Krystal needs a hug.


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Aww! Kystal! ):

Don't worry, he's gone to a better place.

My pug that I've had all of my life died about two years ago. And I wasn't there to comfort her in her last moments.

Just remember all of the good time you had with him, and that he won't ever forget you!

I hope you feel better Krystal! -LuvHuggiesForKyrstal!-

Aww Krystal. I know how you feel. I've had like 6 or 7 dogs die on me. It's never to happy. Think about the good times you've had with him, and never forget him. He is in a better place there, up in Bunny Heaven. With all his new friends, away from the pain and suffering. He is looking down on you. I know you took great care of him, and made his life on earth worth-while. *hugggssss*

Thanks, all of you. You're so incredible. Best online friends ever. *Hugs to all*

I've run out of tears now, but it still feels like something's missing. )':

Aww Krystal -hugs-

I was away, I've only just read your topic! D=

Poor you! I feel so sorry for you. Your rabbit would of loved you so much! I hope you feel okay. This is so bad to happen to you, all you do is love, you deserve no heartbreak. You deserve happiness, God will have something to make you better! :) We're all always here for you and will always help you. I say this on behalf of all TTers WE LOVE YOU!! xx

Sadly I don't own any pets so I cannot exactly say "I know how you feel" but there is no doubt in my mind that your bunny's death left a deep scar that will remain for years to come. But rest assured, time heals all wounds and soon you'll start thinking that your bunny is better off in death than suffering here. If s/he has lived for 6 long years, be proud! It only goes to show how much love and effort you've put into raising him and your bunny'll be ever so proud to have had you as an owner. If you've still not cried enough, its better to cry tonight and use up all of your tears left while you're in bed and have some time to yourself, that'll give you a fresh start in the morning. How about having some hot chocolate, or a warm drink just to relax and reminisce about your memories together? You really shouldn't dwell on your bunny's death either, you'll be able to look forward to a new tomorrow when you wake up and find out that the worst is over. I hope you have good dreams about your bunny tonight! *and proceeds to give a huge hug*

That's happened to me before.

One of my rabbits died.

One got attacked and eaten by neighborhood dogs.

My ferrets were old and died.

3 or 4 guinea pigs I had for a while died.

2 of my parakeets that I had for a long time died.

Our iguanna died of old age. =(

Lots of fish. (because fish are stoopid sometimes and want to die)

Seriously. I feel bad for you, but it happens, and I cry my eyes out. Sometimes I cry so much I can't cry anymore because I ran out of tears! More have died too, but really.

-hugs krystal-

But you have to lighten up. I've had those animals for a long time, too, and every animal passes away. But hey, look on the bright side, maybe your bunny went up with my bunnies! And they are having a bunny party! ... sorry.

-hugs again-

That's happened to me before.
One of my rabbits died.

One got attacked and eaten by neighborhood dogs.

My ferrets were old and died.

3 or 4 guinea pigs I had for a while died.

2 of my parakeets that I had for a long time died.

Our iguanna died of old age. =(

Lots of fish. (because fish are stoopid sometimes and want to die)

Seriously. I feel bad for you, but it happens, and I cry my eyes out. Sometimes I cry so much I can't cry anymore because I ran out of tears! More have died too, but really.

-hugs krystal-

But you have to lighten up. I've had those animals for a long time, too, and every animal passes away. But hey, look on the bright side, maybe your bunny went up with my bunnies! And they are having a bunny party! ... sorry.

-hugs again-
xD that's like I said about her bunny and my bunny meeting up in heaven. bunny party!!!! xD

My rabbit died. He was 6 years old. I'm completely torn. I've been crying for hours now.
He was taken to the vet and I didn't go because I knew there was a big chance that he might have to be put to sleep. When my mom came back she said, "He's gone..." And then I just couldn't stop crying.

I could really use some of that TT love you guys serve up so well right about now. ):
*hugs Krystal*

Aw,you poor thing. I've never had that ever happen to me,but I feel sorry for you. Its sad when things happen like that.

I don't know what to say without making anything worse ;o;

I'll just huggle you :'D


My rabbit died. He was 6 years old. I'm completely torn. I've been crying for hours now.
He was taken to the vet and I didn't go because I knew there was a big chance that he might have to be put to sleep. When my mom came back she said, "He's gone..." And then I just couldn't stop crying.

I could really use some of that TT love you guys serve up so well right about now. ):
I am sorry Krys, i know i said i was leaving, but sometimes i am returning.

I am sorry for your rabbit, -hugggg-

Dont feel upset, at last, he is resting in peace.

U know, i am your friend and i can help you with anything you need, ;D.

-Hugz Krystal- I drew you a bunny (sorry its teribble) my bunny!

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