Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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Nice book JLou!!! I'm a fan of books so many people just call me nerd but that's incorrect!

If you are bored to travel on foot why don't you take a book?

That's what I think!!!! Well sorry for being out of discussion!!!

Here, AT LAST pictures of Tamfi!!!! Well I wasn't able to take a picture of the matchmaker but I'm really surprised! You know Tamfi is 6yr now but... Matchmaker visited him three times!!!! Twice yesterday and once more this morning!!![GR times] I'm shocked because it was in short time distances... xi xix xi Many girls want him...I would be proud to marry my little rascal boy but I'm afraid he has to join and stay into my boring life for many many months!!!!!!Years...I hope...So here are pics!!!

Teen form:


Adult form:


Oh I love that book! Did you and Lorne enjoy it?
Yes, we very much enjoyed it! I knew the history well, so I knew how it was going to go, but the writing was fantastic so despite knowing a lot of the story already, it was a great read!

Lorne is 14 today. He's having a great time as an oldie. :D

Today he tried out the Hair Gel..


He wasn't sure what to think and was very worried while we were waiting for it to work...


After the wait, Lorne ended up with a huge afro! He was amused, but also glad that it didn't last long since it was nearly as big as he is!


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Aww everyone's tamas are so cute! Milo should have turned 23 today but yesterday his battery ran out and although I got a new one in immediately he stayed 21 for an extra day instead of turning 22 yesterday. I think maybe his last "save point" before his battery ran out was when he turned 21. Oh well, I was just releived thaf I didn't accidentally reset him while changing the battery...


Here he is watching tv as it's the weekend:


Guys, I am SO sorry I've been ignoring this hatch. Well, I have good news, and bad news:

Good news: I got my first oldie from Micky! He's an Ojitchi!

Bad news: He passed away this morning. It was my fault: I changed the time yesterday because I was at a friend's so he would sleep instead of pausing him, and what happened was that when I woke up, it was around 9am my time, and 7:54pm his time.... He was dead. -_-

Tell you what, I'll enter with my Tama-Go, Austin. And I'll stay DEVOTED this time, I promise ^_^ Here are Austin's stats:

Character: Ahirukutchi (What a moulthful! :p )

Gender: Boy

Age: 1 year :p

Stage: Toddler, soon-to-be teenager

Weight: 24 lbs.

Friendship: 3/6

Training: 3/ Hower many there are :p

That's all. I'll post when he evolves, pictures tomarrow!

Guys, I am SO sorry I've been ignoring this hatch. Well, I have good news, and bad news:

Good news: I got my first oldie from Micky! He's an Ojitchi!

Bad news: He passed away this morning. It was my fault: I changed the time yesterday because I was at a friend's so he would sleep instead of pausing him, and what happened was that when I woke up, it was around 9am my time, and 7:54pm his time.... He was dead. -_-

Tell you what, I'll enter with my Tama-Go, Austin. And I'll stay DEVOTED this time, I promise ^_^ Here are Austin's stats:

Character: Ahirukutchi (What a moulthful! :p )

Gender: Boy

Age: 1 year :p

Stage: Toddler, soon-to-be teenager

Weight: 24 lbs.

Friendship: 3/6

Training: 3/ Hower many there are :p

That's all. I'll post when he evolves, pictures tomarrow!
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about Micky! I hope you have better luck with Austin and it'll be nice to have a Tama-Go in the hatch, I think he's the first one :D

Well I'm pretty jealous and I must admit I'm really sorry for it. So I couldn't stand to see so woderful pics without to add some of my own! Tamfi is sleeping now but I can show you how we passed our day!

At first, I made him to make up and I had the chance to picture him. Shhh... don't tell him I'm showing this pic cause he will get mad at me!

Then I had a pretty walk around the local park so Tamfi was formally dressed!!! He wears his bow tie! :)

After that he made me a cute face to buy him some frozen yogurt but I denied cause it's still too cold for things like that! ;)

And finnally, He dig a hole to see if we could find something useful but all of a sudden a snake came out and scared Tamfi. He disliked it a lot I must say! ^_^ ^_^

So these for now! Bye guys! :D :D :D :D

Ps: I forgot to mention we had four more visits of the matchmaker... memetchi,violetchi,tarakotchi and... Makiko?! {does she matchmake visit?} Now Tamfi is 7yr and change his job for third time! He is something like a singer but he yells all the time!!! :lol: I love him :wub:


Hello everyone ! Nice to see pics of tamfi ! Everyone is doing well I see ! Well.... Except for the ones who are dead but... Ahem.

I was surprised to see that Mamie is 32 26 today O_O.... Time sure goes fast !

