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OMG, so embarassing :rolleyes:

I was hoping nothing like this would come up, but I'll tell you guys...

How much have you changed - Too much for words. When I first arrived on my old account (Mimitchi Rulz!) I was a little SPAMmer and I posted over and over one after the other in my own topics. I advertsied and stirred up quite a bit of trouble :eek: I used to many similies and I got upset with other members easily, and the most commonly used smiley was :mellow:

I am pretty sure I made a post just like :angry: :huh: :lol: -_- !!!!

What was your silliest topic/post - I think that would be my Group Hatch I did. I'm pretty sure it was my first topic and post.

I was counting down to the hatch, Like 10 minutes, 9 minutes, 8 minutes, counting down like that post after post. I am pretty sure I ticked some people off. I was also using BIG writing and anoying people by SPAMming up the topic. Of course I didn't mean to. I was only new. Basically 90% of the 80 or so replies were by me.

Link to that [very embarassing] topic is here.

What do you miss most about being new - Not much. I'm glad I'm not new XD

What do you regret you did - Every post I made with that account. Thats why I changed.

So embarassing B)

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I'll I remember is my silliest post (I think) is when I had my first post (introductions) I was all "Hi I have a sister that I hate and would love to send to China to eat fish heads there." XD XD Hmmm maybe I could find something....

I can't stand to even think about my first posts, I was so weird. o.o I actually spammed a bit too. And I thought I was sooo cool because I was a TamaMax. I was in love with using 346879 smilies in every post. Quite terrifying, to see the person I was back when I was 10.

How much have you changed? Well, not much. I still act retarded. I've only matured by 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1%

What was your silliest topic/post? I can't remember. o.o''

What do you miss most about being new? Being called a n00b even though I knew alot. xD

What do you regret you did? Nothing, Dur. I'm mentally retarded. xD


Look through the posts you made when you were new to TT!
How much have you changed?

What was your silliest topic/post?

What do you miss most about being new?

What do you regret you did?
How much have you changed? Well I used too many !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s before. And that was only in Jan. this year, I havent even been on TT for 1 year yet!!!!! I still promise to have at least one exclamation mark in every post, to represent my hyperness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What was your silliest topic/post? this

What do you miss most about being new? Being more of an idiot!!!!!!!

What do you regret you did? that post!!!!!

Silliest post.. LOL Everyone HATED this one topic that my best friend made about "Would you call yourself pretty?" and they were all telling her she was pretty much full of herself because she'd say stuff like "I look in the mirror every day and thank God for my face." or something like that, and I was taking her side. I relize that was idiotic as the things she posted in that topic were very eh.. 5 don't know how to say it.

I'd type in BIG fonts and colors, and I never knew how to get my own avatar from another website. I also didn't know how to copy and paste links, and I wanted to roleplay really badly, so I kept posting in a role play saying "You know, I could play, but you guys won't help me find out how to post links!! :D -_- :eek: "

If I were one of the people that had to put up with me then, I'd so hate me..

(One thing that REALLY hurt my feelings was in the would you call yourself pretty topic, people kept saying I was Rachel. It made me want to cry and it still does. I don;t know exactly why, though.)

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Well, this was on my old acount, Kelly_Clarkson7.

How much have I changed? I'd have to say I changed ALOT! 'i used 2 typ like dis' and didn't really give much help to people who needed it.

My Silliest Post/Topic: Well I would have to say my silliest post was when I made a topic about riddles, and people started to SPAM, so instead of saying "Please stop SPAMing, I want riddles." I said "Stop SPAMing! I want tiddles!" Yes, thats right, 'tiddles'. My silliest topic? Well it wasn't really 'silly', but I was new and didn't know you couldn't have two of the same topics, so when my sister, Kelly_Clarkson8, made a topic about how to make money, I made one to. XD

What do I regret that I did? Well, I regret never actually helping people and all the SPAMs I made. I used to go to random topics were my sister was and say stuff like "hehe! hi sis!" or "KELLY_CLARKSON8 IS MI SIS!!!!!!!!!!!!". Also, if I didn't like the topic, I would say something like "Dis thing is stupid!!".

Wow. XD


I was a n00b basically. I said "MY YUGIOH CARDS ARE THE BEST! IM BETTER THE SETO KAIBA!!!!!!11!1!!11!1111!"
I thought I was emo, gothic, everything. Now I know what I am- Tomboy

I thought everyone LOVED my art when now I realize it was crap compared to now.

I was Inuyasha insane, SK and Olber (Which is under a new name now) Remember.....*sweatdrop*

I regret ever starting the Tamatalkers' comic.

My siliest post was uhm......when I thought I would leave Tamatalk but never did.

I miss the fact that I could get away with a few Spam topics.
LOL!!!!!!! That just made my day! That was pretty funny...haha! :furawatchi:

Oh gosh, I was so...Wow! I don't know how to discribe it! I was a pretty wild Tamatalker, and I was "ALL CAPS" haha! :rolleyes: Man, I was so not very well at Tamatalk a while ago!

I would have to agree with you MeowBark, I was basiclly a Noob when I first started, I had to use every single smilie! Psshhh was a waste of my 10 sec! LOL!


A DAY!!!! :rolleyes: -Ninjas-rock-my-sox
My first post...See what I mean? ALL CAPS! haha <_< Man, that's embarrising looking back at what I wrote!

Lol I remeber when I first started I was horrible at grammer and spelling, now looking back I feel so embrassed!

I also loved Naruto when I first started, now I hate it! and I want to change my username too DX.

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Silliest post.. LOL Everyone HATED this one topic that my best friend made about "Would you call yourself pretty?" and they were all telling her she was pretty much full of herself because she'd say stuff like "I look in the mirror every day and thank God for my face." or something like that, and I was taking her side. I relize that was idiotic as the things she posted in that topic were very eh.. 5 don't know how to say it.
I think I remember that topic!!

Haha, I was getting really angry, and we all assumed that you were her "other acount" xD

Sorry about that. =P

Anyways I'd have to say I changed a lot though, very positively though.

Well I don't think I have grown.

I haven't had a silly post....

Oh wait I just remembered IM NEW!!!!!!!!

I rather not talk about my silly post. :mellow: It's always weird looking back. xD

It was on my old account. My sillest topic was "What is a siggy?". The next day no one posted and i started saying. "WHY WONT YOU PEOPLE HELP? STOP ACTINGLIKE TOTAL n00bs!"

xD Good times man.. Good Times

Wow, I remember when I was a total jerk.. I didn't know how to type on the computer. how to be nice.. so i posted in a topic. then a little later the topic starter said that they wanted to close the topic and I got all mad saying.. YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY WE POSTED AT ALL! YOUR TOPIC WUZ LIKE NAWT POPULAR SO SHUTUP!! ZOMG!"

oh my gawd.....I feel really bad :)

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My silliest topic was a topic which I posted Malta's Eurovision (a festival that countries of Europe take part) song!

Luckily no-one posted :unsure: It wasn't really,but really immature :)

I regret-It was actually a PM to Admin saying "WHY I'M NOT HAVING GREEN KARMA?!!!!!1!!!11!! D:" And this was yesterday.

I'm REALLY sorry Admin,I lost my cool after seeing a couple of members and later MORE members with new and more green karma,so I typed my fingers off shouting in caps saying that I am a good member. *sighs*

Forgive me Admin?? :unsure: *bakes cookie*

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Oh... gawd. I've changed alot. xD

My posts in this topic were REALLY stupid. I reported that manda pez person for copying what I said. xD

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