Love and Jealousy


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Summer and Dan saw it on the news."whos cares about her anyway?"said Summer."yeah"added Dan.Joy had a sister named Lola.she was a :D .she was at there door the time they said that because she knew about them and was going too tell them what happend.once she hear them say that,she ran off crying.

Lola was very sad indeed. Dan had told Summer "Don't you care about your sister? I know I do, I fell in love with her!"

Summer asked, "What?!" "Yeah, you heard me. I've put up with this. I'm finished. Say bye to Ginny and Liberty for me. I'm going to that Lola girl." "You can't get to her, you're still in GuruGuru Town! You'll die out there." "I'll die with love for Joy. See ya, Summer!" "Noo!".

Ginny and Liberty hated their new stepdad because all he cared about was their money. Ginny and Liberty set off to find their dad and Lola. Dan found Lola eventually and married her when she was older. Lola was now a Ponitchi. When Summer found out about this, she also set off with Michael to find the kids.

The kids were now happy with Dan and Lola as their parents. Summer spent some years searching forthem, but no luck. They couldn't find them becasue most of the time, they were having honeymoons all the time. Ginny and Liberty grew up into adults, with the parents are adults, still. Ginny and Liberty were now a Violetchi and a Purimatchi. After another year, Summer neglected her kids all the time. She took a day off from work every day to take casreof the kids. Michael was with another woman without Summer knowing. Soon, Michael died with money.

Then one day after Summer was already an old Tamagotchi Dan came up to her and said, "when I saw Lola I thought it was love. But then I realized I had left my true love behind. Then Lola left me, and I've spent the rest of this time searching for you." Then he kissed her and she realized she was wrong to have left him too. Summer went with Dan to visit their grandchildren, and were happy together forever after that.

But Amythest on the other hand was having some love trouble as a teenager...

Summer asked Amethyst what was wrong and Amethyst said "There's this guy in my class I like. But he doesn't notice me ever since my blabbermouth 'best friend' Daisy told him I liked him. What should I do?"

go up to him and tell Toby ( :D the guy Amethyst liked) how you feel, then ask him out she suggested

they rushed out the door leaving behing somthing VERY valuble right on the door step were it

could be stolen it was a ..............................

lil baby

A secret agent,named Zeke the Kutchipatchi had stolen the baby,they arrived home to find a note saying"your baby is....."

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