Marshmellow Delights


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My Tama-Nano isn't a girl... It a boy. Mametchi. Lol. Oopsie. I made a pouch for it too. I thought it was going to be too wide, but it ended up perfect.

My rocker from my IDL will marry ToMo... If I get time to. Maybe I should start another tonight? It seemed to work well that last time actually... But I'll wake up to an emo teen.... Based on today's activity level. Corse I can always hatch it, grow it for the hour and then set it back. Probably will wait until ToMo morning and deal with it then.

I've been out all day. Kids. One is trying to sing, I've got a Feelin' from Black Eyed Peas... except... He only knows one like.... I've Got a Feelin', Tonights gonna be a good night... a good night... etc... over and over. Too bad, its a good song too for once.

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Pictures, I will sure try. My Nano I can snap pictures of... my IDL, its kinda picky. But I will try to take some on my spurs. It makes things more interesting... I even go for the pictures.

My rocker had a boy. Married the Lun-Lun like character... I must find those pictures again...

Not cool. I can read not-normal-text on this computer, but not on my laptop. Boo!

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I kinda miss my rocker... But it seems he has been saved over my KuroMametchi? Weird... BTW, he had a boy with a snow cap. Then he turned into the shariff... I'm not sure how well I am doing becuase I've been busy with some younger family memebers.


I'm keeping my Mametchi around as long as possible...

But one thing I question about my Mametchi... He likes rice in the nano but not the IDL... What is that all about...? Not to mention most adults I have had in the IDL dislike rice... they will put on a face and eat it... and not be happy about it. Some will even get mad... Atleast the animation looks that way to me. Who knows...

I get a Boy I think is a girl in my Nano, My IDL adults are furociously picky about meals... They are all confused in the Nano... While... I am confused on why the colors switched or something.... (Girl/Boy) Or maybe I'm just insane....


Dang, I knew I didn't log yesterday... Welp, Kids make you focus on them more then anything else... They should be going home today...

My IDL, Its been flimsy since I've been paying attention to the kids more then it... I have the pink haired dude again though. Change is near too...

My Nano is still on too! Yay!

Pictures. Okay. I'm liking the pictures... I will try to take some... Atleast my Nano isn't camera shy and running from the focus. (Er moving/bluring the image)

hahaha. I was re-reading some of my typing... I typed "Memebers" instead of members... Too much tama perhaps?

Oh how I was DROOLING over the new Hub Pony stuff in Target. I want it all. ALL. Its so cute!!!! I want the big Twilight Sparkle Pillow... Big stuffed animal. Its adroable... I had to hug it and walk away from the whole section. I knew I wanted it terribly... I am trying to lay-low right now over those hub ponys... Not spend my money on it.

If you make me a IDL wallpaper of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic... ready to send.... I will love you forever.

My little boy I was breifing people about, Its a KuroMametchi Rocker again. hahahaha. It does save over the main tamagotchi. I thought I missed something important bfore the change... They can change back to the original tama you had.

My nano Mametchi is still hanging around... I was in a group hatch.

Rocker # 2 is gonna get married. I'm hoping for a girl. My last two have been boys, Rockers to be percise. I took pictures today trying to get him... I'm not sure if they are going to show up.... eh. But I need to send them yet to the computer. It doesn't like its bluetooth, probably being picky because of my low disk space...... Which I took care of twice. It must be all the ponys I saved to computer.

Then my tama Nano, He is still here and still on. I think the shell has something to do with it. I LOVE how its got a crystal like rim around the tear drop part. I thought it was just pink. I wonder what other designs have that.... I kinda want two..... But I'm not doing that for a while... That IDL 15 talks to me.

I owe people pictures.

Seriously. *Cute anime eyes* Make me a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic background....? Just the standard ones... If its just outlines in black and white.... I'll take em. I know they are a pain with all that rainbow inside... Rainbow Dash is my favorite currently..... but I do like them all.

The picture is commin' only one I took that you culd see my IDL. That was this morning... I have a little girl now too. The Paintboard one.

