Miley Cyrus Pictures


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They were ugly anyways.

But yeah, they were pretty bad.

But like I said, ugly anyways.

I thought they were beautiful, no joke. And if you look at it, its not that inappropriate.
so nope.

I dont like her at all, though.
I agree with you I think that the vanity fair photos were beautiful.But she is still too young to be doing those kind of things.

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I don't even know who this girl is. If she works for disney channel then I wouldn't as 1. we don't have that annoying channel and 2. I don't care about celebrities and things like that.

They were a bit inappropriate, but the photographer who took the pictures, Annie Lee I think her name was, says that it's her idea of art. It's not like Miley did this herself.

I think it's time everyone stopped gossiping about Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. I mean, she's just a person like everyone else. If you were CONSTANTLY talked about in a forum, wouldn't you hate it? Just leave her the heck alone. She didn't do anything to you. I've had it up to here. Move on with your lives!

It doesn't really matter but it was inappropriate especially on how many girls look up to her I don't never will I don't really like her that much and she's not someone I consider to look up to especially now. Seriously people stop making these Miley topics she's not the only thing you can talk about gosh lol there are topics of her all over neopets Tamatalk doesn't need to get spamed with topics about her. It's her problem not mine so I don't really care lol.

Byes! =P

I'm laughing my haed off at every person who`s making a big deal about these pictures. They're beautiful pictures, she's fifteen. BOO freakin HOO. People really do have nothing to talk about these days eh? I've seen teenagers with beer, drugs and all that crap.

Miley Cyrus is a person (ohmigod i knoe its so hards to believe) and she is a normal teenager. She has her own choices and her own life and people should stop making such a big deal about things like this.

I said I would forget about it, but I have to say this:

How could anyone think that those pics were beautiful? They were just plain wrong and nasty. No offence, but I think it's really dumb think that they were beautiful.

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^ Yes. Agreed. I am trying to forget about it too. For now she's just O.K. for me.

Oh look! Topic number 6! -.-
Yes, they were inappropriate. She's 15 years old. She doesn't need to be posing naked for the camera.
Exaclty Sweet Kandi, it's just like the Vanessa Hudgen scandal! [in a way!]. I'm sute that Vanessa Hudgens didn't mean to do that as well! [ :angry: ] But hey, that's all forgotten about now! [well almost!] I don't think she was meant to do that at 15 years old! :0. Everyone makes mistakes once in a while. I hope no-one celeb does that again. It's very irriatating!

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ya she's taken other risque pictures not just those dang vanity fair ones. she's got ones where she's showing off her bra, sleeping practically nude, and more. either way i think they're all inappropriate. :|

The piccy isn't all that bad, but I think your average dad wouldn't approve of doing such. I mean, sure the satin blanket was covering her chest, but if her dad used his common sense, all this crap about it wouldn't be here.

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