Lucky/Unlucky items.


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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia.
Do you have any lucky or unlucky items? What are they? How are the unlucky or lucky?

I have this one shirt. I own it, but it fits me, Katie, Lucie & Rachel which is really exciting so we all share it : D Yay. I dunno if it's really lucky it's just a cool shirt and yeah. I guess it's lucky in the sense that it fits us all and we don't need to buy new shirts lol?

My whistle is lucky because I got it at the community camp and it's blue and I just randomly found it sitting on a bench so I stole it and soaked it in Dettol for about three days and yeah. It's just lucky - and slightly gross - cuz it is.

That's about all lol for now.

Your turn :)

My blue hairtie is incredibly lucky for me. We're not aloud to wear jewellery to Netball, which includes that. I once wore it, and we won. All the other times we've lost. Maybe that's just a coincidence though, hehe. It's named Esther :)

I have this pink koala purse thing and it seems to be unlucky. It gives me nightmares also. I hate ittt. And the day I got it, I kept getting moderately injured.. like, falling and I got my finger stuck in a car door. It's hidden somewhere under my bed so I'll never come across it again. : D

I have a gold charm braclet that is very unlucky for me. It's pretty but evillllll. [/dramatic evil voice]

My Hadaya necklace is lucky for me. Also the Chai charm I put on it (Chai is Hebrew for life) it was my grandma's and she died wearing it. I've been told I'm a lot like her, so it's nice to have a piece of her with me.

Lucky/Unlucky items confuse me.

I have this one watch, and I almost broke my wrist getting it slammed in a car door, but the watch absorbed the shock. BUT. What if the watch was actually UNLUCKY, and if I hadn't worn the watch in the first place, my wrist wouldn't have gotten slammed anyways?

There was this 7-leaf clover that I found one day (and yus, 7 leaves, I am not lying to you..) a while ago and I was so happy about finding it that I accidentally dropped my friend's mom's cell phone down an inclined road. it's somewhere in a cereal box now.. I consider it unlucky.

My right figure skate is lucky. I always tie it first for good luck. partly because that is what Patrick Chan does (but sometimes I do the left one first, because I don't want to wear out the luck 8D)


To be honest, I don't believe in Superstitions and stuff.

Like I don't think an Item can be lucky or something -Shrug-

You know.. I don't believe in luck or bad luck. I just believe in probability. Things happen for no apparent reason to me. x]

Its weird... People I know consider me to be a VERY unlucky person... but when I'm in those unlucky situations I have luck, if that makes sense? Its so weird... I consider myself very lucky to be honest.

Anyway, I have a few good luck charms on account of me trying to avoid bad luck :eek: I have a four leaf clover which I've put into a frame. I have my mum's necklace around my neck which i nevar take off (oops i wrote nevar instead of never lol howd i do that) I have a little bag that i keep with me, it has a few little things in it which i wont bother boring you to tears explaining what each one is but yeah. I'm also a believer in karma, what goes around comes around =]

Nope. I don't have a lucky or an unlucky item.


I think I used to have a lucky item, but I lost it. D:<

You know what? I just remembered.

I have over 40 4 leaf clovers. Yes. Over 40. We had like... a patch of them in our front yard. Yayy~


I have a lucky shirt that has the Ipod sign on it. Resulting my nickname as Ipod. :3

And... AND I have a lucky quarter that my crush gave me and I will never spend it. I keep it in a necklace box. XD Usually, if I ask it a question then spin it, usually, the question happens to my crush depending if its heads or tails.

Temari Nara

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