I've had great success transferring to my IDL. Finally. I did it last night and went crazy....I transferred backgrounds and games... just trying them all. I love how it can be changed and updated like that.

I'm going to try to remember taking a picture or two. Not always will there be one, but it will be on my mind when I post...


I'm trying to decide what to make with that fabric... The green is like 4-6inches wide and a yard long... then I have some brown that is sorta cut funny, but I bet I have 2/3 inches and a yard of that if I cut it straight....

YUSH! I have aquired pony wallpaper. I love it.

I've figured out finally how to make them fully now too. I made a Rainbow Dash one. Happy to share although I did use paint and I'm not 100% if I painted her hair correctly... I think the top is fine but not too sure about the tail... Still looks like her though. I need to upload it... I think I can keep 1 personalized wallpapers in there....


This version is NOT ready for transfer.

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I go to see my IDL this morning... Its someones birthday again. Why must it block the rainbow dash image I made? Why? Because they have to... Boo.

Going to be a long day I think... and the logo is in the way on my phone to see anything on tamatalk.... eh. I will survive.

Turned on my Nano Pony! I couldn't resist anymore. It said, put batteries in me and call me pinkie pie.... which I pompty named it. I'm infested by the pony, I really am right now. Although, as a kid, I think I dropped the reset button somewhere... Its not in there... which means opening it and making the batteries come out... Oh well, I was dumb as a kid when it came to opening things.... Atleast this one is in good condition. Top it all off, I forgot how to play the game....... I know its weird, I'll remember.

My Nano is still on and we still have Mametchi with us.

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Pineapple girl is here again. Whoo! Not sure whom is in the running this moment, but it will be a surprise I'm sure. I planned to take pictures with my rainbow dash background... but its someones birthday. (Never found out whom) So I figured I'd take one ToMo... I did switch the time to get it removed... Alas, I didn't... Boo me.


My Mametchi seems so sweet... I love him... I'd hate to reset him although I am nearing that. (I am going to try to hold out until he leaves...)

-Nano Pony-

Welp, that didn't last long... It was on all day, I forgot how much attention it seemed to need. Not quite ready to do that and my tamas... Nearly figured out the game... I will probably turn it on sometime in the later future.

I didn't get a chance to take pictures today... I tried to a few times. Once I was set, time to go another place. Not to mention all the back-drop I could ever want. (Fabric Stores) They even said if I was careful, I could do that. Didn't get much of a chance. Oh well.

Other funny -unrealated- news. My cat finally caught this one fly, Mid-air and ate it. It was getting on her nerves... It flew in with the wind a few days ago. Took her long enough. The other cat is a fail catching anything... but a cold.

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I have me some pictures... They come from my phone so... One has both my IDL and Nano... The IDL currently has my Rainbow Dash image displayed... as I see I missed some spots on it... I really don't mind.


My Pineapple girl is going to be in my IDL image. I didn't really catch her well... and an glare on it... Boo. But you can see most of the picture. She changed to Lovelitchi! hahaha. Whoo! I gave her some of her happy items... and then took her to the Henshin place... To transform to, Princess Lovelitchi! She is so cute... Is that a plush or a small humanoid person in her hand?

I've got a bonus comming too.... Muuhahaha. *Cough*


This is the bonus... HAhaha. I'm sorry if you don't like my bonus....

I think this 97 pony is named Fluttershy too... but no wings are on her. I'm not sure I only got my Ivy (foot could move) brand new. The rest of the 97' pony herd (as I have many, but not all...) came from a seller who gave me a steal for them. I had to get them... Took a rather longtime to get them but they were worth the wait.

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I married Princess Lovelitchi! To a Kikitchi. They had a girl... She is kinda getting the "sweet" treatment right now... lots of sweets because I am trying to keep her sorta happy yet... I should try to get that other tama I haven't yet. I think you need to feed her nothing but sweets. (The Sweet-Roll looking one)

My Nano Mametchi still hasn't left me... I'm starting to feel the need to reset him... But I figure I won't... Not until later tonight if he hasn't left...

