Kingdom Hearts


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Dang, gamestop didn't have it. *pout* and thanks, I like my username too. :) Im using an iPad at the apple store right now, lol.

I really want to get the soundtrack for KH (first game) now. I downloaded two songs from it like "Dearly Beloved" (the piano song that plays in the menu and at the end of the credits) and the version of "Simple and Clean" that plays at end of the game. But I think I want to get the CD sometime. :huh: Maybe next month when I can afford to order it. XD

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Try buying it online?
Yeah, I'm planning to do that today and ask my big brother to order it from Amazon. :huh: I'll pay o'course (That's always his question for me XD).

Ayah, Kingdom Hearts gives me sleep troubles! Like, I'm awake for over an hour just pondering the story before I can finally fall asleep.

Oh, and post when you guys finally get Days done with, I'm curious about what you think of the ending scenes. 8D

I was watching the ending to KHI on youtube (I didn't feel like fighting through the final boss battles to rewatch it) and I just realized I totally got what Sora said to Kairi wrong. I only got the "I'm always with you too" part exactly right. Oh well. At least I got the gist of it. XD

Eh. I'm probably never going to finish Days. xDD And the Riku and Roxas cutscene is in KHII. xD
Aww, I wish you would! Besides, once you finish Days, you get Theater Mode added to the menu so you can watch all the cutscenes (the ones that played like mini movies). Hrm. I wish I could help you win. XD Can you tell me what weapon and panels you have equipped? Oh, and what spell shortcuts. Or I can tell you what I used and how frequently (and what levels) and maybe that'll help. :lol:

Just for the heck of it, I've started Days for the third time now. XD On Proud Mode. Shockingly, I've gotten knocked out once on my second mission with Axel, oh, and I can't survive the first endurance test against Dusks at the Castle. >< Gargh. Oh! And I have new favorite quote!


You ever get the urge to just do something stupid...and AWESOME? Wait, wait...I'm getting an idea...Nope, it's gone.

I loveloveLOVE Roxas!!! And this is so sad....I'm only on Day 73 on Days >.<

I loveloveLOVE Roxas!!! And this is so sad....I'm only on Day 73 on Days >.<
Lol! I'm at around Day 73 right now! What playing mode are you on? Like, beginner, standard or proud. :p And yes---love Roxas too. He's such a sweet kid. :D Just wanna hug him.

I think I wanna save up for a PSP bundled with Birth by Sleep...I was reading about BbS on wikipedia to decide if $200 was worth it, found out basically every vital detail and thought "Shoot, I spoiled the surprises!" and decided it sounds good enough that I'll think about getting it anyway. :D

I'm still flip-flopping over whether or not to get Re:CoM. The card system sounds aggravating. By the way, anyone can tell me what they think of the to-be-released Re:Coded for the DS? I can't really see what's so interesting about that one. :/

I'm still waiting for KHII. :D Ordered it LAST WEDNESDAY. I hope I get it today.

Oh, and I got another favorite quote.

ROXAS: You mean it!?

AXEL: No, I made it all up. Go back to bed.

...Yes, I mean it! Hurry up and get ready, will ya?

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Whoohoo! I finished Days a third time now. :unsure: But since it was Proud mode I got knocked out a few times throughout the last big battle. :rolleyes: I haven't started a fourth time yet, but I'm trying to complete as many missions as possible in Mission Mode. Did you know that if you redo Escape the Castle you fight an Anti-Saix? Crazy! I was like "OH SHOOT, he looks BAD." Oh, and you get to fight an Anti-Riku in The World That Never Was. So weird. I'd rather fight the real ones any time.

I got KHII on the 23rd last month. :angry: And I finished it last night! It was AWESOME! I definitely liked it better than the first Kingdom Hearts, but I totally loved KH too. But with KH I needed a walkthrough to solve a lot of stuff (and I kept getting lost in different worlds---Traverse Town at first, then a lot in Atlantica, and probably for at least 2 hours trying to find my way around Hollow Bastion) and whatnot. But I barely needed a walkthrough with KHII! :) I'm no good at wracking my brain for long tough-ish puzzles to sort, so KHII was good for me. Ok, so I did peek at the walkthrough for hard battles, otherwise I did it on my own. I got freaked out when I first ended up in the Anti-form though and yelled in my head. XD I was all "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!?"

