Is everyone straight A students?


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Oct 10, 2008
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It seems like I'm the only one that isn't, and it's seriously damaging my self-image. Ever since Middle School started I've been really depressed. :D

Don't get me wrong...I try my best and study when I need to. As a result, I'm a straight B student. The number of A's of ever gotten can be counted on my hand...

Oh hell no not me

i failed a garde and barely passed last year

but im doing better this year because i have better teachers instead of thoses old bags at my old school

XD I am a straight A student. I struggle to stay alive in math though. Don't feel bad- I think I may have a photographic memory or something. And, like I said, math is incredibly hard for me, it takes all I've got to stay in advanced classes. For some people, they just don't succeed in school, but they eventually catch up, and end up better than the people who did well so easily because they had to work harder for less. Good self-disipline pays off.

I'm not a straight A student, but I do get A's in most of my subjects. When I don't get an A, its normally nothing less than a B.

Not me im going to fail if i dont step up and do something!

I'm a straight A student in French and English. All the Sciency ones, I'm usually a Straight B or less in them.

So, technically that makes me a straight AB student! :D

I'm not ashamed to say that I have my lowest grade ever this year - an 89% in Honors Geometry. Even if I somehow ace this next test and the mid-term, I still may not be able to pull off an A. :D It's extremely frustrating. I've never had any problem in any class before. This, no matter how hard I try it seems, I cannot figure out. And worst yet, I'll think I did great on a test or quiz - and be pretty happy about it too - and I'll get it back as a C or a D. It's extremely discouraging.

However, I still consider myself a straight A student. For whatever reason.

I do though, know many people who don't have straight A's! My younger brother is happy and struggles to even get B's in basic to average level classes, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you try your best. (Haha WOW. That sounds so cliche. x3)

Maybe it seems as if everyone gets straight A's, because most of your friends get A's. If that's so, chances are you are hanging out with a great group of friends. :eek:

I never get anything below a C'... Actually , I have my grades right here...

Character education : B+

Computer Science: A-

Language Arts : C+

Life Science : C +

P.E : A+

Pre-Algebra: C+

Social studies: B-

Turkish (why don't we take spanish!?!?) : B-

So yeah. Don't feel bad :D


I'm not a straight A student and most people in my grade aren't.

I'm not even that great a student, but people think I am. I really hate that.

They expect me to get good grades because I'm quiet.

I nearly failed two classes last year.

I just really try my best at everything and revise for it.

I suppose that all the subjects that I'm good at basically just come naturally to me.

I must admit that this term's probably my worse year so far since I moved schools last year! :D

I passed my Spanish and revsied REALLY well for it and I cam 19=/26, and I'm not ashamed at that!

Even if we aren't all straight A students, as long as we all try our best, that's all that really matters, I suppose.

I'm a straight A student. Except we don't go by letter grades in my school - we get percents. My overall average last quarter was 97.5%. So far, it's less this quarter because I have an 80-something in accelerated science instead of a 90-something.

Well, I get even A's and B's. and I'm happy with my grades. :D :D :lol: :) But we go by % not A B C. but I can tell if I got an A or B.

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I used to be a straight A.

Now I'd say I'm a B or C.


But you're okay. C is average, and anything above just means you lucked out and guessed an answer correctly.

Yeah, I used to be a straight A in primary school. Now I can still sort of consider myself straight A :p except for P.E. that is ;)

To the topic starter, if you tried your best, then THAT'S IT! Not everyone NEEDS to be a straight A student... just BE YOURSELF that's my suggestion :blink: There are always things other than how well you do in school that contributes to your whole person. Remember: it's your personality and your heart that counts ;)

I am a straight A/B/C student. I probably got B's 60% of the time, A's 30%, and C's 10% of the time. There are some marking periods where I get almost all A's, and there are some marking periods I barely make it up to a B.

I suck in school.

If everyone got straight A's in school, the world would be a better place, but it's not happening any time soon.

I used to be, but I've been getting a lot of Bs lately. I feel like I ruined my streak. xD


But don't worry- it's good to get all Bs. Better than failing. You're trying your best and that's all you can do.

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