Another 3-4am night. Whoop! Meanwhile, I'm asking myself what to do with this money in my pocket... The fun continues!

Since this isn't my laptop... the computer.... I will save the other picture I have for later... as its not on this one.

So.... I'm really wondering if I should wait a bit longer for my (Nano) Mametchi to leave... I ccan't help but feed him and give him candy.

My IDL, I missed a call somewhere.... She is a Cactus again... hahaha. I like the character too. My directly aiming for Meloditchi isn't working well... It didn't happen last time since I wasn't sure how well I cared for her...

Then there is this... The colors aren't totally correct... But its pretty close. This is a Bmp file... It needs to be converted for the IDL yet... but its going to be on my list... I'm just messing with images right now.... and of corse they are my little pony friendship is magic.... because it is.


-Just looked at it... Missed part of the flag.... Nuuuu! I'll fix it and repost it. Nyao-Puuuu!-


24bit, not 16bit yet btw

I love how my old computer gear still works and does perfect for downloads and transfers to my IDL. People said its not going to work and... Boom. Worked. It almost worked once without conversion.... Which I was highly confused over.

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Shigurehimetchi, That is who I ended up with this time. I was late in checking before the changed... Oh well, I'll keep going! haha! Yes I had to look at the list for the name... I actually remembered to look this time. hehehe.


Mametchi is going to get reset tonight I think... For Poor irony, ToMo in the morning if he doesn't leave. Its hard for me to reset a tama.... expecially one I really like.

I haven't reset him yet... but he seems to be fusterated when he is hungry. I think he is finally showing his age... I started him on the 23rd of August... I am giving him food but not candy anymore or much games... Which I finally almost beat. *Quee!* :lol: I need the last 4 letters of tamagotchi x2. I think I'm going to go for Spacytchi next if I get a boy... Not Picky this round. I doubt I could get Meloditchi right now as I am just now playing the game better. (Better as in full "tamagotchi x1" and then I loose... I think you need atleast 40 perfect games... None as of yet.

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I reset my Memetchi, now... I have a girl. I feel bad resetting him but I guess its worth it to get a different character.


Shes hangin' out today... Got a pet, HapiHapitchi. Cute little guy.

I turned on this Disney game on. Disney's Magical Moments Game. I got it in Disney World my first tme going. I had 2 days left to unlock the games... Then I figured out there was a code to unlock it.... up-down ... until you hear it beep. I did that yesterday... Love those little games. We drove that time so it kept me entertained during the car ride... That point Tamas wern't back yet and my p2 didn't have batteries... and still had a back and crap screws. My digital pets weren't aloud to come anyway, to put it short.


I married off my tama again, to another Kikitchi because I know Kikitchi will give you a girl..... *Shift.....* Had a girl. Playing with the sound on for once... Sounds nice. Earlier I had to clean up my Rainbow Dash image. It turned the whole thing brown, so... oops. I'm not going to "aim" for any peticular tama this time... I figure I'll be in the top two branches, but other then that.... no aim.


My little girl is so cute... I almost beat the game again too! Whoop! I wonder what she will turn into? Lovelitchi I assume, pretty much the same care as Mametchi did. We'll see.

Chamametchi! haha. Suuu cute! I'll take her! Is it any wonder why I love all the characters to death in the Nano?

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Pineapple girlie! Squee! So close... Yet so far. I might make it... *ninja eyes* Melodi..... maybe? I am crossing my fingers.


My Chamametchi is really cute. I love when she declines food. She.... Squees. I'll take a picture of that sometime. But I've loaded the images I'm going to load to the computer already...

Now... I feel the NEED to post this.


Derpy with Wings in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic


They both have Bubble symbols... Most of the other ponys spotted in MLP:FIM each have had symbols changed a bit... I think Pinkie Pie even... Of corse I have her in G3 form...


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My IDL is a Lovelitchi again. I really thought I was going to get someone else... even if it wasn't Meloditchi.... eh. But I am trying to decide if I want to change my wallpaper.... Rainbow Dash to my Sailormoon one I have already to send... given my IPAQ has battery to spare not hooked into anything. (Its near dead, battery is that old...)