Oh, and who likes the part where Riku returns to normal? I love Riku and all but I thought his old outfit was just RIDICULOUS. like his new outfit much better than the original. I was like "Ooooh, Riku, you ain't half bad!" :angry:

So! How's everyone else here doing in the world of Kingdom Hearts? :angry:

I really want to get the soundtrack for KH (first game) now. I downloaded two songs from it like "Dearly Beloved" (the piano song that plays in the menu and at the end of the credits) and the version of "Simple and Clean" that plays at end of the game. But I think I want to get the CD sometime. :( Maybe next month when I can afford to order it. XD
Oh, yes! I want the KH soundtrack too! I love the song "Dearly Beloved". Speaking of which, I'm listening to it now. I had the full soundtrack on my computer, but I moved, and now I don't have my old computer anymore! D: So now I'm going to try to get the soundtrack CD again. ;)

Oh, yes! I want the KH soundtrack too! I love the song "Dearly Beloved". Speaking of which, I'm listening to it now. I had the full soundtrack on my computer, but I moved, and now I don't have my old computer anymore! D: So now I'm going to try to get the soundtrack CD again. :lol:
Ooch, that sucks about the computer. You should get an external hard drive to back up all your files on. *nods* That's what I've been doing recently.

I wish I could get the KH2 soundtrack in English. T_T Oh well. I'll settle for the first soundtrack I guess.

I was planning to use my savings to get PSP+Birth by Sleep bundle, buuuut after some thinking realized that if I averaged out how much altogether I spent on the 2 PS2 KH games, (I bought a PS2 JUST for Kingdom Hearts y'see, so...console price + game prices = $120 total meaning $60 per game) that paying over $200 just to play Birth by Sleep didn't look quite worth it. =/ If they ever make another game for the PSP that's from KH THEN I might consider getting a PSP, but $200 just for one game? ...Don't think so.

^ Yeah I have to do a lot of calculating when considering a gaming purchase. XD

Oh, and I TOTALLY love your Riku avatar! :p

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Ooch, that sucks about the computer. You should get an external hard drive to back up all your files on. *nods* That's what I've been doing recently.
I wish I could get the KH2 soundtrack in English. T_T Oh well. I'll settle for the first soundtrack I guess.

I was planning to use my savings to get PSP+Birth by Sleep bundle, buuuut after some thinking realized that if I averaged out how much altogether I spent on the 2 PS2 KH games, (I bought a PS2 JUST for Kingdom Hearts y'see, so...console price + game prices = $120 total meaning $60 per game) that paying over $200 just to play Birth by Sleep didn't look quite worth it. =/ If they ever make another game for the PSP that's from KH THEN I might consider getting a PSP, but $200 just for one game? ...Don't think so.

^ Yeah I have to do a lot of calculating when considering a gaming purchase. XD

Oh, and I TOTALLY love your Riku avatar! :wacko:
Yea, I wanted the bundle pack, but I dont have that kind of money so.. And thank you for liking my Riku avatar! It took me forever to find.

Eh, now I'm thinking I wanna get the bundle (as you well know, <3me4ever ---lol, that's shorter). I am such a flip flop. How'd I talk myself into it this time? I calculated how much money I've accumulatively spent on my DS Lite, accessories, and DS games and it turned out to be around a big whopping $450. :eek: And I'm planning on getting rid of all of my games except for Days and Nintendogs, lol! :lol: Sooo now I just keep in mind to only buy stuff I'm REALLY GONNA LOVE (ex. Kingdom Hearts, heh heh heh). So I figure I could sorta kinda maybe get a PSP for Birth by Sleep. XD

Oh, and I am currently aggravated at how I keep trying to upload a Riku avatar I made and the site keeps telling me I've updated my avatar yet all I see is my Axel one. :D Not that I don't like Axel---I just want to use a Riku one at the moment. :)

Crud, forget what I just said. My avatar finally updated. XD Riku looks almost feminine in that screen shot but I still think he's adorable. :D

Oh, haha, I'm like obsessed with Riku. He's on my youtube account profile thingy, on my computer backround. Lol.
I'd do that too if I didn't care about people finding out my obsession with him. :ichigotchi: Lol, if Riku were real, I'd walk down the aisle with him. XD

Lol, I seriously thought that Sora and Kairi would kiss in KHII 'cause I thought I saw a screen shot of that on youtube (pfft, photo shop). Didn't happen and I was like "Eh?" Anyway, just now I've been getting annoyed by all these fanmade pics and theories about Kingdom Hearts characters being gay or bisexual. Like jokes about Sora x Riku or Axel x Roxas and stuff like that---it just gets me really irritated because it feels like people are twisting up a perfectly good story and making it sickening. :ichigotchi: I'm gonna stop reading comments for a while 'cause I really hate sick and twisted ideas like that.

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