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Yeah, or at least I hope so. I want to have a boy first and then a girl.

I like kids, usually. Unless they are extremely wild and bratty. THEN I have no patience.

You know what? I changed my mind. I do not want to have kids. After seeing what it's like to be woken up in the middle of the night by a six pound baby doll screaming "WAAAAAAH WAAAAAAAAAH WAAAAAAH!" I don't think I'll ever look at babies the same again.

noooooooooo never ever. they take too much time, too much money, giving birth sounds waaaaaaii too painful.Having kids only take away your money, time, and make your hair gray. And you get absolutly nothing good out of it. Besides, too many people in the world.
It is all worth it. Knowing you sacrificed so much to see your child grown and go out there and be a part of this world and make a difference. How do you think parents of people like Dakota Fanning or Nancy Yi Fan (13 year old author of Sword Quest) feel?

^Awesome! <333

I might have kids. I don't want to go through the whole process though... (I'm not gonna explain it). I'd like to have a boy and a girl. Hopefully they won't end up like me. xD I'm crazy, and one time when I was 2 I ran around the house with a big cake cutting knife laughing eviley. I was evil (still am...)

Phoebe, I saw the pic, lol.

I know I wouldn't be very good at teaching them manners, I already told my lil sis that if nyone bugs her, to break there face, so yeh, not very mannerly, XD

That depends if I'm gonna be single/alone for the rest of my life.

Hopefully I'll find someone out there. x3

And ok.. I'll have a child... lol. I'm not ready yet though.

I sorta saw a TV program and that changed my mind.

I still wanna adopt. The names are still gonna be Chapter, Anonymous and Bradie. But the whole idea of giving birth makes me...I dunno what the word is >.>

I want to have kids when I'm older. I want my own kids, not to adopt but I'm scared about giving birth to them, as in, really scared so I might have to adopt.

I want to have two, preferably twins.

A boy called Aaron and a girl called Roxxi (I just love that name). I'll try to bring the boy up to not like powerangers or all that crap because it'll make him violent, and my girl not like princess stuff because then I'll have to suffer through her princess phase. I'll buy them cute, punky (but decent and childlike, of course) clothes and hopefully they'll grow up to dress in that cool style.

I have no plans to, I'm not a big fan of kids. I like the ones I babysit. But The idea of my own kids does nothing for me really.

Uhm....a very hard choice.

Will I....?

I love kids but when I play with them I always hurt them in some way.

But they're drawn to me...and they're so adorable!

Tip: Have more than one child. Only children can get very lonely and bored. Like me XP

Yeah, I want to! When I'm older... I mean... If I'm ever gonna find someone for me :lol:

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