Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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Hey, it's Hannah!
I want to join the hatch. Is it too late? if not I will join using my brothers music star, its a girl named hannah. She has a bunny for a toy and a mic for her instrument.​
Sure, the more the merrier. :) Mini-update: tonight, Zebra transformed into a Dangoobatchi at 8 years old, even though I read somewhere that they have to be 9. :x. And then promptly fell asleep. I'll update with pictures tomorrow.

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Back with alittle news.

My sister wants me to talk about her tamagotchi. Right now on her V6 she has a Tamatchi.

So no one told me if I could bring in more tama's, so I guess I will. Not wanting to sound pushy or anything. :( But im bringing in Mall, my V4 who is a yattatchi, and my Tama-go which is a memetchi. Oddly enough they are both four years old!​
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Back with alittle news.​

My sister wants me to talk about her tamagotchi. Right now on her V6 she has a Tamatchi.

So no one told me if I could bring in more tama's, so I guess I will. Not wanting to sound pushy or anything. :( But im bringing in Mall, my V4 who is a yattatchi, and my Tama-go which is a memetchi. Oddly enough they are both four years old!
Welcome to your tamas! The more the merrier :D


Clay is 4 years old today. He evolved into a Kusatchi.

He got sick this morning when I slept in late. XD but I gave him medicine and he was fine.

Tamas currently sleeping but something odd happened today! Tamfi is 5yr and I recieved a letter for job although I already had one!!! He is working in bunk now...I haven't recieved a sallary from my previous job and that had happened to me in past once more... What is it? :huh:

I'm so disappointed -- somehow Yoda snuck a pocket marriage so I will have to start over with his son. :( and he was due to evolve into an oldie tonight. Now I know better than to put an adult tama in my pocket. I've never had that happen before!

I'm so disappointed -- somehow Yoda snuck a pocket marriage so I will have to start over with his son. :( and he was due to evolve into an oldie tonight. Now I know better than to put an adult tama in my pocket. I've never had that happen before!
Naughty little Yoda getting married like that in your pocket ! xD

Sorry to hear that though. You must hae been so disappointed...

As for me, Mamie evolved into an oldie today hile I was cooking ! When I heard the particular sound of tama evolution, I dropped everything and checked and awwwwwwwww <3 !

I've never been so happy getting an oldie. Well... I've never had an oldie before, that's why I guess xD

I'll post pics tomorrow. I'm going to make her visit france and Japan because I bought her tickets long time ago. So I'll take pictures of that, it'll be fun ! ^^

I'm so glad to have her around. She is so quiet, so fun to play with :)

<3. Love my oldie.
We went to Ihop for red velvet pancakes, but that doesn't mean Zebra gets a break from having to practice her harp!
And when things got a little too stressful, she played with her panda bear on the way home.

Tamfi is 6yr...he is a bit slow but I guess he wants his time...Everyone does! :D :D :D

So I've come to terms with Yoda's accidental pocket marriage, though I was furious with myself yesterday for not keeping him out in the open during his marriageable age. That will not happen this time! Anyway, I've no idea who he married, as I didn't notice what was going on until I heard the fireworks coming from my hoodie pocket. I don't even remember bumping into something, but I must have at just the wrong time to say "yes" to match maker. At any rate, Yoda has a little son who I think he will leave tonight, as it will be his second sleep with the baby (is that right for the V3? It's been too long since I've played with the V3 for any length of time). I've decided to name the baby Lorne (though my fiance wanted me to name him Dooku since Yoda was his master before he turned to the dark side, but I felt that would be setting him up for failure, so Lorne it is!).

I did log on to the European Tama Town today. Since it's my last day with Yoda, I wanted to have a fun excursion with him before he left me with a crying baby to raise into an oldie. I had meant to keep that for when he himself was an oldie, but well, the best laid plans, you know... So instead he went today and bought the action figure for his son. So glad the European Tama Town website works for the US too!

