Longest you've stayed up?


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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2006
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Lost in the Abyss.
Yeah, I don't know. I'm bored. This randomly came into my head. Maybe because I'm sleepy?

Anyway, what is the longest you have ever stayed up/Have you ever pulled an allnighter?

For me the longest I have ever stayed up was like probably 24 hours. I woke up at 7:30 that day for school, then that night our flight to Florida was delayed hours so by the time we actually got to the house we were staying at it was like 6 or something like that. By the time I went to sleep after I ate and stuff it was 24 hours.

I don't know if I can really call it an allnighter because I did go to sleep...in the morning.

So how long have you stayed up?

Something around 36 hours.

I stayed up all night at a friend's with three other people, and stayed awake all the next day too..

And the next day happened to be the first day of school.

That was fun.

Most likely...well, there was one time I almost pulled an all-daynighter. Woke up at seven ish I think, and went to bed at 5:30 AM.

About 60 hours. It was for a science fair thing for my friend, to see the symptoms of sleep deprivation. =.=

idk i woke up at 6:30am and went to sleep at 5:00 am

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I don't know,when I was a little kid I stayed awake from 7 am till 2 days later at around 9 pm. I didn't usually get very sleepy when I was little. Staying awake made me even more hyper for some reason.

Around thirty hours.

But then the walls started crawling and the letters were dancing on the computer, so I thought it was time to go to bed x.o

Sleep deprevation is... interesting [xD] But I was extra-paraniod for like, the next week or so.


lol... I usually stay up all night and sleep in through the day.. most of my friends are online late at night soz... and when I try to go to bed I can't and I end up staring at the ceiling for the whole night. -sigh-

Er,about 23 hours. 1 hour away from a full day! Me and my parents were about to drive to NC so we woke up early at about 5 am,then my dog wouldn't eat,so we had to take it to the vet,and that took a while,so then we got home at about 3 pm,rush hour,so we waited at home and ate dinner before we left,then there was traffic and we got there at 1 am,and I couldn't get to sleep until 4 am. So close...

Compared to you others I don't saty up at all!

One day I woke up at the normal time, 6:30, and then stayed up till 2:14am.

I guess I just can't stay awake that long :(

I would never be able to do that! more than like 24 hours! wow. . .

I woke up once at 8 and went to bed at around 6ish, it was a sleepover, and at 6:51(AM) my friends cellphone went off >.< It was soo loud!

I've pulled a few all nighters Actually, just last week I stayed up till 5 a.m. at a friends house. :p

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