But i'm a little worried though. I think she is getting off her nut (I'm not sure about this turn of phrase :p )

Because she is old and she... speaks to flowers.... Yeah........ It's ok grandma there there

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rofl I am so stupid really. I said she was 32 but I as looking at weight, she is actually 26 today ^^

Milo is now 23:


Here's Milo was only trying out his pair of rollerskates. I'm glad to see that he's still interested in keeping fit whatever his age.


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Chalk is 30 today, and healthy as a frog!

Actually, I forgot to tell you guys that he went out of batteries some time last week, but it was right after connecting to his friend Furui (who is back in uratown now btw). And, when connecting, the data saves automatically, so I hurried to give him a new battery and he just lost a few minutes.

Otherwise I haven't paused him or altered time at all so far.

I feel like I should have done something special together with him today as it is his 30th birthday, but well, the little Derpytchi fell asleep before we got down to birthday celebrations...

As I mentioned before, Furui the UraMemtchi has left for home, and I'm left to care for her 4-year old soon-to-be-a-teen-bikkuri-group-boy named Kiruyo.

He's a third-class Bikkuri, and therefore following the sky-theme evolutions. I'm so in love with his cloud toddler form Mokutchi, and happy to have him saved om my schooltama!

First thing tomorrow I expect him to go Gorogorotchi!

R.I.P. Micky. :(

Good night everyone! :D



Me: Well, you can guess from our happy pic that Tamfi entered now the oldies circle!!! :D :D I'm so really proud of him!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

I was at school and I had him with me, so once I tried to check him duriing maths because of boredom I realized he was finnaly an OLDIE!!!! :D :D :eek: After a while I also saw that he was now 9yr!!! so he turned to an oldie at 8yr... I thought that happens in 10yr... :huh: Anyways who cares? I was so glad that I almost screamed from Joy!!!!! My very FIRST OLDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I paused him though... I didn't wanted to lose him. -_- After I got home today I couldn't keep no longer my excitement!!! I took many pictures of him as I wanted to do everything right then!!!I have still three tickets which I'm going to use by time! I love him although he looks a bit sad some times. Oldie melacholia... :blink:


Here he is dressed formally for his oldie celebration!!!! ^_^


And here Mr. Tamfi offered politely to suffer with me studing my lessons :p


We also visited Tamfi the first at his RIP. He became all sad and compationed so I quickly took him out of there not to cause him more sadness... -_- He supassed his age though! :)

These for now!!! Bye guys!!! :lol:

Congrats TAMAmaybeth! You deserve to finally get your oldie lol. And wow everyone's tamas are doing so well, especially Chalk and Mamie! Milo turned 24 today:


Ain't he cute?


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Well, as long as we have Oldies and byt the time we solve our questions I'd like an explenation about something really weird that happened with Tamfi and I guess with your odlies too.I have some pictures here but let me describe this first. I was trying to go to work. So I did as usually. But, when old-Tamfi entered his work building King Gotchi appeared and gave him a strange object that I don't know what is. It looks like an umbrella handle to me but of course it can't be that!! So Tamfi took it gladly, and left. I tried to get him to work once more but this time he appeared in Tamatown searching for a job alone. I couldn't handle him. He went straight to his job building and sat outside. I was waiting and nothing happened so I pushed B but then a bold frame appeared and the tama screen away closed. I was wondering what this means as it happens every time i try to get to work... Except from this we had a wonderful day!!!


Here he is searching all alone[sorry for bad quality pics problems with camera...]


Going straigh to his work! even younger he wasn't that anxious! :eek:


Sitting outside staring... Do you think he is melancholic?

Well, as long as we have Oldies and byt the time we solve our questions I'd like an explenation about something really weird that happened with Tamfi and I guess with your odlies too.I have some pictures here but let me describe this first. I was trying to go to work. So I did as usually. But, when old-Tamfi entered his work building King Gotchi appeared and gave him a strange object that I don't know what is. It looks like an umbrella handle to me but of course it can't be that!! So Tamfi took it gladly, and left. I tried to get him to work once more but this time he appeared in Tamatown searching for a job alone. I couldn't handle him. He went straight to his job building and sat outside. I was waiting and nothing happened so I pushed B but then a bold frame appeared and the tama screen away closed. I was wondering what this means as it happens every time i try to get to work... Except from this we had a wonderful day!!!


Here he is searching all alone[sorry for bad quality pics problems with camera...]


Going straigh to his work! even younger he wasn't that anxious! :eek:


Sitting outside staring... Do you think he is melancholic?
The tamagotchi king gave Tamfi a cane as he is now an oldie and is retired which means that he won't be able to go to work anymore (you'll just see him taking a stroll through tamatown and stopping outside the place where he used to work). As far as I know this is the same for all oldies on the v4 and v4.5. Btw cute pics, Tamfi looks adorable!

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My little Milo is a quater of a century old today. Wow, that does sound grown up! He prefers to think of himself as 25 years young though.


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