Sorry to hear about Yoda, JLOU! Hopefully Dooku will make his father proud :) and congrats to Moussette, Daniinthetardis and Sk1tt135 on the oldies. Milo is currently six so I'll be keeping a close eye out for the matchmaker:


Here he is wearing his new pair of sunglasses:


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So, today was a pretty bad day but right now after a good shower i'm in my bed and playing with my little Mamie. It cheers me up a bit ^^

We went fishing

Playing guitar

went to japan

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Milo turned seven today!


The matchmaker visited for the first time but we politely refused. Here's a close up I caught of Milo's face:


-_- -_- -_- -_- -_-

I'm so glad for your oldie tamas guys!!! so glad... and so sad*...

I have news... :( bad news... It was all my fault!

Today, it was a lovely friday that would be perfect if only two things wouldn't happen this day.

At first, it was the day of a HUGE simulation-examination on french for the SB b1 degree. I was out of control anxious and worried to death as always... This day, I had also brought two of my tamas with me. So, I should : check my tamas/ revise french/ try to calm down/ watch the proffessors/participate in class!!!!! :( After a while I totally forgot of my v4's existance... I was looking after rarelly my v4.5...

I remembered him on bus -after passing away the mess in my head for my mistaken exam and my worries about it-[i hope I did well]

I took him out happily so glad I was gonna have an oldie soon! so glad I almost forgot the simulation... but then I noticed that it wasn't him waiting for me... but an angel...Tamfi...had...gone...to...TAMA-heaven...

I hope he isn't mad at me! -_- -_- I felt so stupide, so sad that the memories of the huge examination[3 hours] plus his death, made me cry...

I had to restart so now I have a mohitamatchi Tamfi the second! I hope this will be a success...

*So tamfi died in the age of 6yr 90lbr...

I'll join again soon...I hope. I'll try with my v4.5 that has STILL his parent! :)

-_- -_- -_- -_- -_-

I'm so glad for your oldie tamas guys!!! so glad... and so sad*...

I have news... :( bad news... It was all my fault!

Today, it was a lovely friday that would be perfect if only two things wouldn't happen this day.

At first, it was the day of a HUGE simulation-examination on french for the SB b1 degree. I was out of control anxious and worried to death as always... This day, I had also brought two of my tamas with me. So, I should : check my tamas/ revise french/ try to calm down/ watch the proffessors/participate in class!!!!! :( After a while I totally forgot of my v4's existance... I was looking after rarelly my v4.5...

I remembered him on bus -after passing away the mess in my head for my mistaken exam and my worries about it-[i hope I did well]

I took him out happily so glad I was gonna have an oldie soon! so glad I almost forgot the simulation... but then I noticed that it wasn't him waiting for me... but an angel...Tamfi...had...gone...to...TAMA-heaven...

I hope he isn't mad at me! -_- -_- I felt so stupide, so sad that the memories of the huge examination[3 hours] plus his death, made me cry...

I had to restart so now I have a mohitamatchi Tamfi the second! I hope this will be a success...

*So tamfi died in the age of 6yr 90lbr...

I'll join again soon...I hope. I'll try with my v4.5 that has STILL his parent! :)
Oh no! I'm really sorry to hear about Tamfi, you must be so upset. Good luck with your next tama :)

Hey there!

So i've been gone for the past 2 weeks, as I was grounded shortly after joining the hatch. :c but its okay because Bonnie is still alive and going strong!! Whoo :)

i paused her for a while because i felt bad not being able to log while she was still running.. but then i got bored and unpaused her haha. Cx

She first evolved into a ringotchi, which i felt sort of bad about because i think its the worst teenage character you can get.. whooops...

And then i got a serebetchi! (Sp?) Incase y'all were wondering that's the one that looks like a dinosaur. She's also the secons worse character you can get on a v.6 haha which is a fail on my part but i was aiming at getting her or violetchi so i guess it isn't so bad. :') Her and the band are doing pretty good.. i can't say the name of the band because it's innapropriate (i couldnt help myself) but i'm sure you guys would uh appreciate the name. Anyway right now shes only two so shes a long way until she's an oldie. :)

I dont really know what else to say except shes ranked at 14! Yay! :) anyway i guess thats it.

- sage (sorry if this looks really weord im on my phone.)

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