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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Long story. :/

So anyway, I have two friends. Zannia and Cleveland. Cleveland is really clingy to Zannia, and she doesn't like him really at all.

About a year ago she told him that she really didn't like him and was being serious, he threatened to commit suicide. I of course, am just finding out about this because I am a Freshman. Though another girl named Beth, I knew her from Middle school, she's a Sophomore along with Zannia. [Zannia got held back, her and Cleveland should be in the same grade.]

She had a mad crush on Cleveland, who didn't like her back. He told her straight up that he didn't. Though when Zannia did the same thing to him, it's the end of the world!?

Today when I was in my first period, me, Zannia and a few of our other friends were talking. I found out that Cleveland believes that I'm a threat to his non-existent relationship with Zannia with two of my other friends. He told me over Yahoo the same thing about another of my friends, Joseph.

I was going to write him a note, telling him straight up I don't want to be his friend if he's going to be giving us his bull, but I rethought this not wanting to be a b**** to him when there could be an easier way out of this.

He sounds pretty selfish and close minded. Hypocritical too. He can reject someone, but nobody can reject him?

I know he's putting you in the situation of the bad guy, but I honestly don't think you should get too involved. Zannia should talk to him if anything. She should explain how she feels to him, so it's not misconceived as a second party message.

It's hard to say what would be the best thing to do here, especially since you mentioned he's threatened suicide before. That's not really something you want to mess with, regardless of if he was serious or not.

If it were me personally, I'd just try to lay low. Hang out with your friends like you normally do and see how things play out. Maybe see if Zannia can talk to Cleveland and straighten things out. This is technically her problem.

Well, let's see how that works. It might, it might not. But I don't like being considered a threat because she's my friend.

Kid sounds like a punk. But if he threated suicide, maybe it's time to have a sit down with him to find out what's up. Then if it seems like a real problem, you'll have to seek someone who can help him. At the time being, I think it's best to not get yourself caught up in their drama, but observe what's going on between them.

Edit: Better advice

You can tell a teacher about what he's saying.Because suicide is extremely serious...even when he's threatening it just to get his own way

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Oh! Sorry, I didn't really understand what you ment in your post but I get it now. You should talk to a parent or counselor. They can help you decide what to do.

First, you should probably just talk to him in person clearly. Talk in a calm voice- if you sound impatient he might get angier quicker. Explain what is going on, and !CAREFULLY! ask questions. If he goes away and acts VERY mad, just try again later. After a couple trys, think. Do you really think this realtionship is worth it? Is he a good friend, or acting unacceptable? If you really want the friendship with him to last, talk to a grown-up like x.Roller-/ /-Coasters.x said.

Hope this helps!


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that stupid nerd SOULD commit suicide for bothering you!!! (no offence)
How would you feel if someone said that about you? Saying someone should commit suicide is disturbing and saying "no offense" doesn't take the fact that it IS offensive away. Suicide is NOTHING to joke about.

If you can't post in this kind of topic without being a brat, you shouldn't be in it at all.

My next point is this would be better in Seriously Non-TT as it deals with suicide.

that stupid nerd SOULD commit suicide for bothering you!!! (no offence)
I wish I could post images here so bad right now because words cannot sum up how rude that was.

I'm both worried and annoyed at him now.

The only thing you can do is tell someone, after that you can't do a thing about that. The only human you are responsible for is yourself, remeber that. I went through something similar in seventh grade, a girl a used to be friends with attempted suicide. She was out of school for two months, and everyone kept asking me where she was, assuming I knew. I didn't. Before she left though, she would cry all the time and act all depressed. She would argue and cry if I didn't agree with her every opinion, and I'm not saying I don't care, but I'm my own person.

So, anyway, if he starts talking really seriously about suicide, tell, tell, tell, tell, tell. Beyond that, there's nothing else you can do. (;

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I would tell someone that he said that, and then lay low like SK said. If you bother him more, it may make the situation worse. Not to say you're bothering him, but he may take it that way, seeing how he is.

that stupid nerd SOULD commit suicide for bothering you!!! (no offence)
I don't think that is the best way to go. Encouraging suicide is not okay.

And yes, I agree with SK. Laying low is a good way to go. And a good idea is to get Zannia to talk to Cleveland like SK said.) and talk to someone about it, to see what you can do to help this situation. This copuld get way out of hand, and he really could comit suicide. Which we don't really want to happen. So take almost everyone's advice ;D

Suagryy~ :3

EDIT: Can someone please remove my previous post? Much would be appreciated

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