I didn't take pictures of my IDL/Nano yet... I have been out and about.

Meanwhile... I did make two of pretty much the same bag. I might just sew them together because I hate how I did the fist bag handle... The other one doesn't have one, but slips right over the older one, sorta snug. I wouldn't be sure if I am going to sew it as just one bag or give it pockets... I'm likely to give it pockets... fun part is just getting it so the edges don't show on the outside. The bottom I figure will give me the hardest time to not show... I want to put designs on it, but I'm unsure what since when I usually put on is sorta random and doesn't always look cool/nice to me.

BTW, SailorMoon stalkers, the Mangas come back out on the 13th. 2 per every 2 months, except the first set has Sailor V's manga and the first two SM manga comming out. I think $10.95 each..... So begin to stalk your bookstore or pre-order. Freebie advertisement... I'm on fire. :rolleyes:

Nyuuu.... :p


My IDL married today... I have been just aiming for Meloditchi again.... Then I made another wallpaper. Rainbow Dash saluting, with the American Flag behind her. I think I am going to color it a bit better in some spots before I share it with you guys. There is more grey then I think I relized at the time.

My Nano and I... Boy. I love this thing... I almost want another one... I think that fear is gone. Me not playing with it. I might even turn on my mini again. Lol, its cheaper. I haven't been playing much with the game... I have, but not much. Getting closer to finish the game.

Random IDL wallpaper... or something. Some were quick... some not so much.

Rainbow Dash salutes, in honuor of those lost and never forgotten.


Chibi Maru- Sanrio/Hello Kitty (company/family) First sucessful transfer/usable wallpaper.


Sailormoon/Chibimoon random gif art.


Rainbow Dash full body.


Not everyone cares for ponys ya.... I made a random checkered one.

Rainbow Checkers.


I've been playing with images making them smaller for use in the IDL... I have tons, but they need to be colored in 16 bit colors yet... I use paint... I have other programs to use, but seems fine to me. These all need to be converted into IDL format. Some look funny... others look like they have potentical... I haven't made any rooms, but plan to eventually...

Meanwhile,(IDL) I have a girl. Cactus girl.... I missed her before the change. oh well. I'll try for a character I haven't had yet... I just hope its different then what ones I have seen. (Nano) Chamametchi is so funny... doesn't want food, but wants candy... hahaha.


I just made this one. I really like it, needs to be converted too, but enjoy it.


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My laptop seems to need anger managment these days... Jeeze....

ANYWHO... I'm thinkin' some size comparasion might be in someone's mind this day.... Included are... My Nano, My IDL, My v2(connection general) and my Tama-Go. I didn't resize the image at all so....


I've transferred all my Tamas into a bigger box... Finally. Have the (x3) Tama-Go inside. Welp, 2/3 since one is on again. I put my Labo Warming egg in there too. It wasn't in anything but put out where its not really seen. I figured it'd be nice to put it in there since there is room inside it now. Its not a tama.... but my other box of non-tamas is full too. They don't fit in together.

My Tama-Go has Pipotchi on it and found to be sorta fat, age 3... Last I had my Blue one on was Easter. Had the rabbit on it.... Weird.... But I could have not changed the date though. With those Makiko and ShimaShimatchi figures finally being out atleast in Canada, I want them... so the Tama-Go being on, I might.

IDL, She is going to change in a few hours... I'm in bracket 2... MAn I need to share that Growth Chart and "Favorite stuff" I need to find them.... But I have those wallpapers up in the last post. Lol.

Nano, Chamametchi was dizzy as she was hungry this morning.... I said I was sorry and fed her normal food and candy. She was happy afterword.

I need to be bit. Eh. Deleted all my lovely images... some music I will need to find again. The images wont be too hard to find. Although the music, might be a pain in the butt.

Some files were lost too... Amonst my IDL wallpaper maker. Boo. Why is it a pian for me to find it again? Jeeze... I'm linking it here for me if I do it again.

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