sister and I were sleeping. The next morning, my mom told me...yeah. I knew it was coming, but this was all so sudden. I was crying for a few days. But if you have a choice..I don't know. I sometimes wish I was there, to say bye, and everything. But at the same time, I'm happy I wasn't there.

Good luck, okay?

My cat was with me before I was born, too. She was perfectly healthy, just old. she eventually just went off somewhere and died. We never found the body. I guess it didnt bother me until a couple months afterward. I was sitting there and all of the sudden I like burst out crying. I still miss my kitty =[ (its been like two years after she died)

I have unfortunately had to put down a number of pets. I personally was never there. There were a couple times I wanted to be so that I could say goodbye and make sure they knew I loved them and I wasnt leaving them.

It is extremely difficult to lose a pet, and my condolences are with you.

As for if you should be there or not, it is really whatever is most comfortable for you. If you think it would be better for you to not have to watch, then don't. I think you may feel better to spend lots of time with your cat until then and when it is time, say goodbye and not be there.

Yes, I've sadly experienced something like this. My bird caught her leg in the cage and broke it. The vet had to put her to sleep and well... you know. I was so upset and soon, I got a kitten. My mother had my baby sisters at that time and my cat was 3. He was too frisky for my sisters, who were infants at the time, and had the give him away. I was upset about that too.

I would give your cat a good bye if I were you. I'm sorry about your cat and I wish there was something I could do. :blink:

I have a similar situation going on, and I feel empathy towards you =[. My cat, Rosa is 23, and she has rapid seizures, we are getting her put down next weekend. I am going to be there.

It is up to you, but I think you should be there when it happens. I feel alot better knowing that I will be there to comfort her on her way to the light. It is up to you though. I feel so sorry for your loss... losing a pet is never fun.

Thanks guys.

My kitty is here right now, you can tell he's sick, it's so sad.

And tamachick1200, I'm sorry for your bird and kitty.

And Tama_Becca, your cat will be better off. :] And thank you for the sympathy.

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Okay. :]
He's so sweet, he was always a good cat.

I wonder if he knows it's going to happen. :'(
He probably knows that his time is coming. He's really old for a cat.

It wont be painful, and he'll be out of his misery.

I hope that didnt make you feel worse. Im pretty bad at comforting people. I tend to say morbid things and make things worse.


I have never had to put a pet down but personally I'd be there. Spend as much time as you can. Pamper him, give him his favorite treats- all that good stuff.

I think you should be there so you don't feel guilty about not being there later. It's hard and but I think that it'd be comforting to just hold his little paw or stroke his fur as he flies away to heaven.

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Hang strong tamtamkitty. I had my Maxwell since I was 6 years old and when he dissapeared few years back, it was heartbreaking because I never got to say farewell or anything. Never found out what happened to him. He lives on though in the other cats, and in me. Spend what you have left with your cat and let them know they were loved while they were on earth with you. When they cross over, they will have many loving stories to tell the other crossed over animals, especially about you, when the time comes.

Do whatever feels right. I did not see my grandpa dying in the hospital (not conscious), not because I didn't want to see him, but because I would rather remember him in different circumstances. I never saw his body either, and I'm very glad. I do not regret it, seeing him didn't feel right.

Just do what feels best inside. Watching a pet being put down is REALLY hard.

I watched my bestie get buried, and that was the hardest thing of my life.WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Don't worry,

The same thing happed to me 2 years ago,

I had a cat called Kevin he was only 1 year old! I knew something wasn't right with him because he kept making really high - pitched noises My Mum says she was going to take Kevin to vet when I was at school , When I got home I said "how's Kevin?",

My mum replied " he got put down *sobs!* " I was in tears , so so miserabe but then my Mum rang the family that only made it worse for me I ended going to the local park with my Mum and Gran and ate pizza I made me feel a little bit better.

I still think about Kevin Everyday! It makes me want to cry!

i have never had an animal to be put down but last year my guine pig (who i had since i was 5) died. :D But i know have a dog! :unsure: But if my dog had to be put down i would choose to not watch it simply because i dont like watching things die. But Remember, Your cat my Die In Our World But the Spiret Will Never Die. Your cat will be out of his pain. Yor cat would have thanked you for ending his suffering.

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