love song


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pretty maikko shiny tama

Well-known member
Mar 24, 2007
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One day in tamaville a memetchi called cheery.And when she is at home she is like this :huh: but when she is outside home she is like this :huh: . then the time came when she started SCHOOL.have a good time my little cheery tart, her mum said.have fun my little cheery cake.then she arrived at school.she was introduced to her new teacher;mrs butterscotch: ;) was mrs butterscotch nice or mean?you say so we can find out and you also say wether she loves

mrs.butterscotch was mean she alwaysed yelled at inocent people it was horrible for the tamas

Mrs. Butterscotch always caught even one word after she said silence. Even a whisper or a mumble. She would scold at the student who talked. If one tama stuck their foot out of school grounds, she would yell at them. She didn't believe anyone when they told her someone did something, and would get the tama who told in trouble. Cheery laughed at her friends joke during playtime, and Mrs.Butt(What Cheery and many other classmates called her) said silence. Cheery took one last laugh, and Mrs. Butt angrily told her to go to the Principal's office. But the principal, Mr. Dan-Green, was very kind. "Hello, fellow child. What brings you here?" Cheery told him how mean Mrs. Butt(she had to say Butterscotch so Mr. Dan-Green wouldn't scold her) was, and why she had to come. Mr. Dan-Green frowned. "I'll talk to Mrs. Butterscotch after school. Here's a lollipop."

Licking the lollipop, Cheery walked back to class.

Mr.Dan Green fired Mrs.Butt.The next day a nice :p was teaching the class.Cheery chrushed on him the secound she seen him.

This guy was actually 13 years old, with a driver's license. He was so smart with IQ 300, that he didn't need to go to school. Cheery was 6. A 7 year difference. Not much of a difference. Cheery kept giving him apples(which he loved) The :p was named Mr. White(His first name was Chris). Cheery called him Chris instead.

Chris also had a good time teaching Cheery and her friends, who needed lots

of help in school.....He also gave lots of smiles to them and cured cheery's

:pochitchi: into a :marumimitchi: tough inside cheery was shy (very)...She kept her cool

A great rule developed: You will have the same teachers for all years of education until college.

Cheery one day stayed in for Recess, and Mr. White didn't notice it. He fell asleep in his chair. Cheery...

he was just dreaming and talking in his sleep so she did it again then he siad that he liked puppies(in his sleep)she siad realy to see if he could here her and he siad yes she thout it was cool and she started singing he sang with her they were singing a love song she knew he was asleep but she just loved it they sang and sang and then she thout maybe if i tell him to do something he wil so he told him that tomarow he would fall asleep agian

the next day...........................................................................he fell asleep again

Then, one day, Chris didn't show up at school to teach. Instead, a substitute named Miss Ingle (who was a :kuribotchi: ) showed up.

"Today, we are going to be learning about science." Miss Ingle said.

"Excuse me," said Cheery, now brave enough to speak up in class, "What happened to Chris?"

"He got taken care of..." said Mrs. Ingle mysteriously. Cheery didn't like the sound of that. Something mysterious was going on here...

Miss Ingle was a mean teacher, and they had so much to learn that the whole semester Cheery was too busy to think about Chris.

Something happened to Chris, thought Cheery one day, and I'm gonna find out.

Cheery went a little too far... One night, Cheery woke up at 2:30 in the morning. She sneaked into school and went into the office. She went through filing cabinets, trash cans, and desks just to find something, anything, that might tell her where Chris was. And she got it.

On the principals desk there was a note written in red ink that said:

You must leave money and 3 students in your office overnight on Saturday to pick up-OR ELSE!

P.S. And you'll get your teacher back.

Cheery smelled the note. It was written in...blood! What did those people need students for???

Somehow, someone knew what she was doing and when she was doing it. How else would they know she was going to be here tonight?

There was something familiar about the handwriting on the paper, but she couldn't find out. It's like she's seen it before.

Cheery couldn't have been more confused, until she saw something under the principle's desk. It was a piece of crumpled up notebook paper. Cheery opened the note and it said, "HELP ME PLEASE! THE BUT HOLDS THE SECRET!" The but holds the secret? What the heck does that mean? thought Cheery. And did Chris write this letter? What's going on here?

Wait Cheery thought, The But.. The Butt... My old teacher!!!

Cheery needed to find her old teacher to discover the secret...

Before she could move, she heard a familiar voice talking to her.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't miss Cheery!" Cheery turned and looked toward the voice. It was Miss Ingle!

"What to you want?" asked Cheery, trying all she could to make her knees not shake.

"I want my three students." said Mrs. Ingle.

"You wrote that message?" asked Cheery.

"Yes I did." replied Mrs. Ingle. Cheery started to talk, but she cut her off. "Listen bub. I know you have a lot of questions, but they're not gonna be answered. I'm giving you 7 days to get me 3 students. Dead. Bring them to me in 7 days, got that?"

Cheery was stunned. She couldn't even talk.

Mrs. Ingle laughed, evilly laughed. "Bring them to me, or you'll never see your beloved Chris again!" And with that, Mrs. Ingle walked away, leaving Cheery with her problems behind her.

Cheery dropped on her knees.

No....It can't be.. she thought I must save Chris. I must!

She had to think fast.

Mrs Ingle was mad, she was crazy!

She needed to find The Butt and find out the secret!

But where is The Butt? She could be anywhere in Tama planet! She could have even gone to earth!

The possibilities were endless!

Suddenly, the phone in the office rang

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